Astronomers find the universe’s largest natural diamond

The universe’s largest diamond isn’t on Earth, it is in fact the white dwarf V886 Centauri in the constellation Centaurus.

White dwarfs are “extinct” or “dead” stars. V886 Centauri is a diamond-shaped planet. White dwarf stars cores are 10-billion-trillion-trillion-carat diamonds.

V886 Centauri, 50 light-years away, is a brightly throbbing light. Observing pulsations helped pinpoint the star’s interior.

Carbon and oxygen make up most of the star’s composition, but scientists detected diamond-like carbon inside.

As a white dwarf cools and crystallizes, diamonds form. It’s 4000 km across.

Scientists say 90 percent of V886 Centauri’s mass has solidified.

V886 Centauri has been called “Lucy” after the Beatles song.

Astronomers say it’s the largest diamond in the cosmos and proves the Solar System’s fate.

Our Sun could die in five billion years and become a white dwarf. It may become a diamond-like V886 Centauri.

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    Frank S.


    Luckily, Zsa Zsa Gabor is no longer with us, we’d never hear the end of it!

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