People who received a COVID-19 vaccine have an increased risk of a serious eye problem, according to a new study
Increased Risk of A Serious Eye Problem After Covid Vaccination
Written by Zachary Streiber
Written by Zachary Streiber
People who received a COVID-19 vaccine have an increased risk of a serious eye problem, according to a new study
Written by Alice Giordano
Local and private Covid vaccine mandates at health care facilities are being reversed and struck down across the USA
Written by PSI editors
World-renowned cardiologist, public health campaigner and best-selling author Dr Aseem Malhotra will be touring Australia with the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, sponsored by TNT Radio, beginning on May 27th
Written by John Leake
Lack of informed consent a key element of culpability for administrators of state eugenics program
Written by Joachim Hagopian
The watchdog group Open the Books that tracks US federal government expenditures, released its latest report on April 27th entitled “The Militarization of Federal Bureaucracy – Updated Statistics Through March 31, 2023.”
Written by Simon Kent
A world with fewer people means a changed climate and better outcomes for the remaining population – human and otherwise – of the planet, an essay in Scientific American magazine claims
Written by Kurt Zindulka
There is nothing more “narcissistic, degenerate and evil” than those who push abortion or argue against having children because of the supposed climate crisis, Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek said
Written by Joel Smalley
We have to be honest – we are not going to win this war. The media propaganda is too strong and the public is too feeble-minded
Written by Brenda Baletti Ph.D.
Humanity’s first contraceptive vaccine is already in clinical trials, according to an article published this week in The Atlantic
Written by Fran Dorey
The viewpoints about the origins of these peoples was once entangled with the wider debate regarding the origins of all modern humans
Written by Jerusalem Post staff
An ancient Greek settlement dating back 2,500 years was discovered beneath Naples, Italy by using cosmic rays and lasers, according to a recent study
Written by Senator Malcolm Roberts
The World Health Organisation has orchestrated a ‘framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists’ titled Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe.
Written by John Droz, jr.
We’ve been told by multple partes, that trying to fix the US Educaton system is a fool’s errand, and only indicates that the aspirants are glutons for punishment.
Written by Katherine Watt
In December 2022, I drafted an executive summary version of the legal history of the biomedical police state kill box system for Senator Ron Johnson, at his request
Written by Stephen Edelstein
Despite ‘strong’ EV sales growth, the ratio of U.S. car shoppers uninterested in buying an EV is increasing, according to a new J.D. Power survey
Written by Sarah White