Another EV home charger company goes into receivership

Dozens of customers waiting to have electric vehicle home chargers installed by an Irish company have been left in limbo after receivers were appointed to it

Some people who paid up to €700 for an installation by Cork-based Smartzone fear they will be left out of pocket.

The company previously announced plans to put 25,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging points in homes across Ireland by 2025.

It had also partnered with Electric Ireland, which used the company as its recommended home charger installer, and offered customers a €100 discount if they signed up.

However, many people have reported issues with Smartzone, with some waiting months for the installation process to be complete.

Others told how engineers failed to turn up on the day for which their appointments had been scheduled.

In a statement, Electric Ireland said that while Smartzone would continue to trade as normal during this time, “EV chargers will no longer be installed with immediate effect”.

“Electric Ireland is working with Smartzone to resolve issues for any customers impacted.”

A letter was sent to those affected on behalf of the receivers this week. It said receivership had arisen as a consequence of the insolvency of the company Accuflow Distribution Limited, trading as Smartzone.

The receivers said the company was “not in a financial position to operate its EV charger installation department at the moment and therefore not in a position to conduct maintenance service or new installations”.

Receivers were appointed to the company on October 17. It’s understood they are running a consultation period with around 16 employees and looking to try to sell certain parts of the business.

Smartzone is continuing to trade, but in a reduced capacity. It also specialises in smart home solutions and home security.

Earlier this year, it announced a partnership with Danish EV charging platform Monta. The deal enabled Monta and Smartzone to provide homeowners and charge-point operators a way to manage charging schedules, view consumption data and give charging access to friends, family and guests.

Prices for EV chargers started at €700 with Smartzone. Customers could also avail of the EV home charger grant funded by the Government, which provides up to €600 towards the purchase and installation of a charger unit.

Smartzone was contacted for comment.

Recent figures published by the Society of the Irish Motor Industry show that EV sales fell almost 20 percent in September when compared to the same period last year.

However, data from the Central Statistics Office showed the number of electric cars licensed increased by 65 percent in the first half of this year – rising from 8,309 in the first six months of 2022 to 13,701 in the first half of this year.

The Government extended vehicle registration tax relief for EVs for two more years, to the end of 2025. It applies to EVs with a value of up to €50,000.

Earlier this year, the Government reduced the grant available to most electric cars from €5,000 to €3,500.

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Bold emphasis added

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Comments (8)

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    hahahahahahaha It doesn’t get dumber than that, except trying to charge them with wind turbines and solar panels.


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    Smartzone is not so smart, as with any “smart” it is in reality insipidly stupid


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    If this whole electric car thing is a ploy to price out the lower class, then the masters of it shot themselves in the foot with the plandemic actions. I guess “robbing Peter to pay Paul” was never a good grounding for a scam.
    Either that, or their plans are being foiled in the end game free for all. No honour among thieves.


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    EVs, Unsafe at any Speed! 🔥🔥🔥


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    It was a Scheme from inception. Imagine being a conduit for taxpayer funds whose target is the pockets of the Leadership of the thing.

    It’s a RICO Scheme…a money Laundering Operation, that your .gov is happily involved in …at the behest of their Globalist Masters.

    Yer filthy Carbon Taxes are another such device..

    All of it based upon well repeated Lies.

    That should tell you tuned that the Media is involved…100%.

    When you get tired of being fleeced 24/7/365… you’ll know who to purge.

    It’s a massive number.

    Your time is also quite limited…these Mugs are So Very Confident… Why?

    They already know No One will be able to touch them Soon…as you ALL Begged For, and took the Patented Poison Bioweapons Injections. You’re walking DEAD.

    The death rate today is at 50% above the historical Average Daily rate. This stat derived from .gov figures…which LIE, on the low end.

    Yeah! Go ahead and believe the front man perps…MDs being confused by the SADs rates…a new moniker dreamed up by the Mass Murderers to confuse and flummox the Hoi Polloi…You Imbeciles.

    SADS…Sudden Adult Death Syndrome…=== DEATH by BIOWEAPON SHOTS. Phizers 1st patented in 1999… Moderna’s in 2017. But all invented by yer friendly neighborhood .mil complex…and then contracted for manufacture & distribution in 2017…to be injected into You
    Quality Control NOT Required.

    Now do you understand???


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    I want to be crystal clear on one point.

    The .mil complex doesn’t involve most of the .mil …Not your combat arms…or even most support….the Troops are poisoned too by the Patented Bioweapons.

    BUT the Leadership. All Compromised by esoteric Intel operations to bend them, via blackmail, to the will of the Globalists Puppeteers. Some were quite willing to participate in the Satanic Child torture, rapine and sacrifice to Moloch.

    But it behooves all citizens to right this wrong at every level…as all have been compromised.


  • Avatar



    I want to be crystal clear on one point.

    The .mil complex doesn’t involve most of the .mil …Not your combat arms…or even most support….the Troops are poisoned too by the Patented Bioweapons.

    BUT the Leadership. All Compromised by esoteric Intel operations to bend them, via blackmail, to the will of the Globalists Puppeteers. Some were quite willing to participate in the Satanic Child torture, rapine and sacrifice to Moloch.

    But it behooves all citizens to right this wrong at every level…as all have been compromised.

    BTW, the beginning of the compromise operations starts early on in an officers career. Usually at the company level, when the officer has demonstrated several years of competent leadership…and it starts small. But, usually with an invitation to attend an innocuous sounding get together…a purported social event…at which pics are taken that can be easily misconstrued as compromising. It gets deeper and deeper after that…as the officer is drawn in. Etc

    Your .gov leadership is usually raised up since childhood as being normal in compromise of this color. Another Aristocracy…which we all assumed had died 100+ years ago.


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