We should not forget the damage caused by the mainstream media and the individual news anchor buffoons who parroted brainless advice thus scaring millions into the experimental gene-based jabs whether they needed it or not.
90 percent of COVID deaths in hospitals were attributed to COVID treatment protocols. An ICU doctor estimated up to an 80 percent increase in mortality due to the COVID vaccine.
The pandemic years were very tough on young mothers as they were tossed out of work and thrust into the role of home educator and pandemic manager with seniors falling seriously ill with COVID-19, minor infections in husbands and children, and a long list of other medical urgencies along the way.
The Tesla Cybertruck’s distinctive looks could have deadly consequences for its passengers, pedestrians, and other cars on the road unfortunate enough to cross its path, experts fear — despite claims made by CEO Elon Musk that it will be “safer per mile than other trucks.”
In today’s perverted information and medical environment, you can count on at least one thing: any data that shows concerns with Covid vaccination, or any vaccination, is likely to somehow be twisted into a recommendation that more people get vaccinated.
I first heard about the American expat playwright in Berlin; C.J. Hopkins, in November 2020, when someone sent me a link to his essay The Germans Are Back!
Historians of the future, flash-frying peccary testicles and mesquite pods over their campfires, will wonder at how the archetypal Shining City on a Hill of America’s storied yesteryear got transformed into the roach motel that our country has become on the threshold of 2024.