Are you ready for the revolution?

The elites have overplayed their hand and too many peasants are waking up to the big ruse. A confluence of factors is leading to an inevitable collapse of the current societal paradigm.

I have learnt more in the last two to three years than I have in my lifetime up until the advent of COVID, both informally through my analysis of data, observations of people in society and most importantly through collaboration with some of the most incredible minds in the world, and formally through the curricula of science, history and politics that I have obliged myself to study to establish my knowledge scaffolding.

If I could (wrongly) reduce it to a single tenet, it would be that, during the Common Era (for the most part since it is better chronicled), society has been formed around the premise that territory and resources are scarce and can only be acquired and protected through force.

Subsequently, to protect oneself and for the establishment of peace, society should be organised in a hierarchal fashion with power/control being centralised at the top whereby permission to live is filtered down to the rest.

This has always been achieved under the notion that this kind of organisation facilitates the best protection against foreign threats. As a result, whether territories be empires, fiefdoms or sovereign states, emperors, kings and now heads of state (and their appointed “elites”) rely on the “common good” of offering protection against a host of potential threats (war, famine, ill-health) in order to maintain their position of control.

For thousands of years, the common person – the plebs, serfs and modern-day tax-payers – has overlooked the fact that the organisational structure they adhere to is typically a greater threat to their liberty, health and fulfilment than the threats it ostensibly purports to defend them from.

However, every few hundred years, for whatever reason, the commoners are compelled to rise up and overthrow the “elites” that illegitimately govern them. These reasons could be due to the failure of the hierarchal structure to actually protect them from the threats they claimed to or quite often because the elites overplay their hand.

I believe that such a time is upon us once again.

It is different from past revolutions because both the elites and the commoners are more sophisticated. It is easy to stir up civil unrest when there is literally blood on the streets or no food on the table. As we have witnessed with COVID and other eugenics programs, the elites can kill millions without the majority of society even realising. Similarly, it is easier to overthrow a regime if your arsenal can be equally, if not better equipped, than the regime. Here I am talking technology as opposed to military might.

But, as we edge closer to the implosion of the modern monetary system due to unsustainable levels of national debt ($98 trillion worldwide!) and hyperinflation, the collapse of allopathic healthcare infrastructures, and the realisation that the elites’ self-interest is much greater than the “common good” trickles ever further down the chain of ignorance, there will come an inflection point in society that will trigger another revolution, reminiscent of the past centuries.

As a potential catalyst for this event, I am becoming more and more convinced that decentralised technologies will play a major part. Much more than sophisticated means for members of society to conduct their affairs with each other more efficiently and securely, they represent the potential replacement of the current paradigm of organisational structure.

It has already started with the erosion of dependence on fiat money as a means of storing wealth and a method of value exchange – the crypto market has grown from just $200 billion at the end of 2019, before the advent of COVID, the war in Ukraine and the ramping up of the climate change lie, to almost $1 trillion now, having almost hit $3 trillion along the way.

This fiat erosion will continue and no matter how hard they try with regulation “to protect” the ordinary consumer, the elites will be powerless to stop society from using alternative “money” to conduct their affairs.

With this, the State will lose its means of revenue production – taxation. Without taxation, the State will rapidly become powerless as it will no longer be able to afford to pay the ignorant servants to protect its regime.

Regimes themselves will similarly come under direct attack of disintermediation. Governance will be done by true democratic consensus. People will be able to collaborate in formal organisation without the need for conventional legal entity constructs. Law and order will be transparent and impartial. The state will no longer be able to claim sovereignty over any land or property which can only belong to the people.

All the opportunities for the elites to exploit the organisational structure and the ignorant horde will gradually erode, to be replaced by a new paradigm where self-sovereignty will rightly start and end with the individual person, not the collective state.

Men will be able to co-exist with other men in the interests of mutual benefit and self-preservation as opposed to fealty to the dishonest master of the collective. People will realise that without them, the state ceases to exist and can no longer exercise its dictatorial control under the guise of representing the common interest.

With this, national boundaries (most of which have only been established in the last couple of hundred years) should erode and all of the earth’s citizens should be free to produce and share its abundant resources without the unnecessary intervention of a small group of powerful psychopathic narcissists, whose power only exists as long as the horde permits it.

Are you ready for the revolution?

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Comments (12)

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    tibor barna


    Given how compliant the masses were during the MASS Vaccination period of 2020-21 I have some reservations about them being aware enough to start the next revolution. However in the EU and UK the lack of fuel and food may trigger them after many have frozen or starved to death. Next six months should reveal the reality?

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      Spot on Tibor. Next January should provide revelations. NH winter.

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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Moffin.

        I live in Oregon, one of the most liberal states of the USA, and we have had the most liberal governor of the “United States”. We have generally had two major candidates for political offices of which a winner generally receives that majority of the voles cast. But now I can, with some confidently forecast that if the Republican candidate does not drop out before Election Day, the winner of the election will receive about 40% of the notes and that candidate will be the Democrat candidate. Does the Republican candidate see this? I have no idea. But I don’t need to take a poll to see this.

        Have a good day, Jerry.

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          Soon going to catch up to CA.

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      Frozen & starving = weakened population. How much energy will they have for revolution in the modern world? Not the same as 1780’s France. They were climatized to frozen & starving. Don’t hold your breath!! Until the masses get a good, hacked dose of truth, the ‘machine’ still holds all cards..

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    Scott Lohr


    The effects of the energy crisis in Europe are already underway. Small businesses are seeing energy cost rise from 900 euro to 10,000 euro in a billing period. They are closing rapidly. Considering 70% of our economy is small business this has the potential of making our 2008 “great recession” look like childs play. Keep your powder dry.

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    This is your wakeup call


    I don’t really see a revolution in the USA. I could see a failed state like Ukraine, Somalia or Venezuela, where the system by design grinds to a halt and chaos ensues.
    I would say that is the plan. The order out of chaos. They will destroy Europe and the USA through financial warfare, insane policies, more scamdemics, contrived wars, etc.
    Then “they” will offer the masses a new world order: a UN centralized, one world demonic “government” that will fully enslave all humanity and kill off the rest.
    Only way out is the massive destruction of their systems by a world-wide revolt of people working together to destroy all present governments, leaders, elites, the banking system, media etc.
    But it’s difficult to see that happening after most of the world’s people rolled over and took the death jabs.
    Most people are too lazy and ignorant to do anything but lay there and bleed.

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      You state the truth.

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    Mr. Crabs


    For anyone that may think that Putin and Russia are fighting off the One World Order better known as NATO, you may want to think again.
    If Russia really wanted to stop a great reset per say, they would take out the City of London and target the houses of Rothschild with their hyper-sonic missiles. They would destroy the financial systems that allow enslavement of the people. They would have taken out every last scumbag that attended the WEF Forum in Davos and that would have been money well spent. All worthy targets located in one place for well deserved massacre. But instead they attack the Ukraine which is used as an excuse for the Davos crowd owned “governments” to sanction Russia and get cut off from energy and food that only hurts the citizens but certainly not any of the scumbag owned politicians that push tyranny on their subjects.
    And there is also always an ulterior motive, Perhaps the Ukraine has been selected to be an extension of Greater Israel. There are always many agendas served by the criminally insane sub human scum that currently enslave humanity.
    All media lies. Most alternative media is controlled as well.
    When nothing makes any sense, just know that it was all planned that way.
    All the world is indeed a stage.

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    Charles Higley


    Not bad, but we will still need borders as the people and countries still need to define themselves. It is impossible to sustain a population that washes in and out of an area based on whim, seasons, or economic developments. No stable society would be possible. There must be limits. Free trade is only possible if there are well-defined entities or people to trade with.

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    i’m a bit reserved when it come to masses. people are delusional and they till think it’s just a bad year, after another vax everything will go back to normal. it’s good for environment, we just save a bit of energy for nature’s sake,…. they simply can’t see shit on their shoe!
    one way for revolution to happen is to get populist icons on the surface that will guide them. here we have historic examples of how that can end up.
    second way is that elites will make mistake on their way; do something to soon, do something too clumsy,… if anything they prove themselves as patient and well organized, they wouldn’t go “ALL IN” poker style if they weren’t sure they can pull it off. there is a tiny possibility they can do mistake though.
    … and then same idiots (roughly 75% of people) will choose their way. they prove it, especially over the last few years, how well they can choose…
    I’m afraid they will choose the firs arshole with the megaphone in their hand and a sandwich, which most likely will be elite, maybe with a different tie

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Joel,

    I live in the USA and we have built walls to keep people out. Why? You, or someone, need to answer this question.

    My answer is on most of our money. I just looked at a 2021 quarter dollar and on one side I read IN GOD WE TRUST and LIBERTY. On the other side I read TUSKEE AIRMEN and beneath THEY FOUGHT IN TWO WARS. Some people seem to forget that the elites funded the REVOLUTIONARY WAR to form a MORE PERFECT UNION and then its citizens fought a CIVIL WAR to CORRECT A WRONG and to KEEP THE UNION UNITED.

    I agree there seems to have been a two century cycle of great nations. But I do not believe it is entirely the fault of the elite. The problem I see is that too many ‘little’ people get comfortable (relative to their past history) and lazy. In the 30’s many people could not find work; now many employers cannot find employees who want to work. And this cannot be the fault of the elite.

    Have a good day, Jerry

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