We often have occasion to complain about the tendency of climate scientists to adjust historical surface thermometer data downwards, thus raising the amount of alleged warming since the early 20th century
Having face-planted brutally in the 2024 American election with condescending lectures to the rubes about how the experts are always right, the chattering classes are seeking to undo the damage with condescending lectures to the rubes about how the experts are always right
The most complicated object in the known Universe is bound to inspire some heated debate, but neuroscientists are now arguing over a basic aspect of the brain we thought we’d figured out
When COVID-19 arrived in the spring of 2020, I was 49-years-old and about to turn 50. I’d spent the better part of 2019 living on the island of Maui, surfing every day, and I felt as strong and vital as ever
Brent Efron, a special advisor working on Biden’s climate agenda openly admitted to a Project Veritas journalist that the Environmental Protection Agency is rushing to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars into nonprofits to keep climate projects alive—before Trump can get into office and turn off the spigot
A FOIA response from Santa Clara County reveals a 50 percent increase in non-Covid all-cause mortality in the quarter that the Covid shots rolled out for the elderly
Donald Trump has selected Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services in his new administration, and the latter has declared that his mission will be to “Make America Healthy Again”
On November 14th a book appeared on Amazon with a similar cover and title to one that was published two years ago which blew the doors wide open on the deception around vaccine safety