Another courageous GP blows the whistle on COVID
Dr David Cartland MBChB GP BMedSci (Hons) shares his vast medical and scientific experience in his interpretation of events of the last two years and his anecdotal analyses confirm what we have been reporting for a very long time from the big data.
My name is Dr Dave Cartland, and I am 39 and a practicing GP in the UK down in sunny Cornwall. I qualified in 2014 as a GP, and prior to that worked my foundation years in the West Midland’s Foundation programme and GPVTS (Black country).
I qualified from Birmingham Medical school in 2008 as a graduate entry medic, completed a Biomedical science degree in 2004 with a large component of this reading in immunology, virology, microbiology and medical statistics.
I proudly qualified with first class honours and went on to publish work in Angiogenesis as part of the Birmingham angiogenesis research group in 2005. I am a married father of 4 awesome children who are my life and have two faiths… Jesus Christ and Aston Villa FC.
Anyway, enough about me. Why did I become a Dr I hear you cry? I became a doctor to help my patients, to be their advocate, to help them in their biology, psychology and social circumstances.
I will always remember exactly the moment of my graduation when we recited the Hippocratic oath. Part of this powerful oath is a vow. A vow to ‘Primum non nocere’- first do no harm.
I hope my patients would agree that I am a caring, decent GP. I enjoy my job and the role I have to play in patients’ lives and can safely say this vow has formed the basis of my medical career thus far.
To not recognise, notify or publicise concerns of harm would be contrary to mine and my colleagues’ oath taken at qualification. I am writing this as a commentary and as a personal reflective piece, some of it opinion other from anecdotes others statistical and government data, but am equally happy for it to be shared.
When the COVID pandemic hit the UK, the confusion, fear and medical uncertainty was palpable by colleagues and patients alike. I want to say from the outset that I am by no means a covid-denier, I have seen many people debilitated acutely and chronically with this horrific disease.
I gladly rolled up my sleeve despite reservations about the speed of the development and lack of prospective safety data but to ‘do my bit’ in the face of unknown aspect of a pandemic. What sort of person let alone Dr would I be if I didn’t step forward to help ‘protect the vulnerable’ and of course my own health. I took my first Pfizer jab on 13/1/21 in complete good faith of the science and public health underpinning its roll out, trusting as all patients do the integrity and reassurance of the government and its scientific advisors.
On the 7th of January, 6 days prior I lost my best friend to the pandemic.
At this time, only very short-term vaccine safety data was starting to filter through and obviously medium- and long-term safety data for the Jab was absent, but with the clear and present danger of the disease, a clear weight in the balance for taking it. All seemed logical to this point.
Something that struck me from the very beginning was that (thank God) death and seriously unwell patients at least in my capacity as a GP (and am aware that I don’t see that particular tip of the iceberg), for me never hit the heights of what I was expecting or that was being projected from the various modelling data that was being shared at the time.
‘Nightingale hospital-gate’ as I will call it never took off, and mortality wasn’t as high as the fear levels had perhaps suggested which was great news. This wasn’t just an independent observation. Now as previously mentioned ITU’s and A+Es were full of covid-related morbidity and mortality, however as time went on slowly but surely some things started to seem odd and not make sense to my pre-pandemic experience of medical practices…
Firstly, and very early on, death certification changed, and all the safeguarding related to a second ‘part 2’ Doctor verifying events around death to come to agreement about what we call the medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD), was over-ruled very early on.
This was partly understandable on the face of it given the swathes of deaths that were expected some of the ‘paperwork’ would understandably need streamlining. Over time I started to see patients’ death certificates coming through in patients that were generally severely unwell with multiple comorbidities as MCCD 1 (a) COVID-19, the main cause of death felt by the dr or coroner.
When looking into specifics and looking at the notes I was seeing when they had been admitted to hospital, they had clearly ‘entered the building’ having been unwell with other things… cancer related issues, end stage COPD exacerbations or renal failure, broken bones, strokes, heart issues, a barn door case of urosepsis died in resus.
On entry to the mortuary marked down as 1 a) COVID 19. Out of hospital deaths followed suit. All it seemed to take was the mere mention of ‘cough’ by a relative elicited by the Part 1 Dr (a common symptom around the time of anyone’s death) the MCCD would be confirmed-COVID-19! This was happening with alarming regularity in personal experience. Something odd was happening and didn’t sit right!
The next irregularity seemed to be around testing and the early use of statistics. I won’t mention too much detail here but the testing for COVID 19 was using PCR (the results of which have formed the mainstay of covid surveillance and shielding protocols throughout). With some prior knowledge of this from my science background and an early statement from the inventor of PCR Kary Mullis himself stating that this was not a technology purposed for diagnostics of viral infections.
To use such technology, in knowledge of this, to gather ‘cases’ just seemed very unscientific. PCR is used to amplify a small sample of genetic material and to increase its ‘visibility’, in order to genetically sequence that small initial sample with common practical application in things like forensics.
We had technology to isolate the virus, electron microscopy among other things but not a mention. It is commonly accepted that when using PCR, you have to set a cycle number of amplification. The agreed limit to get a good amplification and reducing false positive ‘signal’ is 20-25 depending which data you look at. To go over and above this cycle threshold yields very high percentage of false detection.
Multiple FOI requests have been returned from many of the testing labs stating that 40-45 cycles have been used as standard throughout the pandemic. Consider this in simple terms as a game of Chinese whispers, in the amplification process translation errors commonly occur in the decoding process and an early error will pass through to the next and subsequent cycles.
Just like Chinese whispers the initial message after 45 people may be very different to the original word in the game/PCR sample compared to 25. Again, warning signals. Essentially if you turn the cycle number up high enough everyone will have a positive result whether true or false positive. This again defied basic science but was still used despite these very well-known limitations.
Furthermore, the medical statistics being used were and are still vague such as ‘death within 28 days of a positive covid test’, about as nebulous as you can get for such key figures important in a worldwide pandemic seemed to be being purposefully blurred.
Let me expand here briefly, surely just report people who have a case definition of what the viruses’ physical symptoms were (again ever changing) and a positive test = a case. Someone feverish with cough and short of breath with a covid positive test prior to their passing was of course likely a death FROM COVID-19; It wasn’t seemingly that ‘simple’.
It certainly didn’t seem good medicine to report a person in intensive care for example that has died of a PE secondary to his elective Total hip replacement and passing away from this as COVID 19 due to asymptomatic positive screening, this just didn’t add up!
For medics even now simplified data is hard to find, with guidance ever changing almost weekly and finding straightforward data e.g., how many of those 150,000 recently surpassed deaths were actually FROM …not WITH COVID-19 seem impossible to lay hands on. Surely for such an inherently important statistic, clarity should be paramount particularly in order to counsel our patients and risk assess for ourselves as independent practitioner.
Again, recent FOI reports I am being made aware of state in one example 2 of the 97 reported covid deaths fulfilled the disease definition and positive test criteria among others! Alarming stuff!
Back to personal experience, the time came for Jab 2 with the ‘friendly warning’ that mandate was coming for NHS staff and after careful consideration and using evidence-based approach myself and my wife reluctantly agreed on 26/5/21. I will say that at that time the data wasn’t as black and white as prior to Jab 1 but for the greater good and all that!
Questions on mine and my patients mind were… Why do I need this again so soon… does this not show the jab isn’t working?… jab one made me quite unwell for a number of days with some very strange symptoms what if this happens again?… and what if jab 2 doesn’t stem the tide surely not a third?… and just around that time a few early signals of a wide selection of ‘Jab reactions’ were starting to find their way to my attention through patient contacts… more on this later.
What makes a case:
I briefly touched on this above but wanted to expand. It sounds very basic to say this but to have a medical condition or to be called a ‘case’ one must satisfy a basic criterion… you must have symptoms and the presence/evidence of the disease like a scan or a test.
For example: dysuria and frequency plus E. coli in the urine = UTI (see Koch’s postulates), headache/neurology plus cerebral mass = brain cancer, abdominal swelling and baby in-utero… You get the gist.
However, in the case of COVID-19 people were being told something I have never heard before in my career. You can be a ‘case’, a dangerous ‘threat to your gran’ without even having a symptom. A dangerous spreader of the virus without so much as a sneeze. The hallowed ‘asymptomatic carriage’ (AC).
From my very basic virology knowledge and in view of alarming data re false positives as above all was a little confusing. Asymptomatic disease is true in other areas of biology for example bacteria and some protozoa can be asymptomatic. Sorry to freak you out but your hands are probably covered in Staph Aureus (a natural ‘commensal’ bacteria that colonises skin), and likely coliforms (a medical word for bowel organisms)- despite how much hand gel you are using. They are single independently alive unicellular organisms that reproduce asexually.
Viruses on the other hand are a little more complex. By definition, they are obligate intracellular parasites. They can not live very long at all outside of a human cell as they are fully dependent on human cellular machinery (nucleus, ribosomes and various enzymes) that they borrow to allow to reproduce.
A single virus enters the human cell, takes over the genetic machinery, and causes programmed cell death ‘apoptosis’ of the cell. Having ruptured the host cell and bursting with an exponential number of virion’s compared to the initial individual invading virus those new viruses go on to then infect a multitude of neighbouring cells and before you know it innumerable viruses.
Cell damage left in the wake of this and the consequent immune response to fight this vicious attack. Part of what makes you feel unwell from having a virus is the immune system response aside from the effect of cell damage by the virus. Cytokines, inflammation and pyrogens storm the body to gain control before a critical mass of virus can take hold.
As only males of the world know this is particularly present in the seasonal illness known as man-flu, the consequent myalgia, rigors nausea malaise and near-death experience of man-flu is in part due to this.
I will summarise it this way… and apologies for the lecture on virology… if you have a virus particularly a SARS type respiratory tract virus, you KNOW you have a virus whether it’s a sniffle, aches, pain but still not asymptomatic carriage.
Incidentally the way pandemics become endemic is by exactly the mechanism we see being displayed in Omicron data. As previously mentioned, viruses are parasites and have no interest in killing their host. That wouldn’t make much sense from a survival plan perspective.
Viruses learn to become symbiotic with their host. The perfect storm… spread like wildfire/high transmission and low pathogenicity/harm to the host, survival of species. The misuse of this medical ‘phenomenon’ of AC and not acknowledging the fact of what is happening now with Omicron being a much milder disease is in my medical opinion misleading the public.
A virus pandemic will always eventually become endemic, fact. The AC fallacy use has driven fear into our society as we mask up, avoid others, keep our 2 metres and decide not to visit our elderly relatives is implausible. Aside from that, the collateral harm from all the psychological physical and social/economic harm is a ludicrous idea in the face of such a lie.
To ‘LOCK DOWN’ is inconceivable and unprecedented as evidenced by having never been used as a management strategy for pandemics ever in humanity.
Talking of collateral damage and just while we are on the subject of harm from such an erroneous medical ‘fact’ and subsequent policy. When does the harm to patients for such damage become an important denominator?
From fear of seeing the GP, delayed cancer diagnosis, bottle-necking of NHS services/inflation of waiting lists, palpable mental health distress, social issues such as poverty and loneliness the list is endless? Surely to allow all of this as a trade-off, the threat needs to be ‘bubonically’ high, and the risk of treatment low to allow such measures to become acceptable.
Silence is deafening
Over the last few months something has become startlingly apparent in regard to the latest data from Omicron which didn’t seem to correlate with previous waves. I will say that from the outset, hence my discomfort with current policy in particular the Mandate of a medical treatment for staff.
It came about after I was asked to consider the booster (in English a third dose in 6 months of something I had twice in the recent past that gave me side effects and something I and probably no other Dr can say they have experienced before in their medical practice. A tri-6 monthly jab with speculation of even more… Flu Jab annually, Hep B jab lifelong, the ten yearly tetanus et al… something didn’t feel right. To take one (again) for the team or not?
The answer to this dilemma was simple. The ‘vaccine’ needed to confer both personal benefits i.e., if I take it my risk of being ill and even death would/should be reduced, likewise in the interest of being a good citizen and medic of the world that it would also reduce my ability to catch and likewise transmit to my relatives and patients (aside from evolving safety data which will discuss later).
This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here:
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Allan Shelton
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It is probably a good article, but it is too wordy and too long .
I do not want a long sermon.
I gave up reading after a few paragraphs…
Sorry. But I want hard hitting bullet points not a sermon.
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It isn’t, it’s based on fundamental fraud.
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Anything blaming a supposed “germ” or “virus” (which have no motile, ATP or reproductive function) is garbage, ignorance of morphological results from the body, such as what they misattribute as a “causative virus”. Which is misattributed debris from a cell, and then with worthless virology methodology, which induces pathogenicity and then they reckon they’re clever.
And then, they ignore literally innumerable actual causative factors known to be causative in disease, throughout a person’s life…in the name of worshiping at the altar of “contagious pathogenic viruses” because they’re either malicious, invested or morons.
Scurvy, Pellagra, etc also used to be considered contagious. Turns out they aren’t.
Polio/GBS/AFM? (Arsenic? Mercury? Other metals?) Toxicity and inability to clear that toxicity.
Measles? Vitamin A is a big factor.
RTIs? Vitamin D is often a big factor.
HIV/AIDS here in Africa? Malnutrition and toxicity.
Ebola? Again, severe toxicities (specifically toxified areas, industrial areas, selenium and vitamin E deficiency as some factors…and it never spreads)
Also, “immune responses” are provably merely measures of damage. They cannot provide future protection. So they frame that damage as protection…can you figure out why?
Coz inverting things, and framing results as causative means a perpetual cycle for that malicious fraudulent industry and the worthless pasteur methodology, that relies on sickness and your belief and attacking results in the body (the body itself) as causative, with toxins.
Tom Horn
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Bravo Alcheminister! Finally a breath of fresh air in a world of insanity and ignorance. All of the medical industry is propped up by the lie of the virus. Same for cancer. Just absolute bullshit.
It appears that most of the peanut gallery does not want to even touch your truthful comments. It would be like monkeys debating with Tesla.
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Cheers, but some have been saying the sort of stuff I said there for quite some time.
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Oh, right. Tom, the thing is, their “diagnostics” are often physically causative in disease.
For two reasons:
They use toxins, they use invasive procedures, they impose, they use flawed methodology, they have indoctrinated (quantized, entropic) interpretations, they use broken (kinda intentionally…to cause damage) observation methods, they’re retarded.,
And AND, they use binary classification! Didn’t you know, you’re health status is predicated on a piece of snot, which is then removed from you (with a procedure that involves raping your skull, with added toxins) and then…that result, that piece of snot, has toxins thrown at it. And then, even better, you do that repeatedly, especially with primers that TARGETS a result. Which is either 0 or 1. That’s what you are as a person. Don’t you feel special and not lied to?
You are either covid, or you are not. Coz it’s a demonization of your body! With means to degenerate you! To sell more degenerating means at you! Woohoo!
And then…even better. Did you know a “doctor” telling you you have “AIDS” means, like, psychological distress, trauma, which has physical effects…and that can kinda cause “antibody responses”…because it was damaging. So you shot that “doctor” in the face instead is what happened.
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I guess that was more than 2 reasons. I’m bad at math, sorry.
But here’s the 3rd reason. Their tools they rely on are also flawed and actually weapons. So their guns jam and sometimes backfire.
Tom Horn
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Alchemy is on a roll.
Just to give an example of covid insanity first hand let me share an actual event:
I had to travel to an un-named asian police state for work.
This required multiple covid tests which I “passed”. I was then placed into isolation (quarantine) for a week. Then the holy grail of fraud, the PCR test was inserted into my skull cavities a good 2 inches. Lo and behold that “test” was “positive”. I was removed from my hotel by goons in haz mat suits and transferred to an isolation facility. There in solitary confinement, I was detained against my will for 14 days. I had “evidence” of being jabbed (I wasn’t) but that was not good enough for the obedient mindless twats at the isolation facility. To “prove” I was jabbed, I had to provide a blood sample to see if I had any anti-bodies present. It was 10 days confinement for the jabbed and 14 days for the un-jabbed. I figured it was worth a shot. The results of the blood theft were negative. I was informed that I had no anti-bodies present so I must be un-jabbed and detained for 14 days. I asked the “Doctor” how I could possibly have “covid” and need to be confined if I clearly had no anti-bodies present in my blood? And absolutely no symptoms. This was answered by silence and denial of science. “Sir you were positive on the PCR test so you definitely have covid” But I have absolutely no symptoms. “Solly Sir, you tested positive on the PCR Test”. But I have no anti-bodies present in my blood. “Solly Sir…..” Finally as my ordeal neared it’s insane end, the policy of the obedient slave like police state nation that I was imprisoned by changed. The isolation requirement had been reduced. (Why? I don’t know must be science!) To be released early I would have to self administer an antigen test in my room alone and UN-supervised and take a picture of the result. I think you know what I did. I simply swabbed air. And thus produced a “negative” result and was released a couple of days early. So after being subject to insanity and blind obedience by a cadre of mindless Asian drones who seem to enjoy their enslavement, in the end I was able to do the UN-thinkable in their culture and fake it to break free of their 1984 system.
Just a small sample of the insanity that is the covid Plandemic and how incredibly crazy it has become due to evil and a zombie like populace that will not awaken.
Unbelievable yet true.
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Okay…so Tom…
I respect that you had to put up with that shit for “investigative purposes”…but like, I’ve been told some of my Germanic family members are just as stupid as Jews. And they identify as “communist” zombiedronerobosheepclones. So I guess they’ll have to do all that “great work”.
Greg Spinolae
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Superb article! Concise, succinct well written. Naturally; it will go over the head of those addicted to spoon-feeding.
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Very ironic, as most of the article is from being spoonfed and indoctrination, kinda peddling malicious garbage and upholding fundamental fraud.
It’s drivel.
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From birth, humanity has been trained, indoctrinated and forced to believe that only certain people have access to truth and knowledge. Humanity calls these people leaders, Doctors, scientists, authorities, academia and more. It’s an absolute lie. It serves to maintain the balance of power in the hands of those that have sold their souls and do lie about EVERYTHING.
By and large, just about any human born upon this earth has the ability and intelligence to equal or exceed the intelligence of any of the above listed authority figures. But again, humanity is “taught” otherwise.
There are two main factors that prevent the average person from acquiring truth, wisdom and knowledge.
1. Laziness.
2. Cowardice
Add these 2 together and the result is ignorance.
The average sheep like nitwit is simply too lazy to do any meaningful research. They prefer the easy road of just believing in what others have written or proclaimed. They like to parrot what they hear without cross checking that information for truth and accuracy. The by products of this laziness are the loss of any ability to think for themselves as well as the loss of common sense, instincts, critical thinking, logic and reason.
Cowardice comes into play when one is faced with an unpleasant truth and does nothing about it. Fear of being made fun of, ridiculed, going against the grain, denying popular culture and speaking out silence the cowardly and lazy person.
Thus we have what we have. An entire earth chock full of mindless, lazy, cowardly and ultimately ignorant sheeple that are simply incapable of breaking free from their condition.
All by design. All planned. And working like a fine swiss watch.
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The three pillars of “education”:
1. Indoctrination.
2. Reward/punishment (validation, affirmation, reinforcement of indoctrination).
3. Marketing/advertising (sales, glamour, status, “authority” appeals)
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Sorry, correction…
Marketing/advertising (sales, glamour, status, “authority” appeals to perpetuate, promote indoctrination)
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You might notice the double mention of 3 there hinting at “freemasonry” (every form of institutionalization, with “free” meaning enslaved, and “masonry” meaning destructive).
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there is a cure for this ‘covid 19’ – ask Dr. Pierre Dr.Kory
the deaths this doctor saw was actually murders – of people who were blue in the face because their doctors surgery was closed to them for early treatment – they suffered from the wrong medication and ‘breathing equipment’ that was killing them in the hospital, with limited beds (most empty in the rest of the wards) and limited nurses/doctors.
all planned to make this ‘virus’ look like it was worse – than the 99% survival rate that it actually is.
and to scare the hell out of people in the process.
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That’s super ironic, you appeal to another establishment, indoctrinated spoonfed moron peddling toxic unnecessary, non-nutritious garbage based on the same fundamental fraud.
Let me guess, he peddles some currently super popularized pharma products (I honestly don’t know, but I’m willing to take that wager)…maybe some useless toxic garbage like IVM, HCQ, AZM, steroids, etc from the fundamentally backwards damaging principles of pasteur methodology which relies on attacking morphological results of the body as causative?
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Here’s some random stuff regarding vaccines and some other crap for you (and very elaborate comments, sometimes tangential and off topic, sometimes speculative).
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He is brave to publish this and might find he is without a job. But who wants a GP like him? He says he had reservations but accepted the scientist and government views. I didn’t accept them, and I have no medical training. The “vaccine” was clearly new technology that had not been proven in at least 20 years of development. The results of randomised control trials were published before the “vaccines” were given emergency approval. Anybody looking at them could see that they said little about their effectiveness with only about 160 people on the trial being infected and hardly any details being given. They also used a RRR which is a classic way to make something look better. We all know that vaccines take years to develop and test for safety and here we have a GP trained in virology who could not see the problems and recommended the vaccine to his patients. Is he sending a copy of this information to his patients? The rest of the GPs will not even recognise what he has finally woken up to. How can we possible trust any GP or anybody else working for the NHS after this appalling failure to prevent an experimental treatment forced onto many people? Not to mention the pointless mask wearing which they should have also prevented.
Jerry Krause
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Hi Alan,
I generally appreciate your comments; but this one–NO. You began: “He is brave to publish this and might find he is without a job. But who wants a GP like him? He says he had reservations but accepted the scientist and government views. I didn’t accept them, and I have no medical training.”
Were you being brave when you didn’t accept the governments “knowledge” and “dictates”??? Did your future employment depend upon what you didn’t accept??? I do not know your answers to these questions. This GP required a governments license to earn his (and maybe his family’s) living. That is why you wrote: “He is brave to publish this and might find he is without a job.”
Your decision might effect your future but but you and he knew the such a decision as yours could very likely effect him. And he, without any experience, with this NEW HEALTH PROBLEM knew nothing about it because it was NEW. He did not have instantaneous KNOWLEDGE about it. So by experience he had to learn KNOWLEDGE about it.
I write this because I believe, based upon past experiences that will understand the problem with what you wrote.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi Alan and PSI Readers,
I often study the weather history, during the nighttime, that has been automatically observed at the local airport. Because it is an airport the weather factors reported are wind (mph) and its direction, visibility (miles), weather (fair, fog, haze, cloud types), sky conditions (clear, cloud types and their elevations, air temperature, air dewpoint temperature, and air pressure.
If a reader, within about 3 days of this comment, you can review the data of 2/10/2022 ( And especially review the data reported at 3:56am.
I only make this comment because the observations made at this time somewhat contradictory in that the sky condition is clear when the weather is fog/mist and the visibility is 3 miles. And if one would try to understand (explain) the data of last night I believe you might learn something about weather and climate. For the data of this night is not uncommon at this time of the year in the Willamette Valley of Oregon.
Of course, this comment has little to no relationship to your (Alan) comment and the topic of this article.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
This PSI website is intended for the personal article which Joel composed based upon his personal experience; hence KNOWLEDGE. For I agree with Einstein that “The only source of knowledge is experience.” Joel shares his experiences and his knowledge with any PSI Readers who wants to LEARN!!!
If my memory is correct, this isn’t the first comment that Allan Shelton has written here at PSI. From his comment, I have to conclude that he does not come to PSI to LEARN!!! Only he knows why he wastes his time reading only a little bit and then writing a critical comment.
It seems to me there are too many Allan’s and not enough Joels, who share their experiences and knowledge and not enough Greg Spinolaes who come here to actually LEARN SOMETHING. Allan, from my experiences I can assure you that REAL LEARNING is very hard work for in SCIENCE the SCIENTIST is never CERTAIN if the generally ACCEPTED KNOWLEDGE is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. But, based upon EXPERIENCE (observations), a SCIENTIST can sometimes LEARN what GENERALLY ACCEPTED KNOWLEDGE is ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT.
Thank you Joel for sharing and Greg for giving him encouraging words.
Have a good day, Jerry
Jerry Krause
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Hi PSI Readers,
No, I did not purposely make one of common mistakes as commented Joel for sharing the experiences and knowledge of Dr Dave Cartland. Making mistakes like this seems to be one of these NATURAL HUMAN PROPERTIES which I have in excess!!!
Have a good day, Jerry
Tom Horn
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Jerry you know NOTHING. In fact you know less than NOTHING. If at least you knew that you know NOTHING that would be something….but you don’t.
It hurts to read your mindless drivel. At some point you simply either must pull your head out of your ass and seek truth or at the very least stop writing.
Tom Hinton
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An excellent article written be a man who clearly is well qualified to see the issues from both sides. Since reading it I came across the attached blog from ONS, the author makes some outrageous claims. This in relation to the December release that only 17,000 have died from Covid, he claims that 90% actually died from covid. Given the points made in this article re streamlining of Death Certificates etc, and few post mortems how can anyone be that certain. Moving on to the methods used to test for a virus with emergency authorised PCR test (EUA now withdrawn) and LFT’s that can only identify proteins associated “with the virus” I’m wondering if the propagandists are working at ONS.
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“Covid” (like every other supposed “contagious virus”) is a projected suggestion from institutionalization for exploitative, degenerative reasons. Meaning, it is essentially a form of hypnosis, religious belief.
Oh btw, if “covid” is interchangeable with “flu” (and other”colds” and RTIs and…uh people falling off ladders) and “covid” is fundamentally fraudulent (as it is), what’s that mean? Implicitly, those interchangeable things are fraud too, because of reductionist cretinism and ommision, refusal to address fundamentals, with backwards principles for exploitative intent!
It’s a form of malicious degenerate deflection, fearmongering from anti-life indoctrinated, invested cretins peddling toxic shit (from denial and insecurity to avoid causation, the massive amount of obvious, known actual factors causative in disease, that are qualitatively, and quantitavely far more provable) for brainwashing.
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And if you didn’t quite catch that, it also means every other supposed “contagious viral disease” (as that’s the fundamentals for those projections of “flus”, “covids” and RTIs I mentioned)…happens to be fraudulent too.
Tom Hinton
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I don’t disagree at all, my concern is about strategy particularly in relation to Covid. If we make it difficult for people to reexamine their views, most will double down and dig their heels in. Even accommodate ridiculous theory simply to counter any argument. This GP has acknowledged and I suspect beginning to question the motives of Pharma and Government. Who was it that said, “science advances one funeral at a time”
If Pharma lose this argument, it will lead to questioning virology. I liked the comment of Dr Kaufman when he said that he’s prepared to accept that there are unknown sub atomic particles that cause illness, but not viruses.
Walter White
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Dear Doctor David Cartland MBChB GP BMedSci,
I hate to inform you that your entire career has been based on a steaming pile of lies, but in the interest of truth, I feel I must. See Doc, you are simply a product of your flawed and nonsensical curriculum. In the military they call it cooperate and graduate. That’s exactly what you did. To achieve all of the esteemed letters not to mention the whole “Doctor” accolade you simply had to believe in the absolute nonsense that was shoved into your skull. Had you questioned the junk science lie of the virus you would have had to find another career. No more big bucks for Doc Cartland. See Doc “they” taught you how to push toxic drugs for every single symptom known to man. How to automatically discard diet, nutrition and natural supplements. To roll your eyes at fasts, coffee enemas, juicing and other proven natural cures.
Look at you now…..a Pfizer vaccinated / poisoned, virus believing clown. Pushing lies and drugs on a trusting public. What ever happened to first do no harm? Hmmmmm?
Too late. You are a dismal failure. You and the vast majority of all the Doctors and Nurses out there that have been misled, lied too and forced to cooperate and graduate. All those letters and titles are simply badges of your gullibility, and lack of critical thinking, logic and reason.
Walter White
On this earthly realm we have 3 major problems that exist and ensure continued enslavement and doom:
1. An evil International Cabal of psychopaths hell bent on absolute control and depopulation.
2. An entire army of useful idiots – Doctors, Nurses, police, militaries, politicians, reporters, “scientists”.
3. The most ignorant sheeple masses ever to steal oxygen on this earthly realm.
All of whom contribute to what we now have. Lies piled upon lies and an upside down world that gets worse every single day.
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this pandemic & injections have nothing to do with health – it’s a culling
Nicholas Tee
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Not a pandemic. A scamdemic, a plandemic. Meaning there is no pandemic at all. Viruses do not exist. Period. What’s left is lies. The culling is a direct result of poison jabs and so called hospital protocols that murder patients mis-diagnosed as having the fraudulent covid.
Meanwhile humanity shuffles along masked and defeated. Like good little owned, mindless slaves.
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Oh and to conclude this little session.
Every protocol is fundamentally failure, btw. At best. Unless you’re zombiedronerobosheepclones.
Because of varying health status. Figure it out. Protocol is ALWAYS sub-optimal, and homogenization, stagnation is the bane of creation. Maybe you think an 80 year old and a 5 year old have the same sort of health status, coz you failed at physics?
Nicholas Tee
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Notice how all these Doctors and Nurses, Politicians, media whores, authorities all proclaim that they are not anti-vaccine?
Why the hell not? To be anti-vaccine is to be a critical thinking human being that knows enough that they do not want or need anything injected into their bodies at all.
To be anti-vaccine is to know that viruses do not exist at all and taking an unknown injection for these non-existent “viruses” is insanity.
It just blows my mind how many people continue to accept vaccines and big pharma as solutions to health issues. What exactly are you thinking? What? Some vaccines are OK? Some viruses are real?
They would only lie about a few things right? RIGHT?
I’ll tell you why they all proclaim that they are not anti-vaccine. It’s because big pharma is the single largest financial stakeholder in the world today outside of central banking. It’s a trillion dollar cabal. It is a tool to destroy health and depopulate the earth. So all the sell out twits listed above to keep their status and wealth are absolutely required to proclaim that they are big supporters of vaccines.
As always follow the money. There you will find answers, evil and truth.
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“As always follow the money. ”
I’d phrase that differently. Rather like, who/what uses money, in what ways, as money is fundamentally entropic…for anti-life, control, imposition, degenerate reasons and use that to try and subjugate you with their…uh…ironically, inverted projections of value…which is known as debt…requiring say, marketing. Coz, I mean, that’s how you devalue actual worth. And if you’re an anti-life souled out Qlippothic deathcultist…you work FOR money, it is your God, isn’t it? Now imagine, that…the amount of money you have (imaginary, like the concept of “viruses”, homogenous, degenerate and entropic, incapable of creation)…is actually a measure of your indictment, “thanks” to your ignorant indoctrination because of all those vaccines that have made you a cretin.
Just keep on “boosting” that “supply” of “money” by exploiting what’s real with meaningless entropic fraud shit. I’m sure that inversion I mentioned won’t send you to hell.
Nicholas Tee
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OK?? Kind of losing it a wee bit today eh? Drugs and commenting don’t mix so well.
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Define “drugs”.
For instance, I don’t use pharmaceuticals.
Nicholas Tee
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Definition: whatever it is that is making you speak in tongues or whatever the Fu@# that lingua is.
Must be some good Mania inducing stuff. Enjoy .
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How exactly did this courageous GP blow the whistle on Covid? Hey Doc what exactly did they teach you for 4 plus years in Medical school indoctrination camp? Looks like a whole lot of nothing. Looks like your Hypocrite oath was simply “First push lots of toxic drugs and cull humanity like a well trained magician.”
The problem humanity now has is trusting health and wellness to a bunch of over paid monkeys that refer to themselves as Doctors.
Real health comes from within. Love yourself and others. Connect with your creator and nourish your soul. Eat fresh organic foods. Drink lots of clean water. Go into the Sun. Breathe fresh air. Lift heavy things, often. Get your heart rate above 120 BPM on a regular basis for at least 30 minutes at a time. Look to natural healing and supplements like vitamins, herbs, minerals. Maintain body fat levels around 10 to 12 percent for Men and slightly more for Women. Avoid smoking, alcohol, drugs, pollution and big pharma drugs. Get plenty of restful sleep. Meditate. Do cleanses. Fast. Do intermittent fasting. Try colonics and coffee enemas.
These are what give us healthy minds and bodies. None of us need any Doctor beyond broken bones and injuries save for a few.
Turn your backs on big pharma and their pimps- Doctors.
First, they do lots of harm. It’s their business to do so.
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This is how, on New Years 2019/2020, I died. So like, I killed a lot of things on the other side (shaman be like dat).
Doug Harrison
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The last time I had a disagreement with my GP (and I’ve had a few over my 86 years) I told him as I walked out that the school he went to to learn his trade was bought and paid for by big pharma well before he was born.