Australia Is A Full Scale Pilot Test For The New World Order

Several journalists and content creators have noticed that Australia looks like the most totalitarian police state that has existed in recent history.  It has become a full-scale pilot test for the elitists to see how well they can implement the New World Order.

Australians have been subjected to some of the most horrendous basic human rights and dignity violations during this entire scamdemic.

The elitists are using Australia to test out these authoritarian measures, such as getting the public used to a police state in which the military and police both patrol the streets ready to commit violence against other humans for refusing to quarantine when not sick or not wearing their New World Order issued muzzle…I mean, face mask.

“These guys know full well what they are doing. They are psychopaths, but they aren’t stupid,” says Brian in the above video. The politicians are redistributing both wealth and power away from the public and consolidating it into their own hands. We are in big trouble if we cannot get the military and the police who are committing violence on behalf of the tyrants to realize what they are doing to humanity.

All of this is over 17 new cases of COVID-19. This absolutely horrifying that people continue to buy this scam.

“Heavy-handed tyranny and oppression is happening everywhere,” Brian adds.

If you don’t think this is coming back to the United States in the form of a second lockdown, think again.  The media has been preparing us for a “dark winter” and a “second wave” since the first false wave happened.

Wake up. Time is now extremely short. If you don’t have food or water, now is the time to get what you can. If you don’t have emergency plans, now is the time to make some with your family.  If you are already well prepared for any disaster, the best thing you can do is to stay alert and fearless.  Don’t live a life terrified (they enslave you with your fear), but make sure you know what’s going on. The best preparedness plan includes one of awareness of this situation we’ve found ourselves in today.


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Comments (26)

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    Brian James


    Aug 14, 2020 Bill Gates : Reduce World Population With New Vaccines

    In this Ted Talk, Bill Gates says CO2 causes ecosystem collapse, and top scientists tell him we have to get CO2 emissions down to zero. He then goes on to say that we need to reduce population, and we can use new vaccines to do that.


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    J Duane Robinson, LMPS, EMT Instructor


    Bill Gaes is an IDIOT!

    HUmans breath in ozygan and exhale C-02; plangs inhale c-o2 and exhale oxygen…a mutuakly-supporting environement…

    No c-02 – no plants; no plants – no animals or humans!

    Didn’t they teach you this in elementary science, or at least high school science?


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      J Duane Robinson LMPS, EMT Instructor


      Bill Gates is an IDIOT!

      Humans breath in oxygan (O-2) and exhale C-02; plants inhale C-O2 and exhale oxygen (O-2)…a mutually-supporting environment…

      Carbon dioxide, according to Albert Eiinstein, holds no heat; another scientist, on a PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL article, I believe, stated that carbon dioxide only held heat for 0.0001 second at most; that is what Eiastein said…carbon dioxide does not hold heat!

      No cC02 – no plants; no plants – no animals or humans!

      Didn’t they teach you this in elementary science, or at least high school science?

      On another scientific paper, it followed the carbon dioxide levels at the top of the Mauna Loa (sp?) Observatory in Hawaii…

      There was a slight increaase during the summer (when sea plankton was active) and a slight decrease in the winter (when the sea plant life was less active.

      Other than that, La Nenia, the moon and Mars and Jupiter has a “slight” effect on the amount of carbon dioxide pressent on top of the montain by the observatory. I don’t have a keyboard to properly spell the first effect.

      Carbon dioxide, accroding to “scientists’ which Bill Gates is NOT, should know more than a non-scientist about C-02 on climate!


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    Tom O


    I am not sure where Australia went off the rails, but it is a glaring, absolute demonstration of WHY the US Constitution has the 2nd Amendment assuring the right to bear arms. Australians are now “bare armed” and there is no way to push back at a government bent on its own missions. They have to “hope and pray” that the police will see the error of their ways when the fact is, even on the lowest levels, power corrupts. There is no reason for the police not to want to exercise the power given them, and there is nothing that they have to be concerned about as far as citizen dissent is concerned since the only thing citizens can push back with are tools. It is a shame that when it comes to “authority,” “abuse” is the price of compliance.

    I hope they are a wake up call to every other nation that is contemplating giving up firearms. Individuals, in individual nations, are the only hope to derail “one world government” and gross population reduction for the benefit of the elite – NOT the planet.


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      Roslyn Ross


      I have news for you mate – ONE State out of six and two self-governing territories is living with strict and ridiculous lockdown. This is not Australia. THIS IS ONE STATE. And we are smart enough to hold our freedoms without resorting to the gun.


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    Joel Walbert


    … shall not be infringed.

    Over 300 million known firearms in private hands here in the US. While that is still the case, They have a lot more work to do here. Unfortunately for the sheepish Aussies, they gave up that god given right years ago. I feel no sorrow for them. It is of their own doing


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      Roslyn Ross


      The very sensible Australians see no need to live in an atmosphere of terror and violence as do Americans. Your 300 million plus guns for 320 million people is a disgrace and a horror to the civilized world. You have toddlers shooting each other, their parents, neighbours in ways seen in no other developed country. You have thousands die every year at the end of a gun.

      Australians do not want or need guns. We are intelligent enough to defend our freedom if need be, without weapons. You may drown in the blood of a civil war but we will not.


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        Yeah, you’ll just do as your told.


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          Roslyn Ross


          Australians in Victoria are already taking to the streets in protest and in other
          States, there are protests to support them. Australians have never done as they are told. The difference is they don’t need a gun to stand up for themselves.


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            Tom O


            Not much evidence that they are standing up for themselves. A lot that says they aren’t.

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            “gun control” is 1 of the main agendas of communists. communists are terrorists. they’re no different than hijackers who take hostages. do you really think “protests” are going to stop terrorist hijackers? communists are pushing australians into a terrible decision: defend your freedom, or submit to enslavement.
            p.s. i live in the u.s.a. and your description of gun violence in the u.s.a. is absurd. you’ve been brainwashed by communist propaganda, or you’re a shill for communism.

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        Carbon Bigfoot


        ROSLYN WE were fine until subversives including those from your country decide to mount a coup against a duly elected POTUS. The SWAMP runs deep here and the corruption and money grab needs to be rooted out. OBAMA-GATE once it is fully uncovered will be mind-blowing to our sheeple—the kind of populace that is rampant in your country.
        Our second POTUS’s quote:
        “From time to time the TREE OF LIBERTY need to be refreshed with the BLOOD of PATRIOTS and TYRANTS.” I would be honored to die in that process.
        Liberty is not free as you are finding out—-so don’t tell us how to run our country.
        The second amendment was designed to protect us from the Gobmint.


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          Roslyn Ross


          The biggest problem for Americans is that their Government, political process and Constitution are still mired in the 18th century. Time to join the modern world.

          Americans have the least rights and poorest quality of life of any developed nation and deserve to live with the freedom and quality of life on average of the rest of the developed world. We wish you luck but guns won’t get you there.


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            Zoe Phin


            Poorest quality of life?
            Least rights?

            Are you sure your statistics are controlled for all factors?

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            Tom O


            Actually, I can’t tell if you are serious or not, but I will say this much more. Quality of life is a frame of reference and a state of mind. I am sure that the aboriginals would say the same about your own quality of life. The “modern world” that you seem to lean towards where you put your neck in a yoke and let someone tell you when to pull the plow so as to lower carbon dioxide, isn’t what I would want. I’ll take ours.

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      We gave up our guns for the same reason that US citizens gave up their privacy and freedoms after 9/11. Both nations fell for the lies. As two nations with citizens believing in adhering to the rule of law, both our nations were duped. So we feel just as sorry for the people of the US. It is their own doing.


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    judy Ryan


    I live in Canberra, Australia which is probably as socialist as Victoria where police brutality is removing people’s dignity and freedom. We have to fight back against totalitarian State Governments. We will be doing something soon. Watch this space and also watch on PSI Australia


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    Roslyn Ross


    What is truly embarrassing for the writer is I am sure he knows nothing about Australia. For starters, the excesses have been in ONE state, Victoria. In the rest of the country people have NOT been living with such strict lockdown and have been getting on with their lives in greater freedom than in many other parts of the world.
    Australia has six States and two self-governing Territories. So, for perspective, ONE out of eight is experiencing some of the excesses cited above.


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    Finn McCool


    You are absolutely right.
    816 deaths in Australia. 729 of whom lived in Victoria.
    Of those deaths in Victoria, 574 were in “Australian Government–subsidised residential aged care facilities.” Victoria has a population of 6.4 million.
    I don’t think these numbers warrant any lockdown measures whatsoever. In fact, the government of Victoria should be taken to task for the lack of care of people who died from neglect in care homes.


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      Roslyn Ross


      An interesting comparison is of the 1,100 Australians who died in the bad Flu season of 2017, over a 3-5 month period, when we did not see a need to do lockdown, with 816 deaths attributed to Covid, over a 10 month period in 2020, when we did lockdown. In addition, a Covid death can mean, the person actually died because of Covid, rarely proven; the person died with Covid while having 2-3 co-morbidities, or, the person died of something else but was called Covid because they tested positive; or they died of something else and it was called Covid without any testing. The stats are seriously dodgy and the test itself deeply flawed.

      Nursing home deaths have been the major mortality area around the world. All of us need to do more to improve the standard of aged care, starting by getting it out of the hands of private investors and regulated more forensically.

      You only have to compare the Australian Government stats to see that being old and being in care is a recipe for disease and death, while being old and supported at home, is vastly safer.


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        Zoe Phin


        Ah, but the low death count is due to the lockdowns! – THEY will say.


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          Roslyn Ross


          Yes, they will say that and then they will have to do comparisons worldwide, comparing no lockdown, strict lockdown, some lockdown which will demonstrate that lockdowns achieve very little except high suicide rates.


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          Roslyn Ross


          And there is always Sweden to show them up.

          Sweden’s controversial non-lockdown COVID-19 policy appears to be paying off as positive cases hit a new low.
          While infection rates in other European cases are surging, Sweden recorded a rolling seven-day average of 108 yesterday – its lowest since March.


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    Robert Beatty


    Here’s the deal mate.
    We’ll keep our Sheilas and you can keep your Guns.


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