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Is The Risk Of The MMR Vaccine Too Great?

Written by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

The risk of permanent disability or death from the MMR vaccine may be greater than the risk from a measles, mumps or rubella infection because large enough vaccine safety studies haven’t been done, according to a collection of new documents released by Physicians for Informed Consent

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Covid ‘Vaccine’ Antigenic Sin Research Library Published

Written by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH

A new comprehensive research library that contains 131 peer-reviewed papers suggests that COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ imprinted the immune systems of recipients through exposure to the “wild type” spike protein from the original Wuhan strain, shaping their response to subsequent variants in potentially harmful ways (Compiled by Dr. Steven Hatfill, MD, MMed, Erik Sass, et al)

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Earliest Evolutionary Arms Race Found in Tiny Shells

Written by Tessa Koumoundouros

More than half a billion years ago, mystery predators bored into shelled animals’ defensive casings. Some of these shells became fossilized, and now tell us the story of the earliest known battle between predator and prey that influenced both species’ evolution

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