“Green” policies are destroying the natural environment and changing local weather. This is part of a futile UN scheme claiming to ‘improve’ the climate of the world.
‘Green’ Policies Are Not Green at All
Written by Viv Forbes
Written by Viv Forbes
“Green” policies are destroying the natural environment and changing local weather. This is part of a futile UN scheme claiming to ‘improve’ the climate of the world.
Written by americanlibertyreport
More than 18 million people were injured so badly by their first COVID shot from Pfizer or Moderna that they had to go to the hospital. That’s according to the CDC’s own internal data, which a court just ordered the federal agency to release to a watchdog group.
Written by Ross Pomeroy
Over a million papers are published in scientific journals each year, and as Stanford University professor John Ioannidis wrote in a now legendary paper published to PLoS Medicine in 2005, most of their findings are false.
Written by Tanja Katarina Rebel
Written by Jerm Warfare and Lady Carla Davis
What if it’s true that powerful actors are trying to manipulate Earth’s climate?
Written by Joel Smalley
Who knows, maybe one day he’ll accept the “fact” that he was wrong all along and genuinely apologise?
Written by Joel Smalley
Glaring anomalies in the COVID Vaccine Surveillance Bulletins continue to go unaddressed
Written by The Daily Mail
Climate delegates were accused of hypocrisy after 400 private jets arrived in Egypt for COP27.
Written by Herb Rose
Written by Toby Young
I was a little disappointed by Boris Johnson’s argument against Britain paying reparations for the ‘damage’ done to developing countries by ‘climate change’.
Written by David O'Toole
This post is a continuation of Hey Teachers, Leave Those Kids Alone. Part One is here
Written by Claes Johnson
Written by Sarah Mcfarlane and Kate Abnett
African nations must be allowed to develop fossil fuel resources to help lift their people out of poverty, governments said at the COP27 climate talks in Egypt, which welcomed leaders of oil and gas companies sidelined at previous talks.
Written by David Cavena
Insistence not only that the Earth is getting warmer due to the actions of mankind, but that this will or even can result in catastrophic warming permeates Western governments, media, entertainment, corporations, and academia.
Written by John Dee
Excess all cause death in heavily vaccinated nations is making global headlines. In this mini-series I derive a measure for excess COVID death.
Written by Joel Smalley
Another gem from the papers Pfizer and the FDA didn’t want you to see for 75 years…