Are Mini Ice Age Predictions Becoming Reality?
Six months ago I made a prediction regarding the weather this 2018-19 winter season.
“And I predict based on this that summer will be hot but short, fall will be practically non-existent as harsh winter conditions come early. I predict England to once again get battered with more cold temperatures not seen for over a century.” and quite frankly, I am sorry to report that my prediction has pretty much come true.
This past summer was short with drought-driven heatwaves in Europe and while they were hot, they were not record-breaking hot. And due to the late spring and the drought, another prediction of mine sadly came true, increased crop losses as some countries such as Sweden experienced a 50% reduction in harvest for the entire country.
Of course, these predictions run counter to the global warming narrative which is based on pseudoscience and a political agenda being supported by manipulated climate data courtesy of NASA and NOAA. Manipulated via the use of “climate models” which have historically been 90-300% inaccurate.
As to my first prediction mentioned above, it is a trend, that at the time I was unaware of, that has been going on for a decade.
“That’s just 5 out of 30 months.”
It seems highly unlikely that if the globe was warming up that we would be seeing such an increase in snow cover over this past decade.
The Weather Channel is now predicting-“By the end of the month, every U.S. state except Florida had picked up at least a trace of snow in autumn”
We are also seeing, as per my prediction six months ago, record cold temperatures throughout the northern hemisphere.
Bitter cold in the Canadian Prairies
Bitter cold for Manitoba
Bitter cold for Yellowknife
Extreme cold in syria
Even Delhi is experiencing cold breaking a seven year old record
And let’s be clear here that this is not just a regional event limited to North America, the entire Northern Hemisphere has seen an increase in snow cover.
Image courtesy of
And while North America is enduring some bitterly cold temperatures due to the meridional jet stream, Europe on the other hand is presently experiencing some milder temperatures, but that will not last as by mid-January and into February I predict that Europe will undergo its share of bitterly cold temperatures.
I made these predictions six months ago not by meteorological methods or due to being a climatologist, but via the research of Zharkova et al which revealed that the dynamos of the sun were moving out of phase, and waves out of phase cancel each other thereby producing a reduction in energy.
And based on this graph I predict next year will be even worse than this year with another late cold snowy spring, a short summer with more droughts producing heat waves that while hot will not be record breaking and another early fall with a colder and snowier autumn and winter with the winter of 2020-21 being the worst. There will be another four to six years of this before we may see some slightly milder weather though it will be short lived as 2028-2032 will see even more extreme cold temperatures. And this is when the real existential threat will become apparent by even the most ardent global warming fanatic for by that time there will be several years of successive crop failures as I have been reporting which will have depleted the global grain reserves. Dr Zharkova warns in her video presentation at the Global Warming Policy Forum of a global famine threat in 2028, though I believe we will start to see it much sooner as yearly incremental losses will continue to cut into reserves.
My claims are based purely on raw data without any maniulation of any kind. They are based on empirical observations. ALL COMPUTER MODELS ARE THEORETICAL and as such they are not reliable and governments should not be determining policy based on them.
Those not prepared for what is coming will be the first to suffer.
What are you doing to ensure your food security?
Thank you for reading. If you would like to see more posts like this please feel free to follow me. Leave an interesting comment or question and I shall follow you. Let’s get a conversation started.
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Compiled and written Freddie Thornton. More at
PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027.Â
John Nicol
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This is a good article and appears to demonstrate even further the stupidity of those promoting the wicked Global Warming Hoax.
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“ALL COMPUTER MODELS ARE THEORETICAL and as such they are not reliable…”
Isn’t it perhaps also to the point to say that “All computer models are digital cartoons”?
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I watched Dr. Zharkov’s GWPF presentation several times. She made a powerful impact I believe with that highly skeptical crowd. Its really unfortunate that GWPF masked the slides where she made climate predictions (around 47 minutes into the video). Does this site have access to those slides or her full powerpoint presentation?
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Found Casey’s and Zharkova’s work about 6 weeks ago, really fascinating. By coincidence my wife and I have been committed to moving from DC to the Blue Ridge mountains to set up a permaculture orchard with intensive livestock integration for the last 2.5 years. The log home we’re restoring has already been through, and withstood, the Dalton Minimum. These all appear to be good moves. Researching greenhouses/tall tunnels, and even found someone teaching others how to grow their own rice in colder latitudes. Working out some long term food security strategies. Look forward to following events with you, keep up the good writing!
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I can accept a cooling trend prediction in the near future, but pushing a mini ice age prediction with a lot of confidence is being silly since they are for the most part based on assumptions and models.
The headline is wrong anyway since we are ALREADY in an ice age, and have been for at least 2.5 MILLION years. There are two phases, Glaciation or Interglaciation, and we all know we are in the short lived Interglacial phase.
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I think that glacial or interglacial would describe whether average temperatures were above or below freezing point. A warming period such as the Roman and Medieval periods, which were times of abundance See this poster for more
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I think that glacial or interglacial would describe whether average temperatures were above or below freezing point. A warming period such as the Roman and Medieval periods, were times of abundance
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And the clowns pushing the cagw crap have to be aware that its crap which makes the true intensions of their agenda all the more dangerous.