Author Archive

Koonin’s Sociology of Climatology

Written by William Walter Kay BA JD

Although focussed on hard science, Koonin’s Unsettled broaches Sociology of Climatology in Chapter 10 (WHO BROKE “THE SCIENCE” AND WHY); commencing: “Can it really be that a multiplicity of stakeholders in climate matters – scientists, scientific institutions, activists and NGOs, the media, politicians – are all contributing to misinformation in the service of persuasion?”

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How Social Darwinism Made Modern China

Written by Ron Unz

During the three decades following Deng Xiaoping’s 1978 reforms, China achieved the fastest sustained rate of economic growth in human history, with the resulting 40-fold rise in the size of China’s economy leaving it poised to surpass America’s as the largest in the world.

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Australia’s Fair Work Act 2009 used to Remove Informed Consent

Written by Dr Judy Wilyman

I would like to explain to you how it is that in 2021 the Australian government, directed by Scott Morrison (pictured), implemented mandatory vaccination policies even though this breached every medical tenet and principle of medical practitioners, and even though Scott Morrison made this fact clear by informing Australians in 2021, that ‘vaccination in Australia is not compulsory‘.

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Know your Enemy: Symposium on 6G

Written by Tanja Katarina Rebel

It is good to know one’s enemy….. As you can see from the below information on the up and coming 6G Symposium, the Industry has got its act together and its focus is relentless.

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Micro-Aggression and Cancel Culture

Written by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Cancel culture is rapidly evolving and expanding throughout society, like some single-stranded RNA virus – with no checks to its genome, another mind virus which has inserted itself into a new host population

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