Austrian Court Rules PCR unsuited For COVID, lockdowns unlawful

Image: Medical Xpress

Following the Portuguese, German and Dutch rulings, now the Austrian court has ruled that PCR tests are not suitable for COVID-19 diagnosis and that lockdowns has no legal or scientific basis.

The Vienna Administrative Court granted a complaint by the FPÖ against the prohibition of its meeting registered for January 31 in Vienna.

The prohibition was wrong,” the court said says in the ruling (read judgement below).

The court stated on the basis of scientific studies that the grounds for the prohibition put forward by the Vienna State Police Department are completely unfounded.

The court agrees with the statements in the complaint “on all points” and even goes far beyond the arguments put forward by the FPÖ itself.

In particular, the criteria and definitions used to determine the number of corona infections are being massively questioned.

It is expressly pointed out that, even according to the World Health Organization (which took a u-turn only after Biden took office), a PCR test is not suitable for diagnosis and therefore does not in itself say anything about the disease or infection of a person”.

“However, the Minister of Health uses a completely different, much broader case definition for Covid-19 diagnosis, which cannot be used to justify the prohibition of a meeting.

The court came to the conclusion that the “information” from the Vienna City Health Service, on which the prohibition by the Vienna State Police Department was based, did not contain any valid and evidence-based statements or findings on the pandemic”.

Based on the definitions of the Minister of Health, “Case definition Covid-19” from December 23, 2020, a “confirmed case”

  1. is any person with evidence of SARS-CoV-2-specific nucleic acid (PCR test), regardless of clinical manifestation or
  2. any person with evidence of SARS-CoV-specific antigen that meets the clinical criteria or
  3. any person with evidence of SARS-CoV-specific antigen that meets the epidemiological criteria.

Thus none of the three “confirmed cases” defined by the Minister of Health meets the requirements of the WHO concept of “sick / infected person”. The WHO refuses to rely solely on the PCR test (confirmed case 1).

Below is the Austrian court judgement translated into English.

Worldwide Action on Scamdemic

In a similar ruling, a Portuguese appeals court has ruled thatPCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test.

German court in a landmark ruling has declared that COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by the government are unconstitutional.

Thuringia’s spring lockdown was a “catastrophically wrong political decision with dramatic consequences for almost all areas of people’s lives,” the court said, justifying its decision.

It was then revealed that the German Interior Ministry hired scientists to develop fake coronavirus model in order to justify strict lockdown, according to extensive email exchanges obtained by a group of lawyers in a legal dispute.

Earlier, an American federal judge ruled coronavirus restrictions in Pennsylvania as unconstitutional.

Even the Hague Court has ruled that the COVID-19 lockdown which was imposed by the Dutch Govt had no legal basis and that it was illegal.

However, the Dutch appeals court oveturned the ruling within hours which ordered the government to lift the “illegitimate” measure immediately.

The appeals judges argued that they wanted to avoid what they called a “yo-yo effect,” referring to public confusion around whether the curfew was still in force.

Last year, an Italian politician had demanded arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian Parliament.

Sara Cunial, MP for Rome denounced Bill Gates as “Vaccine Criminal” and urged Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

Then an Austrian parliamentary member exposed the defectiveness of the government’s COVID-19 tests by demonstrating in the parliament how a glass of Coca Cola tested positive for COVID-19.

Earlier, the Tanzanian President John Magufuli growing suspicious of the World Health Organization (WHO), decided to investigate the claims of the tests himself. He sent the WHO samples of goat, a papaya and a quail for testing, all of which came COVID-19 positive.

Magufuli was known as “The Bulldozer” for his tough stance against corruption and for his hardline policies, which helped him to victory in October 2015 as Tanzania’s fifth president.

The European Union gave 27 million euros to Tanzania to impose COVID-19 measures prescribed by the WHO like strict lockdowns, masks and mass-scale vaccination.

Tanzania took the money, then declared the country coronavirus free. This led to the Europeans venting their anger in the parliament.

His sudden death has raised many questions including whether Tanzania’s President was assassinated for exposing the COVID-19 plandemic by taking controversial action against Big Pharma and the WHO and their global push for vaccines.

Because of such massive COVID-19 false positive cases scandal, the Australian Government has scrapped a billion dollar coronavirus vaccine agreement with Australian biotech company CSL Limited to supply 51 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by the University of Queensland after several trial participants returned false positive HIV test results.

Even the Belgian health experts have demanded an investigation into the WHO for faking a pandemic.

In 2010, the WHO was caught faking a pandemic and was forced to admit that its methodology of measuring the virality or the spread of the disease, instead of its severity was incorrect.

It was also revealed in an intercepted human intelligence report that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced Coronavirus vaccination program in Nigeria

As reported by GreatGameIndia last year, the President of Belarus had exposed that the World Bank coronavirus aid comes with conditions for imposing extreme lockdown measures, to model their coronavirus response on that of Italy and even changes in the economic policies which he refused as being “unacceptable”.

A major lawsuit has also been filed against the PM of Denmark for strict COVID-19 restrictions and for killing almost 17 million minks.

A three judge court in Peru has ruled that the COVID-19 pandemic was started by the billionaires Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller.

Despite the ruling (read the resolution in full at above link), “fact-checkers” concluded that the Peruvian court had no evidence to make such a judgement citing declaration from the WHO and CDC who have lost all its credibility.

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Comments (3)

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    John O'Sullivan


    Saeed, You have been wholly vindicated in your warnings about the junk science claims and still so many sheep don’t seem to get it that our governments are not our friends, but merely the servants of their real paymasters, the global elite.

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    How strange that Catholic President Magufuli was very suddenly replaced by a Muslim woman from Zanzibar. More than Covid going on there…

    “Tanzania’s new president turns her back on Magufuli.
    Samia Suluhu Hassan signals end to predecessor’s Covid denialism and renewed focus on foreign investment.”

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