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Andrew Bridgen MP, A Lone Voice?

Written by Jeffrey Peel

Many have noted Andrew Bridgen’s bravery in speaking to a largely empty House of Commons yesterday. It’s not easy being exposed and alone, with no support from colleagues, especially in the House of Commons.

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Young Pilot’s Heart Damaged Right After Vax

Written by John Leake

On July 2, 2016, shortly after Sierra Lund received her pilot’s license, the 17-year-old was piloting a single engine plane when it lost power. Many seasoned flyboys would have found this emergency—requiring extreme calm and grace under pressure and the ability to make skilled, snap judgements—to be testing in the extreme.

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All cause deaths should include Covid Jabs

Written by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

In an interview with The Defender, all-cause mortality researcher Denis Rancourt, Ph.D. criticized a study published Monday in JAMA attributing a surge in deaths among children and teens to “drugs, guns and automobiles.” Rancourt called the article a “political paper” and accused the researchers of going beyond “what you can reasonably conclude from hard data.”

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“A Policy Error of Historic Proportions”

Written by John Leake

When Dr. McCullough and I started this Substack, we agreed that he would primarily focus on COVID-19 scientific-medical scholarship, and I would investigate how the COVID-19 pandemic response is related to other major public policy issues.

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