Australian Bush Fires as Political as the Fires of Rome of 64BC
Slowly but surely, despite the media being slow to reveal the facts, Australian police have arrested dozens of climate activists as part of a “Massive Arson Investigation.”
So, the bushfires were likely man-made after all. It seems not by ‘climate change’ but by the hands of sick green zealots who may now face life-time jail terms for the death and destruction their crazed activism has generated.
As I suspected, the evidence mounts that the the Australian bushfires of 2019 have nothing to do with global warming. Just like any informed citizen doing their own diligent background research you can see for yourself that this year temperatures and rainfall are everything but unprecedented, while unprecedented this year is the missing cleaning of the bush, obstructed in every state as never before.
Misguided ‘do gooders’ and political activists are the root of this modern malaise.
The Australian bush is an extremely flammable environment. When the bush cleaning is prevented, then there will be fires.
I believe there are clear analogies between the Australian fires of 2019 and the great fire of Rome of 64. While in the year 64 in Rome gangs of thugs started the fires and then prevented the citizens from fighting the fire, in the year 2019 in Australia many believe that some prevented the cleaning the bush also by citizens in their backyard to play global warming politics.
While somebody want everybody to believe that the Australian bush is a carbon sink, it is actually a massive, unsafe, fuel reservoir, that sooner or later, during the summer season, will burn catastrophically if nothing gets done. This is what is happening this year. The bush has not been cleaned, and after the first fires started, by natural or anthropogenic cause, then the fires continue.
I already authored several scientific papers about the need to keep the bush clean in Australia, but scientific management seems to have been forgotten by the politically corrected climate alarmists who play everything to their only advantage, including catastrophic bush fires. In the case of the Australian bush fires, there is however no need for science, but just for commonsense.
Before the first boats of “globalists” reached Australia, the Aboriginal peoples were running efficient fire management programs for many purposes, including using small fires to prevent huge ones. For tens of thousands of years, they were fighting fire with fire to reduce the likelihood of large uncontrolled wildfires. Their work has been described as “firestick agriculture” by Rhys Jones. According to Hallam, the Aboriginal peoples spent up to 30{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of their time on fire management, and their efforts were rewarded by a perfect symbiosis between peoples and their environment.
Then the first boats of “globalists” came and with them the growing inability to deal with the Australian bush. Much of the Australian bush is not a dense forest, but many thin to thick woody shrubs and bushes, usually very dry, especially during the summer, mostly grassless, often eucalypt trees, that are extremely flammable. The eucalyptus oil in the leaves is highly flammable. Eucalyptus oil, leaf litter, and peeling bark can produce during dry, windy weather terrifying firestorm. If not managed, the bush fuel piles up to produce extremely dangerous conditions that will eventually end up in catastrophic bush fires.
Regretfully, extraordinarily little is now done to prevent bush fires in Australia. While there has been negligible precautionary burning, and reducing cleaning of public areas, citizens have also been prevented from cleaning up their own land, and the nearby reserves, by impossible rules. For example, citizens living in the bush:
- were not authorized to clear their block of land when building their home, as it was requested to them to plant a new native tree for every tree removed on the same land, no matter how small the land was, passing through lengthy and expensive planning permit approvals.
- are not authorized now to get rid easily of the big branches, and the bulk biomass, as city councils collect only a small green bin for leaves and small brunches twice a month, and burning of biomass is always forbidden;
- In what is called native reserves or forests, nobody can remove fallen branches, cut the grass, or perform any cleaning, as that environment is “untouchable”; fuel build up along the boundary of properties is also ignored as a problem;
- as the preventive burning of the large areas has been dramatically reduced, the chance to have bush fires started from the surrounding and moving to inhabited areas, or vice versa, are extremely likely during the hot dry season.
The Australian bush cannot be left as-it-is without any management. If some of the biomass is not collected or burned, then the bush will burn, and climate change has nothing to do with this, no matter what the local and global fake news or the “mob-on-rent” may say.
The Australian biomass is a challenge but also an opportunity. Intelligent people could have developed techniques to produce fuels, heat or electricity collecting the biomass, preventing catastrophic burning with an added technique to the well established and efficient preventive burning. Bush cleaning is essential close to homes, where the other approach fails. Fuel reduction policies should not be obstructed by globalists playing “climate change” to target new world orders and bad politicians seeking revenge for lost elections. While more windmills and solar panels will not help, clearing the bush is a necessity to avoid bush fires.
While the local and global media coverage is “unprecedented”, and similarly “unprecedented” is the number of arsonists, the missing fuel reduction, and the mystification of reality, it is unlikely that the death toll of this season bush fires will be “unprecedented”. During the 2009 Black Saturday Victorian bushfires, 180 people died under federal and state governments by the labor party.
*Giordano Bruno is a pseudonym used by a long-term PSI scientist and retired PhD professor who is also an Australian citizen with personal and professional insight on the scientific evidence and local conditions of the Aussie bush. We withhold his actual identity due to personal threats received from green zealots.
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Governments are being subject to wrong advice from a power block suppressing the truth about climate change with the lack of bushfire control .