The electric vehicle is heralded as a cornerstone of the fight against ‘climate change’, with promises of a cleaner, ‘greener’ future. As recently as July, the Biden-Harris administration announced billions of dollars of government support for EV manufacturing
Author: Andy Rowlands
Attorney Lisa Miron Explains WHO IHR National Focal Points
How was the pandemic response so perfectly coordinated all over the world? It seemed like everyone all over the world fell into lockstep all at once
Man says he has been ‘left to rot’ after Covid vaccine
On 15 December 2021 Larry Lowe’s life changed. He was 54, rarely ill, fit, healthy and running 10km most days – until he got the Pfizer Covid booster
Climate Alarmists Now Attack Growing Your Own Food
Allotment produce, much prized by proud food-growing citizens the world over, has six times the ‘carbon’ footprint of conventional agriculture, according to a recent paper published by Nature
England sees second worst harvest since 1983
England has suffered its second worst harvest on record after record breaking wet weather last winter and recent downpours, new figures by Defra show
2,000-year-old tomb holding 12 skeletons found at Petra
Archaeologists have discovered a 2,000-year-old tomb containing 12 skeletons in front of the “Treasury” in the ancient city of Petra in Jordan
Book Review: Everything Reminds Me Of Tim
Marty Ball, the wife of the late climate scientist Dr Tim Ball, has published a book about his life and achievements
Girl’s life saved by pioneering rare diseases study
Jaydi Hawker, 11, has a form of dwarfism thought to affect fewer than 50 people in the world
Rare Roman coin hoard found in German mountains
Around 3,000 Roman-era coins have been discovered by a metal detectorist, far from the Roman Empire’s ancient borders
Australian local govt calls for suspension of Covid ‘vaccines’
In a surprise move, the local government of West Australian mining town Port Hedland has voted to call for the immediate suspension of the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines pending an investigation into evidence of excessive levels of synthetic DNA in the shots
62 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in Covid ‘Vaccines’
The experimental ‘vaccines’ supposedly invented to combat COVID-19 were coercively forced upon the global population beginning late in 2020
How Dr. Jordan Peterson is saving civilization
I am frequently asked why the Canadian psychologist, Dr. Jordan Peterson, has become such a superstar among young men. The answer, it seems to me, is self-evident
Why haven’t we found intelligent alien civilizations?
If the technological capacities of intelligent entities throughout the cosmos are unbounded, why haven’t we seen signs of other intelligent life?
Some Comb jellies can fuse their bodies together when injured
Scientists accidentally find deep-sea ‘jelly’ creatures merged into ‘single entity’ after injury, revealing bizarre new behavior
Pay-Per-Mile Road Pricing is “Inevitable”, UK Drivers Warned
Motorists will “inevitably” end up paying per mile to drive on Britain’s roads as the switch to electric cars reduces fuel taxes, the Government’s infrastructure tsar has said