As Pandemic Fizzles, Doubts Rise About Pasteur’s Germ Theory
Was Pasteur as big an anti-science shill for the rich elite as Albert Einstein? CynicalSkeptic provides a thought-provoking video critique of Louis Pasteur’s Germ Theory and piques interest in the competing Terrain Theory of Antoine Bechamp.
“Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity.” – E. Douglas Hume
We are now entering a new era of revelations of monumental falsities in accepted science. From global warming and cosmology to vaccines and germ theory, the common theme appears to be the corruption of science in the service of a psychopathic elite. Watch this video and make up your own mind:
Original Video from YT Channel: TMFproductions
Rockefeller Funded Pasteur GERM THEORY Pt.1 | The Scam of the Century Goes Back to ONE Man
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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX.
Saeed Qureshi
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Pandemic Fizzles, monumental falsities, corruption of science
Accurate and impactful words. It is hoped that the fizzling of the pandemic created by the falsities and corruption of science (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) will be investigated in the very near future.
George Tomaich
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Why are you allowing this bullshit on your site? Stick with Global Warming.
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David W
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My thoughts exactly. Since germs and their behaviour have long been the subject of scientific observation, it’s hard to imagine how a critical thinker could dismiss germ theory. PSI seems to be trying to justify its poor rating on the dubious Media bias/Fact-check site. There’s definitely been a shift in the nature of the article selection.
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Real science is challenging any accepted theory that might be suitable, as most are, of being challenged, since most science conclusions are theory, and very few can be considered ‘laws’.
Your reaction is as unjustifiable as if anyone would, with arguments, dismiss Darwin’s evolution THEORY because it is widely accepted as the final truth.
Judith Day
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Isn’t a ‘poor rating on (a) dubious Mediabias/Fact-check site’ a badge of honour?
George Tomaich
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Hey FCaSp: Since when is Darwin’s theory the “final truth?” Where in his discourse did he explain how life began? Or an even easier question, one that perplexed Darwin was the Cambrian Explosion. Let’s try to use observations that are factual and deduce from them to see if life can occur spontaneously by chance. Oh, the first big hurdle is that spontaneous generation of life has been proven false. Next observation is that life comes from existing life – no exceptions. How about the general law that complex system degrade with time – no exceptions. Additionally, it has never been observed that a highly complex system has ever come together by chance. In all my studies of organic chemistry, physiology, microbiology and biochemistry I have never seen any reason to belief the simplest life form happened by chance. Darwin’s whole theory is based primarily on what breeders did with livestock. Back in the 60s with the discovery of the structure of DNA I thought this claptrap theory would be put into the dustbin.
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Hi George Tomaich, probably I didn’t explain myself properly, but I do agree with you in the main part. Darwin’s ideas most surely were not even of his own, but invented by those who wanted us to believe in that nonsense, in order to mislead knowledge and human conscience of it’s real nature. Which today should be considered already something of the past, but unfortunately it is still taught in schools as the most plausible of the evolution theories. Similar to what still happens with Pasteur businesses, which is the base for this allopathic medicine ‘pharmakeia’ of the money sorcerers.
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Why is a crackpot with zero credentials that makes up unfounded conspiracies credible.
Oh yes I see the other crackpot, Saeed Qureshi. praising this horrible video (horrible because it just makes up things that we are to believe are truth…no evidence, no support just blindly believe the crackpot).
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This one sums up why the Germ Theory denialists are so popular.
No doubt the crackpots prey upon the gullible and extract cash from them peddling their ideas. They used to go around small towns selling useless potions by selling a good story (Snake-oil Salesmen) now they prey upon the mentally weak and gullible using the Internet. The funny thing it the easiest to deceive by these Con-Artists think they have superior intelligence and much smarter than everyone around them. Funny they are the easiest to manipulate and get to believe any stupid idea. Real ideas are require effort and discipline to learn. It is far easier to a lazy mind and have a crackpot on a video feed the gullible anything.