Archaeologists have uncovered a number of broken statues of ancient Egyptian royalty at a temple near Cairo
Statue of Egypt’s most powerful pharaoh uncovered at Heliopolis
Written by The Daily Mail
Written by The Daily Mail
Archaeologists have uncovered a number of broken statues of ancient Egyptian royalty at a temple near Cairo
Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
In 2006, Stephane Bancel was a sales director then head of Belgium operations for Eli Lilly, a mid to high level big pharma sales executive. In 2007 he catapulted to become CEO of French diagnostics company BioMérieux and began work with the Chinese to build the biosecurity annex level 4 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Written by Conan Milner
Glyphosate is by far the most heavily used chemical weed killer in human history. It’s so pervasive, it’s difficult to avoid ingesting it on a daily basis
Written by Katabella Roberts
The CDC is warning of an increasingly drug-resistant emerging fungus that the health agency says presents a “serious global health threat.”
Written by Joel Smalley
With relatively little COVID in 2020, it’s a bit difficult to pin this on “long COVID”
Written by Hugh McCarthy
“Governments hold first detailed discussions on proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)”—Did you know about this?
Written by John Leake
At a family dinner this evening, my youngest brother opined that the gamut of dangerous, nonsensical, and fraudulent activity we see in public affairs would have been inconceivable without the stupendous increase of the money supply since the Financial Crisis of 2008
Written by John Ward
There are times when one has to be wrong in order to be right. Most people reading this Slogpost know perfectly well what a shambolic disaster day-to-day Artificial Intelligence is as used by big business in order to hide from customers.
Written by Chinyl Li
The term “earthing” refers to making direct contact between the human body and the Earth, allowing the body to absorb the Earth’s energy.
Written by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Over three years into the pandemic with nearly the entire country having become sick with SARS-CoV-2, a virus engineered to invade the body, there are millions suffering with long-hauler syndrome.
Written by Andrew Montford
Wind farms have had a lot of subsidy over the last couple of decades, and the total cost is rising by billions every year
Written by Chris Waldburger
This brief post provides definitive answers on the questions we have endlessly and exhaustingly debated
Written by Redacted
A report from 2022 was released last week and it indicates that there is no safe level of fluoride in the water supply and that it can lower IQ levels in children
Written by Brendan O'Neill
‘Climate-change’ hysteria is a menace to the lives and interests of working people
Written by Zachary Streiber
The rate of myocarditis spiked in the US military in 2021, newly disclosed data shows
Written by Jack Phillips
The U.S. CDC identified two additional deaths in connection to a rare strain of bacteria associated with recalled eye drops, according to a recent update