Are PCR Tests Secret Vaccines?

Concern is growing that an innovative nanotech device developed at Johns Hopkins University may be used to secretly deliver the COVID19 vaccine to those people who are “vaccine hesitant.”

Certainly, the technology is real, but is their any merit to such a claim?

Patrick Smith (November 25, 2020) writing for explains:

“Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body. David Gracias, a professor in the Whiting School of Engineering, and gastroenterologist Florin M. Selaru, director of the Johns Hopkins Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, led a team of researchers and biomedical engineers that designed and tested shape-changing microdevices that mimic the way the parasitic hookworm affixes itself to an organism’s intestines.”

Called “theragrippers” these tiny devices are made of metal and a thin, shape-changing film. They are coated in heat-sensitive paraffin wax and each is no bigger than a speck of dust (see image below).

Even the inventors of this microtechnology admit it can potentially transport any drug and release it gradually into your body and you won’t even know anything about it.

Check out the video raising the alarm on bitchute:

A Dodge to Defeat Vaccine Hesitation?

What reason would there be to engage in mass deception to secretly deliver a vaccine to defeat the coronavirus pandemic?

Surveys have been revealing a marked drop in public confidence that vaccines are really worth the risk.

In 2019, the World Health Organization listed vaccine hesitancy as a top ten threat to global health. Only half of surveyed American adults would receive a coronavirus vaccine if it were available today.  That number is down precipitously from over 70 percent since May 2020.

But the real concern for policymakers and the vaccine lobby is that there is a huge surge in the medical professions AGAINST vaccines with just 40 percent of health care workers saying they were likely to get vaccinated.

But all such reluctance against the COVID jab will be in vain if a vaccine can be delivered by stealth merely when anyone takes the now ubiquitous PCR swab test (photo, top). The claim is that the dust-sized “theragrippers” can be implanted in the tips of PCR test swabs and be delivered to the innocent ‘”victim.”

It may be utterly immoral – and likely illegal – but it is certainly feasible because the Hopkins team published results of an animal study this week as the cover article in the journal Science Advances.

Thousands of these sinister miniature theragrippers can be deployed in the GI tract via a simple, innocent swab given as part of the COVID19 test already taken by millions worldwide. Quite simply, you wouldn’t feel a thing!

“When the paraffin wax coating on the grippers reaches the temperature inside the body, the devices close autonomously and clamp onto the colonic wall. The closing action causes the tiny, six-pointed devices to dig into the mucosa and remain attached to the colon, where they are retained and release their medicine payloads gradually into the body. Eventually, the theragrippers lose their hold on the tissue and are cleared from the intestine via normal gastrointestinal muscular function.”

Absent any evidence to the contrary, are we to believe we have nothing to fear from being ‘poisoned’ by the tiny critters?

Vaccine Hesitancy On the Rise!

All we can do at this point is to maintain our guard and demand answers from policymakers as to when, and if, this frightening medical breakthrough will be deployed against an increasingly vaccine hesitant public.

We know the political class is already compromised on the issue, with so many high profile politicians having financial shares in vaccine companies. For example, only last year a top FDA medical adviser declared: ‘Congress is owned by pharma. ‘

President Donald Trump took a shot at the influence of drug companies over Congress by lamenting:

“They contribute massive amounts of money to political people.”

Last September, for example, the UK government published ‘Vaccine Hesitancy: Guidance and Interventions.’

The above document, in the section Lessons Learned (page, 3 para. 2)  reveals how policymakers intend to get refusers to submit to their diktats:

“Lessons learned: A unidirectional (top down) approach to communication is successful
among some individuals and groups, but not all; success is dependent on the nature and
degree of hesitancy (Jarrett et al., 2015). Familiarity and trust with the messenger is a
key feature in tackling hesitancy (WHO SAGE, 2014a; Nayar et al., 2019). Vaccine
hesitancy and political populism are driven by similar dynamics: a profound distrust in
elites and experts (Kennedy, 2019). Many experts believe that it is best to counter
hesitancy at the population level (Kumar et al., 2016). Lessons learned have been
compiled in the Catalogue of interventions addressing vaccine hesitancy technical report
(ECDC, 2017). Some countries have turned to mandatory vaccination programmes
(USA, France – albeit temporarily) – however experimental evidence shows that making
one vaccine mandatory might reduce people’s uptake of others (Omer et al., 2019).
Other approaches include penalties for non-compliance (Germany, Italy), or making
vaccination a requirement for enrolment in childcare and school, which can help to
increase rates (USA, Australia). Although popular, the effectiveness of promoting
alternative vaccination schedules to decrease hesitancy has not been studied
conclusively enough (National Research Council, 2013; Feemster, 2016).”

Meanwhile, in the United States the prominent White House Coronavirus task force front man, Dr Anthony Fauci has already expressed dismay at growing public disquiet on vaccine safety.

Fauci said it won’t be easy getting large numbers of people vaccinated because of suspicion and “vaccine hesitancy,” especially among minority communities.

A recent Gallup Poll showed 48% of people of color in the U.S. said they’d take a coronavirus vaccine, compared to 61% of White respondents. Overall, about 58% of American poll respondents said they’d take a vaccine.

We know for a fact pharmaceutical companies spend far more than any other industry to influence politicians. The UK’s The Guardian reported (October 19, 2017) that:

“Drugmakers have poured close to $2.5bn into lobbying and funding members of Congress over the past decade.”

When the rubber meets the road what are corrupt politicians going to do?

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (13)

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    Brian James


    Great article. Dec 1, 2020 RFK Jr: The Big Question About C0VlD Vac3ines that No One in Media Is Asking

    RFK Jr: The Big Question About C0VlD Vac3ines that No One in Media Is Asking.. Do these Vac3ines actually prevent spread of the virus? If not, will all those who receive them become C0VlD versions of “Typhoid Mary”?


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    Power Grab


    Remember the talk this summer about how piercing the cribriform bone could happen with that PCR “test”? I would like to know about whether/how this method could be used to insert something that could end up in the brain without having to travel as far as it would to lodge in the gut.


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      I think there must be at least two kinds of tests. I saw video of person tested and it was that they slowly inserted cotton swab and moved it in side and then did other nostril the same way. I had test done to get on plane to go to Ecuador. My test was different, does not look like cotton swab on tip of stick at all, they only did one nostril and moved it in fast and out fast too, no moving in the nose and no second nostril! And I am telling you it burned like hell! Next time I will fly I will rather do quarantine and avoid another test like that. Wonder why it was burning, what was on it?


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    I’m afraid this is the kind of article that supports accusations that PSI promotes conspiracy theories. In the interest of critical thinking, which should surely be promoted, carefully consider the statement that this technology “can potentially transport any drug and release it gradually into your body”. How much drug can a dust particle carry? Are any vaccines delivered bit by tiny bit? Furthermore, recognizing that only a small minority of the population gets a test, why would test swabs be a useful vaccine delivery mechanism?
    Sadly, this article presents only a bit of science before jumping into the pit of fantastic conspiracies.


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      Glen Allen


      I’ve been wondering why they seem so intent on testing everyone; have you heard of operation moonshot? It may be only a small percentage being tested at the moment but that is not their future plan.


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      Instead of ‘con theory’ which is weaponised mindspeak, why not be specific and use use ‘paranoia’,
      Paranoia is ungrounded fear that runs of in its own modelling as is fact, and induces the fearful to react to what is not here or there as if it is real.

      The article would be less sensation-seeking if it said ‘deliver drugs or toxins’.
      The search in the war-minded for secret weapons or leveraging is ongoing and heavily funded and protected.
      This joins with the ability to keep weapons ‘secret’ by means of coercion and deceit, and with the psyop of cultivating fear of terrible weapons or evil consequence in resisting, in a target or rival.

      The trace amount of a toxin does not have to be large in size to be large in effect.
      There are endotoxins that are deadly in extremely small doses.

      However, the gain or function of administering mere poison would be simply disease reaction that would serve no purpose as an indiscriminate test, and likely become known as an open attack.

      A lot of the current regime change is of conditioning the public to a ‘medical’ (sic) subjection that ratchets up via all kinds of measures that make no sense if scrutinised. Part of this is the establishing of a biosecurity state under which we are not just data assets to a corporate technocracy, but bio-genetic assets to ‘genetic control’. So the collection of genetic information is likely to be ongoing.

      In terms of samples likely to give a positive result, I have read the particular points of collection are maximal, whereas coughing into a bag would be a significantly lower prevalence. As to what exactly is being ‘matched’ with Drostren’s primers is unlikely to be anything significant – along with the count of 45!
      ‘Fantastic’ but actual conspiracy to defraud, profit and gain political, regulatory and narrative control is part of how our human world operates. This is because fantasy drives a mind or war in seeking illegitimate possession and control, as the drive to defend set in fear of loss.

      So I am not out of sympathy with your criticism. Childish narrative fascination of infotainment passing off as real is a symptom of getting off on fear porn – or sharing it without due diligence.

      There is a self destructively driven mindset that is ‘hidden’ in our core definitions of self and world, that might most simply be called self-attack or self judgement, self-hatred, self-denial, self-evasion.
      Using the mind against itself is a curious proposition.
      How could such a thought be actually effected – excepting in concept or as a construct of thought assigned as reality itself – from and through which to experience.

      I see immensely funded props being rolled out to set the stage for the persistence of a control mind whose time is running out, and so its predicate is being ‘outed’. As fear of conflict has set the structure in place, the bringing to light is a process of meeting ancient or denied fear that had been unconscious. There is much opportunity for losing awareness to the reiteration of old habit patterns, which translates as there is opportunity to recognise and release old habit patterns. If fear frames us, we take its world as real, but lose a true and current awareness of presence.


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        woah!..translation pleeze! i’m blown away by how smart some peeps still are given the horrifically toxic conditions in which we live 2day..are you sure you are 100% human?! 🙂


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      The largest components of intramuscular vaccines are carriers/suspension fluids and preservatives. Very little of what people perceive as “active” material is contained in one. And that material doesn’t insure against disease anyway – the very idea is utterly ludicrous – but is merely a toxin that produces a systemic response. A batch of tiny gripping agents as pictured can easily deliver enough neurotoxins to kill an adult. How much actual poison do you think is in, say, a lethal scorpion sting?

      The purpose of vaccines is purely to injure, thus placing the victim in “need” of further products from the vaccine manufacturer to deal with the injurious effects. It’s simple business strategy. If you sell “medicines” you need sick people, thus you sicken them by any means you can.

      You cannot vaccinate against disease anyway. You are not injected with a small amount of a disease to safeguard against being attacked by more of that disease, as diseases are not monomorphic, transmissible “things.” All of this is delusion. Science fiction. Sickness is damage and imbalance in the terrain of the body and caused by injury, toxins and radiation. That’s it. You cannot communicate illness. Pasteur knew this, but still we in the West are lumbering under his failed ideas.

      There is no “conspiracy theory” here. Anyone today still using that phrase (coined by the CIA in the early 1960s to mock real investigation, journalism and actual scientific method) is just childishly naïve. Vaccines have killed more people and animals than all wars combined since Salk. You either know this or you don’t.


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    This is very concerning


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    Joel Walbert


    Ok this is messed up. Just the other day this exact thought crossed my mind out of the blue. Whether true or not matters not, but I am just glad I decided under no circumstance, regardless of consequence (no family so nothing to lose), would I ever take a test of vaccine. I would rather slowly starve to death. Not a joke.


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      same here! but i hear they want to put peeps like us under 24/7 house arrest..punish us for having the ability to smell Bull Sheet


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    Urmie Ray


    This is particularly worrying because if for some reason you need to go to hospital as I did, they test you.
    I checked the date of this invention and its only this week, so I guess I personally havent been given this through the swab as my hospitalization was some weeks ago. But its an extremely worrying issue, as no one can know if and when they’ll need to go a hospital: despite all prudence, you can have an accident or fall seriously ill.


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    Patent out 10/15/19


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