Animation Showing Ebb & Flow of Arctic Ice -1979-2018

The purpose of this animation is to show the cyclical nature of Arctic Ice and how it grows and shrinks regardless of mainstream media fear-mongering about melting Arctic Ice.

This animation was produced by using two images per month separated by two weeks. The images were obtained from NOAA’s Archive linked below.

There are two periods in the timeline that are missing and this reflects missing data at NOAA’s Archive.

Images used were not adulterated, adjusted or changed in any way and are exact replicas of the originals.

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    Physics Defeats AGW


    You say “Help Our Non-Profit Mission To Defend The Scientific Method.” and yet you don’t even look into the CORRECT PHYSICS in the three papers at You reviewed and published the first, then rejected out of hand (without ANYONE studying the context) the next two papers by the same author. The PHYSICS THEREIN IS CORRECT.

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      NOAA actually should have gone back to 1975. They had the data but didn’t use it. Look at Tony Hellers work

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