Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?

The question posed in this video is can tectonic plate movement be triggered intentionally? Extremely anomalous atmospheric heating directly above the epicentres of catastrophic earthquakes has long since been observed by globally recognized institutions like MIT.

The Japanese M9 earthquake is just one example where MIT recorded extremely anomalous atmospheric heating directly above the 2011 Japanese earthquake epicentre for three full days immediately preceding the triggering of the earthquake. Understanding the full potential of the power that can be projected from ionosphere heater installations like HARP is difficult and complex.

Science studies have acknowledge a connection between frequencies and seismic events. Immensely powerful microwave transmission can be bounced off the now ionized atmosphere facilitated by the atmospheric aerosol saturation of electrically conductive particles from the ongoing climate intervention operations.

By directing concentrated microwave transmissions back into Earth’s strata in a seismically sensitive location the triggering of seismic activity becomes scientifically possible, not just from the interior heating of the strata but also from the frequency vibrations that are created.

Source: YouTube 

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Comments (6)

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    Every day I become more skeptical. Now we are able to influence tectonic plate movement? OK fine, carry on.

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    Kevin Doyle


    VOWG, I have to agree with you.
    How exactly do a few watts of energy from a microwave move billions of tons of rock?

    The editors of this website are really losing credibility with such complete stupidity!

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    Most likely, the anomalous heating is caused by the build up of stress by the approaching earthquake. Not humans.


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      Herb Rose


      I’d call this theory complete bullshit but that would give it too much credit. The ionosphere is created by x-rays emitted by the sun stripping electrons from atoms. To think these amorphous charges could focus radio waves and then these radio waves could be converted into infrared heat by the molecules in the atmosphere is unbelievable even for a fantasy.

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    Philip L horner


    Trillions of tons of Earth’s crust isn’t going to be affected in the least by microwaves. Even weather impacts the Earth far more. This kind of crap makes crazy people crazier. Stop it.

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