Australian Covid-19 data analysis
Within eight days of the start of the vaccination program, the first death associated with the vaccine was recorded on 01 March 2021, along with 115 adverse reactions. Then followed a second death on 03 March 2021, two more deaths on 04 March and three more deaths on 05 March. By 06 April 2021, the adverse reactions reached a maximum of 1149 cases per day and a total of 42 deaths.
Then followed a daily maximum of 15 deaths in one day, 03 June 2021, part of a 9 day period, 31 May to 08 June 2021, with 51 deaths giving a total of 294 deaths from the start of the vaccination program during which time there was only one death attributed to Covid-19.
Normally drugs are withdrawn from use once they have been shown to cause somewhere between 25 and 50 deaths. By 12 April 2021, the total had reached 57 deaths with 8,470 reported adverse reactions amongst those who survived the injection. As the Covid-19 vaccination was not a true vaccine but an experimental messenger RNA gene therapy, never before used successfully, the drug should have been withdrawn from use as a result of this data.
Instead the programme continued with 44 deaths from Covid-19 in the 25 week period 21 February to 14 August 2021 by which time the vaccination deaths had reached 474, a death rate from the vaccination more than ten times the Covid-19 death rate for the same period.
Undeterred, the Federal and State Governments continued with a propaganda campaign at a cost to the taxpayer of $43 million as a tax rebate to media companies to feature long, boring news items by State Premiers and Chief Medical Officers on the numbers of cases and deaths attributed to the Covid-19 virus but no mention of the deaths associated with the vaccination itself.
In addition, $51million was paid to minimise documentaries and childrens’ programs so as to give more time to the always alarming statistics. These promoted fear in the population and caused them to accept the large supply of the Covid-19 vaccines already on hand, claiming it would protect them from injury or death. This was in spite of the fact that deaths associated with the injection exceeding the number of deaths from the virus for the same period through until 17 October 2021.
The Federal Health department is responsible for the National Immunisation Program throughout the Nation. Its stated aim is to increase national immunisation coverage to reduce the number ofcases of diseases in Australia that are preventable by vaccination. They publish the Australian Immunisation Handbook with the most recent, “Vaccine safety in Australia, AusVaxSafety summaryreport 2020″ released on 18 October 2021.
They also run the web site which has a page: “COVID-19 vaccine safety data” that provides data in percentage form for various age groups and locations. There is no mention whatsoever of deaths from the vaccination, only a list of adverse reactions ending with the statement: “These symptoms are known to occur after vaccination. They are generally mild and short-lived.”, which is a gross misrepresentation of the situation.
Under “Impact on routine activities” it states: “These are common adverse events linked to the immune response following immunisation and understandably have meant some people have chosen to rest after vaccination.” but fails to mention the resulting 792 permanently at rest in their graves, as of 08 March 2022. This meant that medical professionals who rely of the data were going ahead injecting patients unaware that it could cause their death.
Program Outcome.
By 17 October 2021, the 622 deaths from the virus eventually exceeded the 618 deaths from the injection, for the eight month vaccination period. That is, the injection had been equally as lethal as the virus itself. Thereafter the infection numbers sky-rocketed to a maximum of 134 deaths in one day on 28 January 2022.
This indicates that the vaccination program had been a complete failure as 49,398,801 doses had been administered by that date to 20,619,959 people, with 95 percent of the population over 16 years of age having had at least one dose, 93.2 percent being fully vaccinated.
Cross-correlation testing showed a maximum Pearson correlation for daily hospital admissions of 0.41 for a four day lag of admissions after the daily vaccination tally. An Independence test at this lag gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.45 giving a probability of independence of the order of 10^-18. Cross-correlation testing showed a maximum Pearson correlation for daily ICU numbers of 0.67 for a seven day lag after the daily vaccination numbers.
Independence test at this lag gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.63 giving a probability of independence of the order of 10^-38.
Cross-correlation testing showed a maximum Pearson correlation for daily deaths of 0.40 for an eight day lag of deaths after the daily vaccination numbers. Independence test at this lag gave a Spearman Rank statistic of 0.50 giving a probability of independence of the order of 10^-20.
These time series demonstrated a clear seven day cycle due to most activity taking place on the five working days of each week. Consequently the cross-correlation tests were recalculated using seven day moving average values derived from the daily numbers. This resulted in a maximum Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.49 confirming the four day lag of admissions after the daily vaccination numbers.
Again the maximum Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.80 confirmed the seven day lag between vaccination and ICU numbers. However the maximum Pearson correlation between the seven day moving average daily vaccination values and daily deaths was 0.42 for an eleven day lag of deaths following vaccination.
The results indicate that the vaccination could be the cause four days later of the daily hospital admissions followed three days later by the ICU occupancy followed in one to four days by the Covid-19 deaths. That is, the vaccination could be the cause of the deaths not a free-floating virus.
On the graph the Covid death numbers have been multiplied by a factor of 3400 to more clearly illustrate the relationship between the two time series. It shows a rise in vaccination rates starting at about day 20 and continuing through to a maximum seven day moving average of 296,607 injections on day 163 being 20 September 2021. This coincides with a rise in Covid deaths starting at about day 100 and reaching a double peak in the seven day moving average of 15 deaths.
These were at day 184, 11 October 2021, and day 193, 20 October 2021. Then follows a decline in both series until another pronounced rise from about day 250 in both series. The moving average vaccinations reach a peak of 285,083 on day 279, 14 January 2022. It is followed by a maximum of Covid deaths of 88, 13 days later, on day 292, 27 January 2022.

The graph below is a visual presentation of the relationship between the number of injections per day and the number of deaths per day attributed to Covid-19. The numbers are seven day moving averages of the daily data as this is dominated by the weekly cycle which causes a large scatter of the points on each time series profile.
Prior to 08 April 2021 there was no comparative data for the vaccination rates but the Covid-19 daily deaths gave a local maximum for the seven day moving average of 22 deaths on 01 September 2020.

Statistical data relating to Australia’s Covid-19 pandemic may be found on the Federal Government’s web sites at:
These gave the Cases, Hospital Admissions, Intensive Care occupancy and Deaths attributed to the Covid-19 virus as from 05 April 2020 through until 20 March 2022, the cumulative Adverse Side Effects and Deaths resulting from the Covid-19 vaccination, which commenced on 21 February 2021, through until 08 March 2022, and the Vaccination cumulative and daily rates from 08 April 2021 until 20 March 2022.
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Thanks Bevan