Anthony Bright-Paul: A Climate Discussion on Facebook

Now all you guys, it is great having a discussion with you. I can understand your getting upset and calling me names, but you want to get really upset with those who have led you up the garden path. Why! I have supplied you with a list of names of various Sceptical Professors.  facebookDid you notice how many were Emeritus? That is at the very top of their Profession, be they Botanists, Marine Biologists, Physicists, Astrophysicists, Meteorologists and so on.

And I said there were 30,000 Skeptical Scientists – but I was wrong – there were 32,000 signing the Oregon petition and some 500 others at the Manhattan Declaration. You cannot be blamed for not knowing all of this – it is great to see you taking such an interest in science.

Now Al Gore, pardon my saying so, is a politician and on the science level was barely out of High School and made so many bloomers in his famous film that the real scientists just fell about laughing. Nevertheless a lot of people just got taken in, and others jumped on the wagon or the gravy train trying to make a Carbon free world.

You guys I know are too smart for that. You know that we are all 18{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} Carbon, that our food is carbon, that diamonds and graphite are carbon, so there is just a whole lot of crap been thrown up in the air.  Carbon is an element of the Periodic Table – I don’t need to tell you guys that. All that business about Carbon Footprints is just like vomit – sick up. Now Carbon Dioxide is a clear transparent gas that all of us exhale at 40,000 parts per million. So it isn’t a pollutant is it? You guys are too smart to be taken in by all that rubbish.

You know what, Carbon Dioxide is but 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the atmosphere, that is 400 parts per million. Actually green plants would grow more abundantly with 1,000 or even 1,200 parts per million. We need a lot more not a lot less to save our forests, to save our Planet. All that business of trying to hide it underground is just so much unscientific drivel, I am sure you must agree once you have thought about it. I don’t think any of you want to live in a brown dead world – we would not live there for long anyway, would we?

Besides which green plants suck up Carbon Dioxide and produce Oxygen as a by-product for all of us to breathe, so we cannot do without the Carbon Cycle.

Now all that business of Carbon Dioxide causing Global Warming, you guys are too smart I hope for that. Can you generate heat with Carbon Dioxide? Try it out for yourselves when you are really cold. Buy a tube over the internet – just $15. Do your own experiments. See if you can capture heat or stop it flying out of the window. Once you have done our own experiments, then go outside and look up at the sky. Someone has been having you on, haven’t they? All that business about trapping heat in the open atmosphere with a trace gas at 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} is just hogwash. It is infantile. And yet people foam at the mouth and get really angry if you don’t believe this arrant nonsense.

So we have Statesmen and Popes, Presidents and Members of Parliaments all declaring that they are going to fight ‘climate change’! Funny, heh? As if the world had just one climate instead of 29 major climate systems and some thousands of microclimates.

You guys who have taken the trouble to argue things on Facebook, you are too smart to be taken in by all that rubbish. It does not matter whether a man is a President of the United States or an Archbishop, if he declares that he is going to fight against ClimateChange, against the great forces of Nature, you know he is living in cloud-cuckoo land.

It is great talking with you guys. Best wishes and get real!

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