As it happened: Nasa reveals new images of distant cosmos

Nasa has concluded its event in which it revealed more stunning images captured by the $10bn James Webb Space Telescope.

These first images from the James Webb Space Telescope are jaw-dropping.

Take a moment to gaze at them, and the detail begins to emerge – those tiny bursts of light are galaxies containing trillions of stars.

The sheer amount of information each image contains is dizzying. But this treasure trove comes from only a few days of observations – and so far the telescope’s only looked at a minute fraction of the sky – Webb will be capturing the cosmos for the next 20 years.

There’s a check list of discoveries that astronomers are hoping to tick off – from seeing the first stars to shine to finding habitable planets beyond our solar system.

But the thing that’s most exciting scientists is the discoveries they haven’t even dreamt of.

Here are some of the highlights:

Five stunning images of the early cosmos

Nasa has been revealing breathtaking new images of the early universe, taken by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Four more images have been released today after the first full-colour picture was unveiled yesterday.

‘Speechless when we first saw the images’

Klaus Pontopiddan, Webb project scientist, describes the moment the team started receiving information from the Webb telescope:

“People were speechless, and there were emotions, because we immediately could see how amazing this observatory would be – the detail, the sharpness, the depth – and when we saw the first colour images we knew we had a winner.”

The images from the James Webb Space Telescope were created by translating “light that we can’t see into light we can see by applying colours like red green and blue to different filters that we have from Webb”, Nasa visual developer, Joe Depasquale, says.

The reason for colouring the images is because “you can get more information from the image if you see it in colour”, he says.

“It’s a matter of picking colours and filters to enhance details and structures in the image itself”, science visual developer Alyssa Pagan says.

It involves “painstakingly going through and cleaning them up at pixel level in every image”, Depasquale says.

See more here:

Header image: NASA

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Comments (8)

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    Miquel Holton


    When they start saying again, “Ladies and Gentlemen” at online workworks, then I will return, but not until then! Florida is a common sense conservative state where most people have brains!


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      Jack Simmons


      Why the political message while commenting on this scientific miracle? I don’t care about your views on politics at any level.


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    Tom O


    Do I think the beautiful colorized “pictures” are works of art? Yes. Both the original – as in God made – and the copy, meaning what is created from the information gathered. Do I think that the “black holes” and “exoplanets” or what the “early universe looked like” are represented here? Not at all.

    I believe the only thing they show, from a time standpoint, was what that spot in space looked like “back then,” it doesn’t show what the early universe looked like near its center. do I believe you can get the spectrum of a planet’s atmosphere as it travels around a star that is 1200 light years away? You are looking at a point that is virtually dimensionless, and the ONLY thing that is teased out of that is whatever the computer programs that were written to tease that information out is going to create. It will not reflect reality, it will reflect the simulations expected.

    I love these colorized works of art, but I recognize them as fantastic, not factual. True digitized artistry, capable of promoting the virtual worship of the true believers. And it does.


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      Jack Simmons


      What does this have to do with the Webb telescope?


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        Troll….you must be new? to site…


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    What is the most vital activity known for human survival? I submit it is a PRACTICAL activity.

    Practical. “prac·ti·cal | ˈpraktək(ə)l |. adjective
    1 of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas ,,,
    2 of an idea, plan, or method) likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances … ” (New Oxford American Dictionary)

    The practicable people: hunter-gathers, fisher people, farmers, scientists

    Seientists??? Scientists observe. “The most obvious characteristic of science is its application, the facts a consequence of science is its applications, the fact that as a consequence of science one has the power to do things. And the effect this power has had need hardly be mentioned. The whole industrial revolution would almost have been impossible without the development of science [observation].” (Richard Feynman, THE MEANING OF IT ALL (1998) pp 5)

    “the detail, the sharpness, the depth, … the first colour images” Will not feed one starving person or animal. Nor will these images heal one person or animal from some disease. At one time the space program produced much new practical technology as wars have. But do we observe war to be a practical activity? It is too easy to see that war has always killed and destroyed.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    I have to ask: What am I seeing? I have to ask this because I read: “Take a moment to gaze at them, and the detail begins to emerge – those tiny bursts of light are galaxies containing trillions of stars.”

    A specific question I have is “the various colored dust cloud” between the Webb telescope and the uniform blue color of the “space” or is the “blue space” in front of the dust cloud or is the “blue space’ both between and beyond the cloud? Or put another way, is this cloud with dense, intense colors older, further from the earth, than the more diffuse, colored clouds seen with the Hubble Telescope? Or, are both ‘space’ telescopes seeing the same cloud in more ‘intense detail’? Or, are the tiny bursts of light seen with the Hubble-stars and only those with the Webb-galaxies.

    Actually, my most fundamental question about clouds is: is the cloud matter seen with the Webb older than the matter seen with the Hubble?

    If you have any ideas, please answer for my question is a very serious one and I certainly do not know the answer for I do not claim to be an astronomer.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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