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That’s IFAR enough

Written by Climate Discussion Nexus

“IFAR” isn’t a typo. It’s a tool used by climate scientists (or scientivists as they are sometimes called, merging “scientist” with “activist” in name as so many do in practice) to measure the costs from extreme weather events that can be attributed to your gas stove, i.e. ‘greenhouse gas’ emissions.

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UK Govt to stop publishing ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status’

Written by 2nd smartest guy in the world

The UK Government department known as the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has quietly confirmed that it will no longer publish data on deaths by vaccination status because, for the past two and half years, the data has proven COVID-19 vaccination is deadly, reducing lifespan significantly, and that over 9 in 10 COVID deaths are among the vaccinated.

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