An Important ‘Must See’ Climate Change Video
If you haven’t seen it yet this is a ‘must watch’ video of Professor Don Easterbrook destroying climate alarmism. Recorded at the Washington State Senate committee on Climate Change (March 26, 2013).
The presentation explains why the science is deeply flawed and the traditional scientific method is largely ignored. The fakery has been kept well hidden for so long because the data is routinely withheld.
Watch Don Easterbrook here:
Easterbrook is Professor Emeritus of Geology at Western Washington University Climate and eloquently explains in his one hour, thirty minutes presentation why alarmism is based on lies and ignorance.
Dissenters to the narrative of ‘dangerous’ man-made climate change are never debated, but rather ignored, censored and have their characters assassinated.
Professor Easterbrook shows that the proposed ‘solutions’ to humanity’s ‘threat’ to life on our planet must involve wealth redistribution from the industrial and affluent west to the poor (and often corrupt) third world.
Last year, the Climate Change Business Journal calculated that the annual cost of the global warming industry is $1.5 trillion. That is the tax payer funded US$ 1.5 trillion a year to theoretically reduce ‘Global Warming’ by 0.048°C by 2030. That’s 1/20th of one degree C. Money well spent? Hardly!
The ‘science’ in support of the scam is geared towards forcing everyone (except the global elite) to cut back severely on their emissions of CO2. But, despite 30 years of sustained political pressure and trillions wasted, carbon dioxide emissions are higher than ever. We are told by ‘experts’ that the CO2-driven radiative greenhouse effect controls our climate (it doesn’t). The only proof it does exists within discredited computer models.
In this video Easterbrook shows viewers how the actual raw data (not manipulated and fake numbers) prove that there is no climate crisis.
So, who can really know how much CO2 in the atmosphere is ‘safe’, if even such a bizarre hypothesis can be proven? There are no restrictions on the countries, like China, where CO2 levels are rising the fastest and those leading the charge against CO2 have the biggest carbon foot print of all with no signs of changing.
Savvy skeptics understand the chemistry and biology better than climate scientists. We know that more CO2 will cause plants to grow faster increasing crop yields and greening the planet, thereby reducing the amount of atmospheric CO2. It is Nature’s own self-regulating system.
Youtube link:
John O’Sullivan is CEO of PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. Telephone: Calls from within the UK: 020 7419 5027. International dialling: (44) 20 7419 5027.
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Robert Beatty
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“Recorded at the Washington State Senate committee on Climate Change (March 26, 2013)”
How come this vital information was kept under wraps for sooo long? Who is responsible for this coverup and why?