Some things just aren’t debatable. When the Cleveland Clinic study first came out, it was bad news for the anti-anti-vaxxers. But a new paper made it even worse. A lot worse. Will they admit it?
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization turned negative over time, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data presented on June 15
The proud parents of a 12-year-old college graduate with a 4.0 GPA credit their daughter’s success to tenacity, homeschooling, and a ban on social media
New evidence indicates that Arctic areas with the thickest ice today probably melted out every year during the summer for about 1,600 years during the early Holocene (ca. 11.3-9.7k years ago), making the Arctic virtually ice-free
Wildfires starting simultaneously across the province have led to police investigating possible arson, while mainstream media and politicians continue to blame ‘climate change’
Altering the appearance of one’s gender through hormone treatment or surgery is a permanent decision with lifelong health consequences that go beyond cosmetics
Data obtained through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests have revealed a rise in successful COVID-19 vaccine injury claims which has nearly doubled in three months