A long time ago I read an essay in the New Criterion whose title—“The apostle of inversion”—stuck with me. It was a review of Edmund White’s biography of the French writer, Jean Genet.
A story published by CNBC claims ‘climate change’ is damaging Cambodia’s crops by making it hard for farmers and fishers to pay back loans they’ve taken out against their assets. This is false.
Men benefit from going to work every day to provide for themselves and their families. Yet surveys and studies have consistently shown that millions of able-bodied men are not working or looking for work.
A Chief pathologist and his team discovered that in 30 percent of the people they examined who died shortly after the Covid vaccination, the vaccination was the cause of death
John Campbell, who has been a nurse and taught nurses for 27 years, has had a gradual journey from full blue pill to red pill. Now he’s fully out of the closet.
The COVID-19 vaccine debacle has generated a world-wide hysteria over vaccines. Many doctors including myself considered vaccines in the background of traditional allopathic medicine and never put them up on a biotechnology pedestal.
The government of Switzerland rejected attempts to impose a third-gender option or no-gender option for official records last week, distinguishing itself from other European nations that have already adopted the politics of gender identity.
Injections designed to protect against SARS-CoV-2 that contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) cause some people to develop PEG-specific antibodies, according to a peer-reviewed article “Anti-PEG Antibodies Boosted in Humans by SARS-CoV-2 Lipid Nanoparticle mRNA Vaccine” published in June 2022 on ACS Publications by a team of Australian scientists.
One of the most hyped innovations of today is the mass production of electric vehicles, with government officials never considering their own complicity in policies that make matters worse