There is irrefutable evidence from Barents and Chukchi Sea subpopulations, among others, that polar bears are fat and reproducing well despite marked declines in summer sea ice over the last two decades
Data from the CDC’s New Vaccine Surveillance Network showed the flu vaccines were 49 percent effective against hospitalization or emergency department visits
Recent data (pdf) show that nearly one-third of Americans have insomnia, and about one-third may be self-medicating to treat the condition. New research finds the price they pay for a good night’s sleep might be very high.
This post is about the sad reality that a great many people have been subliminally brainwashed by the establishment but they don’t realise it, so they don’t even realise they are being abused.
Want to fight global warming? Start rationing as Britain did in World War 2! At least, that’s the idea that “one of Britain’s oldest and most influential newspapers” is promoting
The sophisticated American consumer has grown accustomed to the gold-standard for drug and health products—the prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (RCT).
Yesterday I hastily scribbled some initial notes on a peculiar finding. Before I got stuck into analysing the file of files I though I’d better check a few things, starting with comparison to the first release of this data on 6 Jul 2022.
The UK government is today announcing that it will force British households to pay an additional charge on their energy bills to reduce the costs of Net Zero for some 300 energy-intensive industrial users
The Lee County GOP is standing for the ‘preservation of the human race’ in calling on Ron DeSantis to ban the highly-lethal Covid-19 jab, which has been identified as a bioweapon
Clinical trials are supposed to be statistical comparisons. They are designed to compare the outcomes in the group receiving a novel product with the outcomes in the group receiving a placebo. The resulting statistics are then used to decide if the product is safe and effective.
A coalition of 30 mayors representing communities along the New Jersey coast is calling on federal lawmakers and officials to implement a moratorium on offshore wind development in response to a spate of whale deaths
In many countries, births dropped sharply nine months after peak COVID vaccine uptake. Let’s look at how this happens. And will these populations recover?