A dead whale washed ashore on Takanassee Beach in New Jersey in the early evening yesterday. Police blocked off the area so tractors could be brought in to remove it
The US Health Resources and Services Administration released the August data statistics for COVID-19 jab injury compensation cases plus other countermeasures. No cases were determined to be compensable
It’s being revealed that I wasn’t the only guy who had, for a long time, perceived Lahaina to be a grave risk of fire (as I wrote in my original post, Goodbye, Lahaina)
Josh Yoder is a Veteran, Major Airline Pilot, and President of US Freedom Flyers.US Freedom Flyers is an organization founded to put a stop to the illegal mandates being imposed on airline employees and the traveling public
The California Energy Commission voted Wednesday to delay the closure of three gas-fired power plants in Southern California due to concerns that doing so prematurely could elevate the risks of blackouts, according to The Associated Press
Per a new study, maximum latewood density (MXD) tree-ring data have been observed to strongly correlate (r=0.77) with the modern (1959-2016) maximum (July-Aug.) instrumental temperature record (Li et al., 2023)
Ever since the Biden administration promised to eliminate fossil fuels, climate activists have combined their quest to use the government to control society with creating a collective group possessed by illusions and excessive fears that ‘climate change’ is destroying Planet Earth
People who are gullible enough to buy into the “anthropogenic climate change” narrative are likely gullible enough to believe that solar panels are a “cure-all” for this ficticious climate ‘problem’ and that, at its base, engaging in the “Carbon Footprint” calculus is really “climate-sensitive” in the first place
Siemens Energy AG launched a strategic review of its wind power business as problems with its turbines are expected to cause a €4.5 billion ($5 billion) net loss in one of industrial Germany’s biggest debacles