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How Junk Food Rewires Your Brain

Written by Dr Joseph Mercola

Researchers found participants who ate high-fat, high-sugar snacks experienced changes in neural encoded responses so they no longer preferred low-fat, low-sugar snacks and they subconsciously preferred a lot of fat and sugar

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Suicidality Among Transgender Youth

Written by Ashley Austin, Shelley L Craig, Sandra D'Souza, Lauren B McInroy

Data indicate that 82 percent of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40 percent have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth

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Measles rears its ugly head again. Here is the data

Written by Meryl Nass MD

A friend wrote about current TV warnings in Maine re measles: “One kid tested positive for measles AFTER being inoculated. Now there are warnings out for anyone who was anywhere near the kid in a variety of locations and times. Talk about building a fear porn extravaganza!”

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