The great chemtrails hoax
Written by Arthur Firstenburg
Written by Arthur Firstenburg
Written by Abram Hoffer, Andrew W. Saul, and Harold D. Foster
Written by Zero G Engineering
In October 2022, the White House announced their plan to push ahead with stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) solar geoengineering, regardless of the moral hazard and known harm to be caused to human health and the environment, potentially on a global scale
Written by Marc Girardot
COVID, the pinnacle of a medical collective lunacy entrenched in vaccine propaganda at any cost, even at the expense of our children’s health. This needs to stop
Written by Steve Kirsch
I didn’t think things could get worse from here, but I could very well be wrong. It’s very possible that Peter Hotez will replace Tony Fauci
Written by John Leake
Today I received reports that Dutch pro cycling star Lieuwe Westra (40) and University of Arizona star swimmer, Ty Wells (23) have, in recent days, died suddenly.
Written by Clyde Winters
It has long been argued that Neanderthal derived DNA is found in all non-Africans. As a result, it has been assumed that Africans fail to carry Neanderthal ancestry, even though Neanderthal skeletons have been found in North Africa at Jebel Ighoud and Haua Fteah.
Written by Joe Postma
The saga with the CLINTEL group continues. One problem I faced with them is that, other than Nikolov and Zeller, none on the team seemed to be familiar with thermodynamics and mathematical physics.
Written by John Leake
Newsweek just published an editorial by Kevin Bass, a medical school student in Texas, about how the official scientific establishment in the United States got it wrong about COVID-19
Written by Viv Forbes
According to the clerics of the Green Cult, once we blow up our last coal mine, send all diesel engines to the wreckers, stop using concrete, reinvent sailing clippers, cover the grasslands with solar clutter and the hills with wind machines and slaughter all of our cattle. . . global climate will become serene – not too warm, not too cold.
Written by Chris Morrison
Climate misinformation is flooding into British schools, funded, it would appear, by the dark, green money of elite billionaire foundations
Written by The Conservative Treehouse
This is a topic we have covered extensively, and it is great to see Tucker Carlson questioning the sudden alignment of various elements that are creating a very real food insecurity problem
Written by Flora Zhao
For a long time, people have had different perceptions about red meat
Written by Makai Allbert and Dr. Yuhong Dong
Written by Michael Staines
We need a full investigation into a spike in the number of deaths registered around the country in recent weeks
Written by Richard Lyon
Suppose that Scotland’s CO2 emissions fell tomorrow to zero, i.e., that, at midnight, the country ceased to exist. Then according to the “Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate Change” (MAGICC), based on the latest IPCC climate models, the reduction in the Earth’s temperature in 2100 would be…undetectable