An Innovative Medical Backpack Deserving Investment?

From time to time Principia Scientific International showcases novel innovations hitherto kept under the radar by the mainstream. Below, we have pleasure in giving Timothy Gard a platform for wider discussion and consideration of his new hypothermia back pack.

Timothy writes:

My conversation is towards people familiar with the medical related functions of the body. Specifically, in relation to hypothermia and hyperthermia.

My medical training is emergency rescue with instructor training on CPR and advanced EMT. I worked as an emergency medical responder in Eden, NY.

My general tendency in all aspects of life is problem solving.

I was born and raised in Western New York. I have had to deal with hypothermia personally for most of my life. When I began my medical study, I was immediately fascinated by the science regarding temperature survival. And, in addition, I wanted to find a solution.

My intention here is twofold. First, I want to have conversations with anyone who disagrees with what I am about to share with you. I cannot solve problems I am not aware of and solving problems for people is my primary objective.

Now, lets focus on the issue of body core heat loss in cold ambient temperatures. The surface area of the outer skin is about 2 meters square. The surface area of the lungs is about 98 meters square. When we go outside, we fully cover our skin, however the largest portion of our flesh is open to these ambient temperatures. In addition, this flesh, by natural design, has many other serious problems regarding loss of internal body temperature. The lungs are …

  • Central to the body core itself.
  • The lung tissue is micro thin.
  • This lung tissue is packed with micro thin veins and arteries.
  • This lung tissue provides all the oxygen laden blood directly to the heart for distribution to the body.
  • This lung tissue has very few if any pain sensors for cold temperature detection.
  • This lung tissue by design must be able to survive bathed in ice cold temperatures, and in process remove oxygen from this air, heat it up to normal body temperature to protect the heart and brain from radical temperatures of the blood.
  • These organs are the first defense for the body and most important, the brain for normal function. As most basic medical trained people are aware, if the brain temperature can drop even a few degrees, its ability to function can become dangerous or even deadly.

It is obvious to me that the only real protection from hypothermia is not to allow cold air to ever enter the lungs.

As a research scientist, I have designed a backpack system that will preheat incoming air with the heat from exhaled air, preventing exposure of the lungs to cold temperatures, and conserving the energy for the central body. This will prevent heat loss from the entire body, greatly reducing cold temperature injuries to the body extremities.

The marketability of this product will become worldwide. As a businessman, I am aware of the potential financial advantages this device will have, so I have already begun international patent protection. I am presently looking for investors as well as anyone interested in serving on my board of directors. The best way to communicate today is face to face electronically on Zoom.

If you would like to discuss this further, contact me at [email protected] and we can arrange a Zoom meeting.

Timothy Gard

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Comments (6)

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    What a great idea! If only I had the available funds to help invest in this worthy project.


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      Tim Gard


      A quick note! If you know someone who might be interested in this science give them a link to this page! Thanks!


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      Tim Gard


      I will be looking for 1000 people who can afford a $1000 stock share if you are interested.


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    Tim Gard


    One other note for those who think investment requires a large amount of money. I do not need a large fund at this point. I only need enough to get samples out to outdoor sportsmen, military groups, and police departments in a couple major cities and the request for purchase will bring investors with heavier funding to me. Like the first days of Microsoft, you can get in early with as little as $100. Yes, it is a gamble, but life is a gamble and $100 is not too much to risk for most people. No promises, But you can be assured I will do my best to get this out! Thanks!


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      Tim Gard


      TYPO! Damn. The price per share is $100 not $1000! Typing is not my strength! And apparently proofing I am not so good at either!


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    Tim Gard


    It seems as someone from gmail is blocking mail sent to me from this page. Use my [email protected] to reach me. Thanks!


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