An Update On Surface-Based Temperature Data
It is helpful to update and evaluate temperature data occasionally. Accordingly, I have done so in the chart below, using data maintained by the Goddard Institute of Space Studies (part of NASA).
The data is actually collected by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It extends from 1880 and is typically cited as providing the most reliable surface temperature anomalies available, and is available here.
While it has serious flaws, it is the best available and has been cited by NASA and quoted in the Washington Post as demonstrating 2016 to be the warmest year on record, with each of the first six months setting new records (see red below).
But, notice the heating had begun in late 2015, a period that also coincided with one of the strongest El Ninos on record, and arguably explains the spike in temperatures in early 2016.
By 2017, temperature anomalies had dropped significantly, with the first five months being about average over the last six years.
In total, temperature anomalies were below previous-year levels for a total of 20 consecutive months, from October 2016 through May of 2018.
Those who failed to emphasize the importance of El Nino in heat spikes were guilty of serious malfeasance.
But, that has been the story of climate “science” at least since Michael Mann and others spliced several sets of data together, much of it “proxy” data tree rings, ice samples, etc. in order to get a long time series that would show a “hockey stick” effect in recent years.
Climategate demonstrated the full depth of corruption, with emails revealing collusion among many involved.
A 123-page paper by Christopher Booker, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), explains how a few strong personalities formulated and perpetuated what amounts to a hoax.
The first of these was a Swedish meteorologist, Professor Bert Bolin (1925-2007). Bolin presented his views in 1979 at a first-ever meeting of the “World Climate Conference,” sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a 191-member country agency of the UN headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Six years later, Bolin presented a longer paper for a 1985 conference in Villach, Austria, in which he concluded that “human-induced climate change” called for urgent action at the “highest level.”
An attendee who became convinced was Dr. John Houghton, a former professor of atmospheric physics at Oxford, who had been head of the UK MET since 1983, founder of the Hadley Centre in 1990, and would be the lead editor of the first three reports (1990, 1996, and 2001) of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The IPCC was established in 1988 by two UN agencies: the WMO and the UNEP (United Nations Environment Program).
UNEP was founded in 1972 by Maurice Strong as a result of the UN Conference on the Human Environmentheld in June 1972.
Strong was a Canadian self-made billionaire in the energy and carbon trading business, having founded the Chicago Carbon Exchange, among other endeavors, who once self-identified as a “socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology.”
He became greatly involved in UN activities, and influenced the Stockholm Conference through a 1971 report he commissioned on “the state of the planet,” a summary of e findings of 152 “leading experts from 58 countries.”
A December 2015 Breitbart article described Strong as a “totalitarian control freak,” for his expressed desire to deny national sovereignty to achieve “global environmental co-operation” through the transformation of the UN into a world government.
So, one is left with the impression the whole scam was concocted by a small number of “one-world government” types, socialists, and crooked scientists, with the aim of transferring trillions of dollars out of industrial countries.
Read more at American Thinker
Alan Thorpe
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The fake science of global warming has now entered advice for keeping cool in the hot weather. A few days ago The Telegraph published ways to keep cool. One was to lie on the ground because hot air rises and so the ground is the coolest place. How on earth can ideas like this be produced in 2018? Education is not just going backwards, it is teaching nonsense.
jerry krause
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Hi Dale and Alan,
Dale wrote that the figure of temperature anomalies is the best available. Alan, please explain just what ‘land-surface air temperature’ actually is. For I consider this term is nonsense because I cannot know whether the surface temperature is being measured or if it is the air temperature some distance above the land surface which is being measured.
Have a good day, Jerry