Angie, Clever Hans, Pope Frank, and a Climate-Controlled World
We started writing this article before the German elections in September, which included Angela Merkel for Chancellor. At the end of the article we gave advice to the German voters.
To paraphrase German “climatologist” Stefan Rahmstorf in his open letter on (which he founded with the rest of the climate Gestapo, Gavin Schmidt and Michael Mann) to the US voters in the last election, we said, “Dear German voters, don’t make a choice that your children will regret”.
Angela Merkel actually won the election — many Germans are still terrified to look like Nazis if they vote even a little to the right of her — but for the first time in modern history an elected Chancellor can’t form a government (the Germans are not even sure how to handle the situation); no other party wants to work with her now. That’s almost as bad as losing. There may even be another election because of it, which will hurt Merkel even more.
You remember “Angie” (her party, CDU, actually illegally used the Rolling Stone’s song “Angie” to get her elected once, and it’s weird fun to think of her while listening to the lyrics; try it). She is the little tyrant who lectures President Trump about global warming, particularly the Paris Climate Agreement, which is dead for all practical purposes now.
Angie was born in free West Germany but her parents moved to communist East Germany when she was a baby. They were true believers in communism.
Angie grew up and prospered under the communist dictatorship in East Germany (she was 35 when the Wall fell). That is thus the form of government she is comfortable with and inherently wants.
Remember East Germany’s secret police, the Stasi? I (Dr. Duane Thresher) visited the Stasi Museum in Leipzig once. Very scary. Worse than the KGB (or even the Gestapo). The Soviets always said the East Germans were better/stricter communists than they were. Karl Marx was German after all.
They say half of the East Germans were secretly informing on the other half. The informers prospered, like Angie did. She says she was asked to work for the Stasi but refused. Her Stasi file has never been seen. Many files were destroyed when the Wall fell to protect informants.
After the Wall fell and the Germanies were reunited, Angie entered politics and backstabbed her way to the top, where she implemented policies that seemed designed to destroy Germany, like some Stasi deep cover agent of influence.
One of these policies of course is to deluge Germany with Muslim immigrants. You would think with how guilty the Germans feel about the Holocaust that they would not allow the country to be filled with rabid anti-Semites. East Germans like Angie though, were never made to feel guilty about the Holocaust. They were told it was not their fault, it was the West Germans’s fault.
At one point in her political rise, Angie became Minister for the Environment. Here she learned the power that can be had by pretending to protect the world from global warming (just another protection racket). As Senator Ted Cruz says, global warming is all about political power:
“[Global warming is] about power and money. At the end of the day, it’s not complicated. This is liberal politicians who want government power.”
and also from that NPR interview:
“Climate change is the perfect pseudoscientific theory for a big government politician who wants more power. Why? Because it is a theory that can never be disproven.”
Does Angie really care about global warming hurting people? Like most of the leaders destroying Europe these days, Angie doesn’t have any of her biologically-own kids so no real reason to care about the future but is always accusing climate change deniers (global warming skeptics) of not caring about their kids.
The rest of this article is about people who also know the political power of global warming as a protection racket and are working with Angie on using it that way.
We’ve written about German “climatologist” Stefan Rahmstorf, his Gestapo tactics, and his AGU climate communication prize for these tactics in Heil Klimafuehrer Rahmstorf! and AGU’s “Climate Change: Believe It Or Else” Prize. Rahmstorf is at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK; in naming it they already assumed their scientific results).
Full disclosure: Dr. Claudia Kubatzki worked for 8 years at PIK with Rahmstorf and is coauthor on several papers with him.
Rahmstorf is merely Hans Schellnhuber’s attack dog. Hans Schellnhuber is the creator and head of PIK. He is a physicist, another who carpetbagged it into climate science; in his case not just for the money but also for the power, as you’ll see.
Full disclosure: Dr. Claudia Kubatzki worked for 8 years at PIK with Hans Schellnhuber. She was also unfortunate enough to live in an apartment next to the young woman old Schellnhuber took up with just after his first wife died. To this day, Kubatzki can’t bear to remember the disgusting sounds of Schellnhuber having sex.
We are going to call Hans Schellnhuber “Clever Hans”, also a German horse that did arithmetic, because Schellnhuber is too hard to say. Clever Hans is a member, and has often been head, of the German Advisory Council on Global Change, which directly advises Chancellor Angie on global warming (he was also her advisor when she was Minister of the Environment).
Clever Hans, an outspoken atheist, is also in the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which directly advises Pope Francis on global warming. Pope Frank has been an outspoken climate change warrior and has condemned and demonized climate change deniers. As our motto indicates though, we agree with Pope Frank that global warming is a religious subject.Senator Ted Cruz agrees as well:
“Look in the world of global warming. What is the language they use? They call anyone who questions the science — who even points to the satellite data — they call you a, quote, ‘denier’. Denier is not the language of science. Denier is the language of religion. It is heretic. You are a blasphemer. It’s treated as a theology.”
(If we were Catholics we would already be excommunicated by Pope Frank, after an Inquisition of course. However, the scientific consensus is that there is no God, so climate change warriors don’t get to use him to bolster their weak case. And how many times do popes have to be wrong about science before they learn to shut up about it? Rest In Peace Galileo, heretic of scientific consensus, geocentric denier.)
Pope Frank is also concerned with the Catholic Church’s loss of power in the world and actively trying to recover it.
So here’s the cabal shocker: Clever Hans has advocated for a world government where climate change warrior “scientists” decide what must be done to protect the world from global warming and the world government forces the world to do what the “scientists” say. Angie and Pope Frank have implied their support for this.
We get in trouble when we use Nazi references, like Hitler, but c’mon, Clever Hans is a German who is planning world domination. You can’t expect us not to make the comparison. And with a Pope involved we also can’t help but mention Hitler’s Pope, Pope Pius XII.
There is also another connection between Angie and Pope Frank. As we wrote about in Heil Klimafuehrer Rahmstorf!, the last German Federal Minister of Education and Research (which includes climate), Annette Schavan, a close personal friend of Angie’s, was found to have plagiarized her dissertation and so lost her PhD and her job. Angie then made Annette the German Ambassador to the Holy See. Make your own jokes here.
Another Germany-Pope-climate connection is German Pope Benedict XVI, who preceded Pope Frank. He had been known as the “Green Pope” for his environmental views (e.g., solar panels on the Vatican), but then, apparently upon actually thinking about it, he condemned “the climate change prophets of doom”.
Benedict became the first Pope in 600 years to retire. Perhaps though, like all Germans, Pope Benedict had been inculcated with the belief that a comfy retirement — he’s still in Vatican City — was his God-given right. And maybe he forgot to read the small print, “for life”, on the Pope job contract. It was probably in Latin after all.
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