Rapidly progressive kidney failure to the point of hemo- or peritoneal dialysis is a medical nightmare that must be avoided at all costs
ANCA Positive Vasculitis and Renal Failure after mRNA Vaccination
Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Rapidly progressive kidney failure to the point of hemo- or peritoneal dialysis is a medical nightmare that must be avoided at all costs
Written by Martin Sieff
Written by Catherine Salgado
Twitter actually censored true content to protect trust in supposed “authoritative sources” like ex-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to installment nineteen of The Twitter Files
Written by magspress.com
Unearthed emails reveal that the PCR tests used during the Covid pandemic were nothing more than a WEF scam pushed by global elites
Written by Jessie Zhang
‘Salsa dancing’ spiders, tiny crabs dressed in sea sponge, and chest-bursting wasps are among some of the 626 new Australian species scientists discovered in the past 12 months
Written by Dr Joseph Mercola
It mimics the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and even Alzheimer’s disease, yet it’s hard to detect because its corkscrew-shaped form allows it to burrow into and hide in your tissues. Now an epidemic out of control, did it too come from the U.S. biological weapons program?
Written by Lia Onely
An Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) study could not determine mortality risk from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and found no evidence of cardiovascular events after COVID-19 vaccination, the MOH said, though an outside expert said the conclusions are contrary to the data
Written by Meryl Nass
Not according to Matt Taibbi’s twitter feed and the Twitter Files
Written by Meryl Nass
Here is the information from New Zealand on what the NZ regulators knew as early as February 2021, before they authorized the jabs
Written by Clare Watson
In 2013, a monstrous marine heatwave known as ‘The Blob’ developed off the coast of Alaska and soon stretched as far south as Mexico along the Pacific coast of North America
Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS
One of the most unsettling events of the past three years has been the globalized, coordinated messaging of socio-economic missives and policies throughout the world.
Written by Stop These Things
The truly deluded reckon that by adding a few giant lithium-ion batteries we’ll soon be running on nothing but sunshine and breezes
Written by Meryl Nass
Yet another scheme to create further indebtedness and create massive new financial products in the name of ‘saving the planet’
Written by Tyler Durden
I recently wrote how public educators and unions were methodically killing public education
Written by Joel Smalley
Following my “Dumb Japan” article (which was intended to provoke debate, not just to derogate the nation), I had an insightful exchange with the author of this article, who kindly explained to me how it has come about that the Japanese are “dumb” (my word, not hers).
Written by Dr Susan Crockford
Experts who used the American Endangered Species Act (ESA) to list polar bears as ‘threatened’ in May 2008 were mistaken: sea ice authorities got their predictions wrong about future ice extent and polar bear specialists erroneously declared that two-thirds of polar bears would disappear if summer sea ice declines continued unabated