Another climate disaster for which there’s no actual evidence

One trouble with alarmism is those pushing it sometimes can’t decide what the problem is, only the cause.

For instance when the CBC headlines a widely reprinted Associated Press story “Churchill [Manitoba] adapts and thrives as warming climate threatens polar bear tourism”.

For decades polar bears were a key charismatic-megafauna talking point for climate alarmists as they dwindled, starved and went extinct.

But then they started flourishing, especially once a legitimate issue of overhunting was largely addressed. But they might disappear if the sea ice melts, in which case the town is ready to promote tours to see beluga whales.

So naturally the whales have to be threatened too, by causes yet unknown but if it happens, or even if the whale population soars, it will be climate change of course. There’s nothing it can’t do… except perhaps shut up.

That CBC puff piece on rugged Churchill, located on the rugged shore of rugged Hudson Bay 1,700 kilometres north of rugged Winnipeg, begins:

“Change has broken, remade and continues to reshape this remote town where tundra meets forest on the shore of Hudson Bay. The economic base collapsed when the military left town.

Rail service and cargo ships – the lifeblood of supplies for a town not connected to the rest of the world by roads – blinked out. The weather is warming, signature animals are dwindling and even the ground is shifting. Through it all, Churchill has adapted.”

Yay Churchill! Boo warming! Waaaah signature animals! But wait. The puffery continues with:

“As climate change has edged into the picture, they’ve begun designing more flexible buildings, and they’re seeking to entice more varied visitors if, as scientists fear, shrinking sea ice crashes the bear population.

Residents, government officials and experts say the town is a model for coping with dramatic shifts and attribute it to the rural mindset that focuses on fixing, not whining.”

Well, we’re all for fixing not whining. But what’s this business of “as scientists fear”? You’re saying the whole thing is just made up inside some scientists’ computers?

Yup. In fact there aren’t fewer bears, there are more. “As the town dwindled, bears began coming to town more often, no longer frightened away by noise from the base and rocket launches”. So you made it all up?

Yup. And still making, because that sentence lurches on “and made desperate as climate change shrank the Hudson Bay ice they depend on as a base for hunting.”

Desperate? Polar bears are desperate? They don’t even depend on the ice as a base for hunting, as Susan Crockford and others have emphasized. But they do like the easy pickings in an unguarded town dump located not on ice but on land. So the rugged adaptable non-whiny locals cashed in:

“A local mechanic built a fat-tired, souped-up recreational vehicle to see bears safely. Photos and documentaries attracted tourists, who spend $5,000 a visit on average and millions of dollars overall.

Churchill now bills itself as the polar bear capital of the world, and though it has no stoplights, it features upscale restaurants and plenty of mom-and-pop hotels.”

A happy story? No, of course not:

“If that comes to an end, Churchill hopes to be ready. The town is promoting tourism for beluga whales, although those too may be harmed as the entire Hudson Bay ecosystem, including the food the belugas eat, shifts to one usually seen further south.”

Another disaster for which there’s no actual evidence. These “signature animals” are not dwindling and they don’t try to provide any proof that they are or even might be. But on climate you can just say anything, and as long as it’s all bad all the time you don’t need to worry about having evidence to back it up.

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