I have been part of a long-ongoing email thread with the CLINTEL group and consulting scientists for the past many years.
Written by Joe Postma
I have been part of a long-ongoing email thread with the CLINTEL group and consulting scientists for the past many years.
Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg is being accused of staging her detention at a German coal mine protest after a video surfaced showing the 20-year-old seemingly laughing with officers
Written by doctors for patients uk
Doctors for Patients UK (DfPUK) was established in September 2022 and has become a fast-growing group of UK doctors dedicated to practicing evidence-based, ethical and patient-centred medicine.
Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Virtually every day in the news now we hear about a young person, perfectly healthy, with no antecedent illness drop dead without explanation
Written by Dr. Vernon Coleman
In the video below I’m going to explain how hospitals have become death camps and how many doctors and nurses have abandoned their healing roles and have become murderers.
Written by astronomy wonders
For years, scientists have argued about whether or not Planet Nine exists, but now NASA says that it does
Written by Philip Perry
The tardigrade, also known as the moss piglet or water bear, is a bizarre, microscopic creature that looks like something out of a Disney nightmare scene: strange but not particularly threatening. The pudgy, eight-legged, water-borne creature appears to be perpetually puckering. It’s the farthest thing from what you’d expect an unstoppable organism to look like.
Written by John Dee
A bracing analysis of the poster child of globalist alarmism: what you always wanted to know about Arctic sea ice but were afraid to ask
Written by Leo Hohmann
A set of international codes are used by the medical industry for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance companies, but it’s not just about billing
Written by Scott Shackelford
As companies race to expand ‘renewable’ energy and the batteries to store it, finding sufficient amounts of rare earth metals to build the technology is no easy feat. That’s leading mining companies to take a closer look at a largely unexplored frontier – the deep ocean seabed.
Written by Joel Smalley
If the VAED didn’t get you the first time round, and you survived the ADE in the second, the AE might get you in the end!
Written by Steve Kirsch
It is so easy. Here’s how they did it
Written by Australian Medical Association
Written by Sean Adl-Tabatabai
Klaus Schwab has banned vaccinated pilots from transporting World Economic Forum members in and out of Davos due to the safety risk they pose
Written by Simon Kent
The globalist elites and their private jets are now in Davos, Switzerland, for yet another World Economic Forum lie-fest built on a week of fine dining and billionaire back-slapping in luxurious surrounds – with a few meetings in between.
Written by Joel Smalley
Dr Clare Craig reminded me yesterday of this little gem I co-authored with her and Dr Jonathan Engler over two years ago for the Daily Sceptic