Another ‘Little Ice Age’ is on the way, says space scientist

Space scientist Shrinivas Aundhkar, director of India’s Mahatma Gandhi Mission at the Centre for Astronomy and Space Technology, says declining sunspot numbers in the last two solar cycles could mean a “mini ice age-like situation” is around the corner, says this article in theDaily Caller. (Also in the Times of India.) Aundhkar

“The sunspots that can be seen on the sun have comparatively less temperature compared to other surfaces on it,” Aundhkar announced at a lecture entitled “Get Ready for Little Ice Age.” The recently concluded solar cycle “was the longest and quietest minimum phase in the past 100 years.”

For years now, more and more scientists have been warning that fewer observed sunspots could mean the Earth is heading for a cooling period.

At the end of 2013, for example, German scientists* predicted a century of global cooling based on declining solar activity and ocean oscillation cycles.

Earlier that year, Professor Mike Lockwood of Reading University told BBC News that declining solar activity has set the stage for global cooling.

Solar activity falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years

“By looking back at certain isotopes in ice cores, [Lockwood] has been able to determine how active the sun has been over thousands of years,”the BBC reported. “Following analysis of the data, Professor Lockwood believes solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years.”

Aundhkar’s explanation for harsh winters runs counter to the explanation given by White House science czar John Holdren, who said that global warming was driving freezing and snowy winters.

Current scenario almost the same

But Aundhkar disagrees. He argues that Earth is heading for another mini-ice age period similar to the 17th century, when sunspots on the Sun were absent. This led to a drop in northern hemisphere temperature by 2-3 degrees. “The current scenario is almost same. Such climatic conditions might affect the agricultural pattern and health and trigger disasters in the worst scenario,” he added.

High sunspot activity has been associated with periods of warming on the Earth, like the period between 1950 and 1998, while low sunspot activity has coincided with cooler periods, like the so-called “Little Ice Age” that lasted from the late Middle Ages to the 19th century, when temperatures were much cooler than today.

* (scientists Horst-Joachim Luedecke and Carl-Otto Weiss of the European Institute for Climate and Energy.)

See entire article:

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Thanks to Alan Caruba, Mark Morano and Bill Sellers for these links

“You were ahead of all the others,” says Alan.

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