Another Fit, Healthy Man Drops Dead – Energy Drinks & Covid Jab Link?

Popular, fit and healthy Youtuber, Kevin Samuels, just dropped down dead unexpectedly. Is there a tenable link between high consumption of energy drinks, strenuous exercise and the mRNA vaccines?

I have been inspired to write this after reading a thought-provoking piece, Sports Drinks Are Neither Safe Nor Effective (May 05, 2022) by Michael Greger.

You must be living under a rock if you haven’t noticed a shocking uptick in sudden deaths of fit, sporty men in the public eye these past 18 years. Hundreds of our finest elite pro athletes are being hit with heart issues, collapsing and/or dying while in the peak of health.

Anyone fit and healthy, who works out hard may be vulnerable – and there appears to be a link with the mandatory vaccine program.  Someone I followed on Youtube, African American popular influencer, chemical engineer, entrepreneur and fitness freak, Kevin Samuels has just died suddenly at the age of 56.

Samuels was a shining example of an alpha male – self-made millionaire, smart, worldly and with millions of followers of his self-improvement regime for men.

Kevin was in exceptionally good shape – a keen fitness fanatic, cycling hundreds of miles a week. On screen always immaculately dressed, Youtube followers would also notice Samuels nonetheless slurping forever on a can of Red Bull.

According to Red Bull’s official website, its benefits include improved:
  • Performance
  • Concentration and reaction speed
  • Endurance
  • Metabolism
On it is reported:
“The energy drink comes in eight ounce cans, filled primarily of caffeine and sugar. Red Bull does in face provide you with a quick boost of energy, but it can also cause some unwanted side effects. When the caffeine and sugar begin to wear off, you’ll begin feeling lethargic. It’s likely that you’ll crave another can.”
Just one can of this popular stimulant can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke. It acts as a pre-cursor to cardiovascular problems. Just one hour after drinking a can of Red Bull, your blood system becomes abnormal. Thanks to these dangerous health effects, Red Bull is banned in Norway, Denmark and France.

Safety Concerns Of Red Bull

Red Bull has been related to several deaths. In 2000, 18-year-old basketball player Ross Cooney died just hours after drinking Red Bull. He shared four cans of the drink with some friends before playing in a basketball game.

Reading Greger’s article made me curious as to whether Samuel’s constant Red Bull habit was a clue, not only to his own demise, but to the prevalence of heart problems among other heavy users of sports drinks who were also double jabbed.

As Greger writes:

“Commercial influences may have corrupted the American College of Sports Medicine’s hydration guidelines.”

Greger explains to readers that this corruption was precipitated by one of greatest medical advance over the past two centuries – the medical marvel of drinking water mixed with sugar and salt.

“The discovery that sugar and salt are absorbed together in the small intestine “was potentially the most important medical advance this century. It opened the way to oral rehydration treatment for severe diarrhea—the main cause of infant death in the developing world.””

But the benefits were noted not just in the sick, but in the healthy seeking enhanced sports performance. Thus, was born electrolyte drinks.

The energy drinks industry was a 21st  century business phenomenon which grew from nowhere and those of us suffering ‘brain fog’ or ‘long covid’ in the aftermath of the insane pandemic would just as readily reach for the Red Bull for a ‘pick me up‘ as we would a cup of java.

Scientists Fear COVID Jabs Are Causing Long Term ‘Brain Fog’

Greger his concerns in his video Are Sports Drinks Safe and Effective?, sports drinks are a multibillion-dollar industry fueled by Coke and Pepsi.

But the whole narrative about energy drinks being a boon to body hydration and a boost to performance is a lie. Rather than enhance performance, energy drinks may do the opposite, according to latest research.

“Surprisingly, when researchers looked at triathletes, they didn’t find a correlation between dehydration and marathon finishing times. In fact, some athletes who lost the most water actually had among the fastest times, as has been noted in other studies, as well.”

Greger explains to readers that our bodies are not stupid; it will tell you when you need to drink.

“There is now ample evidence that drinking to thirst, even during prolonged exercise under hot ambient conditions, will allow maintenance of proper hydration,” meaning, we can just drink to thirst even while working out for a long time in the heat. And, we do not have to drink electrolytes. But if we’re sweating and just drink pure water, don’t we risk washing out too much sodium and ending up with “exercise-associated hyponatremia” (EAH), too little sodium?”

It turns out that can be caused by drinking too much of anything, whether it’s water or sports drinks. In one high profile case, a high school athlete who died from EAH had drank two gallons of Gatorade. How do we prevent such deaths? “Simple: drink according to thirst.” These “don’t wait until you feel thirsty” statements may actually be doing more harm than good.

On top of that we can also add to the mix the COVID jab factor. As we reported last January in Spate Of High Performance Athletes Collapsing With Heart Ailments.

“We’ve been hearing about it: dozens of high performance athletes collapsing on playing fields, some dying, after suffering heart problems. This is has led to concerns about mRNA vaccine safety and the spike proteins they render.”

Just recently there’s been a fresh spate of reports of athletes having suffered heart-related ailments and as a result have been sidelíned. For some, it may mean the end of their careers,” wrote Pierre Gosselin.

In December 2021 Principia Scientific International also reported that 295 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, 169 Dead, After COVID Shot.

“It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All these heart attacks and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID shot.”

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) advised athletes to “drink ‘as much as tolerable’ during exercise,” which can cause exercise-associated hyponatremia, too little sodium, and its associated encelphalopathy.

Kevin Samuels, along with these athletes may be the canaries in the mine that warn us of imminent danger. Their demise is being hidden so the people who are not paying attention do not see the warning.

So, why I am making such a strong link with the COVID jabs? Well, quite simply even our ‘trusted’ medical establishment is accepting that there is a link between mandatory vaccinations and heart problems, as Principia Scientific reported in February 2022 with Growing Heart Problems Forces CDC To Change Vaccine Schedule.

The article revealed:

“Some countries have halted or curtailed the use of the mRNA vaccines, particularly Moderna’s, among youths due to the heart inflammation issues, but U.S. health authorities have so far continued to recommend the shots for all Americans 5 and older, asserting the vaccines prevent more hospitalizations than the heart inflammation cases they cause.”

We only see the harrowing side effects among athletes and celebrities because they are in the spotlight. The nobodies – i.e. most citizens – do not make the news.

As such, I urge readers to do their own research on this question. I cannot confirm conclusively the link between covid jabs and energy drinks is a valid hypothesis, but it certainly warrants further investigation and our close attention.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (16)

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    Wise One


    I believe it’s the graphine oxide in the Covid-10 shots killing them.
    Graphine oxide particles are literally little razor blades. They are actually much sharper than razor blades, as they are only one atom in thickness.
    As the heart speeds up the faster the GO blades cut at the walls of red blood cells, veins, arteries, and the heart itself.
    Clotting then occurs, which blocks circulation.
    Autopsy would reveal the clots, if they were allowed to be performed.
    Energy drinks also speed up the heart, but are not lacerating it.


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      Wise One…

      Graphene would cause clumping/clotting/aggregation (by essentially ripping nearby tissues apart). From what I (have to speculate on as I don’t have access to the vaccines) see, the graphene is a component not only for causing disease, but experimental biomechanical engineering (they wouldn’t give a shit if you are injured or die, they are only self-serving pieces of worthless shit). I honestly think they are trying to build shit with people’s bodies, there might be dozens or even hundreds of various “experiments” regarding the vaccines currently going on. Which might also be why they urge “boosters” (coz they’re big on data) and a single vaccine would only be able to coopt so much.

      You see, in the “literature”, if graphene comes into contact with tissues, it makes a “bio-corona” (this would be before covid). That basically means it accumulates and binds with whatever nearby tissues it rips apart. Now, in blood, you got among the more significant factors, oxygen and iron. The graphene would conceivably aggregate that, hijacking the iron and oxygen, essentially (both of those issues seemingly associated with some of the vaccinated, that is, clotting, EM, localized iron deficiency, fibrin, oxygenation, etc issues). Magnetite, hematite are iron oxide compounds. Magnetite very effectively absorbs EM in roughly the 100mhz – 10ghz range…that’s the range for basically all the popularized anthropogenic EM, and particularly around the ~3G/WIFI/(and some 5G) EM range. Colony collapse in bees would be associated with magnetite (which bees use for navigation) and EM around that range.

      From I’ve read, components such as PEG are essentially to shield other vaccine components, to make it more persistent. Neutrophils, fibrinogen related effects would also result from the damage caused, but in a sense, would make that toxic garbage more protected and trojan (to for instance, cross the BBB).

      That is, the vaccines are potentially biomech engineering payloads and the vaccinated are being used as research labs (imagine for instance there are insecure transhumanist pieces of shit that are desperately seeking cures for their cancers and shit, or using the vaccinated bodies to develop pharmaceuticals/toxins).

      Now of course, as I said, I’m speculating but much of what I’m saying is noted in scientific literature and some of the effects regarding the vaccinated seem to correlate with that.


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    Mark Tapley


    Anyone stupid enough to take the fake virus injections deserves what they get. As far as this Samuels JewTuber, if he was cycling “hundreds of miles per week” he may have overstressed his heart as many elite runners such as super runner Jim Fix and others have done and are found dead on the side of the trail. So called energy drinks are loaded with sugar and caffeine and not fit for human consumption.

    Careful analysis of the lot numbers has shown that the Drug companies were spiking ap. 1 in 200 blood toxins deliberately to cause adverse reactions in order to study the results. The moat dangerous lots always were dispersed over a wide geographic area to avoid killing too many livestock in one area thereby spooking the cattle, whereas the more innocuous lots were almost always dumped out in one general area. There is no proof of the mRNA spike protein’s use, as there is not one real study confirming it. Microbiologist Stephan Lanka who still has a reward of 1.5 million euros for anyone who can prove to the German Supreme Court the existence of any virus says this technology has not worked in humans.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Bigfoot:
      Judy Micovitz is a fraud who comes up with all types of unsubstantiated nonsense. Refers to her “scientific papers” that were withdrawn and of course hypes up the non existent virus. In the link below Dr. Cowan goes step by step over Mikovitz’s allegations and shows how she along with most of the operatives for the fake virus are nothing but disinformation agents to create fear of a non existent pathogen and to distract the herd:


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        Doug Harrison


        You have overstepped the Mark here, (pun intended). Putting yourself in the same camp as Fauci as in this case does your already shaky credibility no good.


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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Harrison.:
          No one could be further from the Fauci camp than me or Dr.Cowan. Contrary to what Rockefeller CDC criminal Fauci’s germ theory big Pharma mandates, Cowan (and I) has said from day1there is no virus. Obviously since there is no virus, the test is fake as is the blood toxin injection. Mikovits like Ardis, McColloch, Malone and Cole all push the fake virus narrative that is critical in order to keep the masses in fear and the big Pharma racket in the money. Now Harrison, you tell me who has no credibility. To try and put me in the boat with Fauci shows your credibility is not shaky but non existent.


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    “asserting the vaccines prevent more hospitalizations than the heart inflammation cases they cause.” .. I dare them to prove it!


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    “The discovery that sugar and salt are absorbed together in the small intestine “was potentially the most important medical advance this century. It opened the way to oral rehydration treatment for severe diarrhea—the main cause of infant death in the developing world.””

    That’s the state of medicine? No wonder everything is broken. That’s not even as advanced as Brawndo.


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    So many clueless sheeple put Doctors up on sacred pedestals. They actually think that these quacks hold true to the whole “first do no harm” nonsense. Face the facts. Doctors are for the most part pill pushing whores. No money in proper diet and exercise advice. They gotta keep up the payments for their summer homes, Bentleys, mistresses and club dues you know. They don’t give a single F about you. Not at all. Every week the Big Pharma Reps come by their offices placating them with lunches, gifts, bonuses, commissions, etc. It’s all about pills in mouths for these clowns. And everyone of these Kunts believes that viruses exist. (Even a caveman knows that’s BS) Most all of them joined in lockstep with their Big Pharma liars promoting the vaccines for the non-existant covid BS. F them all. Just like politicians and lawyers they are scum. In fact that’s too nice. They are lower than whale shit, lying, thieving, front line depopulation agent scum. They were never on your side and they never will be. Take a pill!


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      Truth be told…you aced it!


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    So now “Energy drinks” are being used to cover up the massive spike in deaths of young people .

    Newsflash: It’s not energy drinks folks it’s the death jab causing all the deaths . Energy drinks have been around for decades and no issues .


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      No herb. It’s saying your singular reducitionist attribution is retarded. There are actually multiple factors.


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        Excuse my typing.

        I mean, those “energy drinks” are toxic, vaccines are also toxic, any pharmaceuticals are toxic, fluoridated water is toxic (more toxic than lead, btw), chemtrails, pesticides, herbicides, thousands of endocrine disruptors, etc?

        Have you considered for instance, the regulatory shit associated with cosmetics? Toxic shit, made to cause disease…laced with glamour.


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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Alcheminister:
          lots of things may be possible factors but never has all cause mortality jumped up 40% as reported by life insurance companies. Never have we seen professional soccer players that should be in optimum health collapse on the field almost routinely as we do now or the many almost unheard of cases of children with heart attacks and strokes:


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            Well, sure, injecting toxic shit based on an even less sane, honest and reasonable notion than heroin is probably not the
            best idea. But there are an awful lot of other things people happen to be ignorant about, often those are even very specific compounding toxic factors…which are ignored. Coz Holy Shit Jesus Christ fear the god that is the virus.

            I mean, apparently snakes provide immunity now? All you have to do is accept its special injection repeatedly. That’ll keep you comfortable and safe. Sure, you may need to wear a mask, kneel and/or bend over, but just think of how much immunity you gain from being injected with toxic shit based on fraud. It’s practically irrefutable proof that when you die of a heart attack, you gain the trait of immunity against death. Coz you’re dead, so you like, cheated death. It’s not like you can die if you’re dead, so that’s a really a good idea.

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