Whether it’s earthquakes in California, tornadoes in Kansas, or hurricanes in Florida, natural disasters of all kinds happen fairly regularly. They are a tragic fact of life
This Case Study describes the radical improvement in a Client’s demeanour and behaviour after a brief treatment protocol combining non-invasive Photonic and Electronic Brain Stimulation technologies with Brain Reprogramming methodologies
If you’ve been wondering how the world economy has been hijacked and humanity has been kidnapped by a completely bogus narrative, look no further than this video by Dutch creator, Covid Lie
A global warming miracle has happened. While no scientist worldwide has ever drawn a straight line between ‘greenhouse gas’ emissions and population declines in a species considered at risk due to ‘climate change’, a new paper just published in Science Magazine claims to have performed this unlikely feat for polar bears
What the catastrophists always seem to forget is that summer doesn’t last forever; that the brutality of winter is never more than a handful of months away
Using the surveillance data from Canada Public Health, exploring the interaction between Influenza and SARS-CoV-2, and the science behind PCR testing, we’ve stumbled upon a problem
A scare of a new COVID-19 variant is developing with the potential implementation of pandemic-related restrictions, with news such as “New York on high alert over new COVID variant detected in the U.S.” (link)