After lying hidden beneath metres of volcanic rock and ash for 2,000 years, a “once-in-a-century” find has been unearthed in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii in Italy
Previously Unknown Spectacular bathhouse uncovered in Pompeii
Written by BBC
Written by BBC
After lying hidden beneath metres of volcanic rock and ash for 2,000 years, a “once-in-a-century” find has been unearthed in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii in Italy
Written by BBC
For millennia, people slept in two shifts – once in the evening, and once in the morning. But why? And how did the habit disappear?
Written by Mandi Risko
Frank Sinatra says if you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere. So what does it mean when it’s repeatedly made clear that you just can’t make it in New York?
Written by Bill D'Agostino
As catastrophic wildfires rage across southern California, the corporate liberal media are engaged in all of their nastiest habits at once in their coverage of the disaster
Written by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
The risk of permanent disability or death from the MMR vaccine may be greater than the risk from a measles, mumps or rubella infection because large enough vaccine safety studies haven’t been done, according to a collection of new documents released by Physicians for Informed Consent
Written by Dr Robert Malone MD, MS
The propaganda, marketing, and “public relations” technology of Edward Bernays is to PsyWar like a Vietnam-era helicopter is to a swarm of armed attack drones
Written by Kari Sonde
Scroll through TikTok or Instagram and you’ll be inundated with protein-centric recipes
Written by John Leake
Surveying the literature on droughts, Santa Ana winds, and fires in Los Angeles County, I see that these have been a part of the local ecosystem for all of recorded history
Written by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
A new comprehensive research library that contains 131 peer-reviewed papers suggests that COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ imprinted the immune systems of recipients through exposure to the “wild type” spike protein from the original Wuhan strain, shaping their response to subsequent variants in potentially harmful ways (Compiled by Dr. Steven Hatfill, MD, MMed, Erik Sass, et al)
Written by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s claim that “vaccines do not cause autism” is based on studies that don’t adequately support that claim, according to the authors of a scientific review published Jan. 10 on
Written by Mihai Andrei
Many people envision Earth’s structure as a tidy, layered system: the thin crust on the surface, the thick mantle below, and the core at the center. But beneath our feet lies a world far more complex and dynamic than this simplified view suggests
Written by Tessa Koumoundouros
More than half a billion years ago, mystery predators bored into shelled animals’ defensive casings. Some of these shells became fossilized, and now tell us the story of the earliest known battle between predator and prey that influenced both species’ evolution
Written by Shane McEvoy
In an age where technology promises efficiency and streamlined processes, my recent encounter with the NHS’s approach to handling medical cases paints a different picture — one of inefficiency and frustration that is symptomatic of deeper systemic issues
Written by Richard Eldred
Dozens of British women are reporting ballooning breasts after their Covid jabs
Written by Dr Susan Crockford
Extended periods of hot weather and drought create ideal conditions for hard-to-fight forest fires
Written by Russia Today
Most agencies think that a foreign power is unlikely to be to blame for the unexplained health condition, but dissenting voices remain