An Eternal and Uncreated Universe or the Big Bang?

A graphic representation of the Universe’s evolution since the Big Bang [N.R.Fuller, National Science Foundation]

The Big Bang theory is now considered the only one able to explain the observational data we have, including the existence of the cosmic background radiation, the mutual recession of the galaxies, and the abundance of hydrogen, helium, and lithium in the Universe

But first, it had to overcome competition from another cosmological model, the steady-state theory

Michele Diodati

Jan 8 · 8 min read

Robert Wilson (left) and Arno Penzias, photographed in 1978 soon after receiving the Nobel Prize, in front of Holmdel’s antenna, which had allowed them to discover the cosmic background radiation in 1964

To date, the most detailed map of the cosmic microwave background, or CMB, is that created by ESA’s Planck satellite. The colors indicate the temperature variations in the CMB, with the parts in blue representing colder temperatures than the average and the parts in red higher temperatures. However, the variations are always in the order of microkelvins. The temperature of the CMB, in fact, is remarkably uniform in every direction of the sky and corresponds on average to 2.725 K [ESA / Planck Collaboration]
  • has an almost identical temperature everywhere, equal to 2.725 K, with an uncertainty of only 470 microkelvins;
  • has the spectrum of a black body.

The graph above shows the abundances of helium-4, deuterium, helium-3, and lithium-7 compared to that of hydrogen, as measured by NASA’s WMAP satellite. The scale is logarithmic. The red vertical line indicates the density of ordinary matter in the Universe, measured by WMAP in 4.6% ± 0.2%. The abundances of the elements are in perfect agreement with the quantities predicted by the Big Bang theoretical model [NASA / WMAP Science Team]



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Comments (20)

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    Ken Hughes


    Yes, the one true explanation for the evolution of the universe.

    but what started it all in the first place?
    ‘and how do you get something from nothing?

    The first question brings yet another conundrum along with it, – in the eternal nothingness, what was so special about the moment of creation that caused the big bang to happen? After much deliberation, there can be only one answer to this problem – the moment of the big bang was the FIRST MOMENT of the universe. The beginning was the beginning of time and before that there was no time, no events, no energy, etc. Only with time passing can any (and all) events happen.

    So, with first the moment, came the continuum, our ongoing field of energy we experience as time. This field now allowed events to occur and matter and physical energy to form. It seems from this idea, that matter emerged from the field of time, or more simply, that all matter IS MADE OF TIME. There are indeed indications of this from the fields of gravitational time dilation surrounding all matter. There is also an indication from special relativity in that the reducing time energy experienced by a accelerating body is mirrored by its increasing kinetic energy.

    It is clear from this, that all energy, (kinetic, mass energy), is drawn from the field of energy we know as time.


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      Ken Hughes wonders, “…but what started it all in the first place?
      ‘and how do you get something from nothing?”

      God started it all.


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        Al Shelton


        Who started God?


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    David W Thomson


    This is such a self serving article. The eternal Universe hypothesis has very strong evidence in its favor, too. The Casimir effect has been observed to be a real creation of photons from “the vacuum.” Since photons become electrons via the photoelectric effect, this is the same thing as creating new matter. Another observation of matter creation, which is routinely ignored by physicists, is that nuclear reactors always produce more material than they consume, despite decades of operation and generation of energy. It would be so easy for physicists to confirm the E = mc^2 myth by tallying the fuel input, fuel output, and energy generation of nuclear reactors. And yet, after 80 years, nobody has published such a paper. Even more provocative is that the early Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors were engineered specifically around the observation that reactors produce more fuel (ie, more mass) than they start with.

    Between the Casimir effect and nuclear reactions, there is more than ample evidence that new matter is continually being created in the Universe. Further, black holes at the centers of galaxies are constantly sucking matter in, which is why galaxies tend to spiral inward, like a large bathtub drain. There is no evidence that black holes are accumulating mass, it is merely assumed that black holes grow in size. If black holes were growing in size, then there should be some relatively small galaxies with huge black holes, which have nearly completely consumed the entire galaxy. There are zero such galaxies in the Universe. Black holes are apparently the result of space becoming too dense due to the continual production of new matter in the rest of the galaxy, and where space and matter both unravel.

    The matter that unravels converts from visible matter to dark matter (neutrinos for example). And the new matter that is created is the result of dark matter being converted to visible matter via the processes named above. Thus, the Universe is not only eternal, it is always the same “size.” Even more interesting is that the turnover rate of matter created in the stars and planets to the time it migrates to the center of the galaxy is about 13 to 19 billion years. Thus, the Universe always appears to be this old, depending upon where you look. And yes, the amount of CMB will always remain constant under these conditions.

    Now what makes more sense? an entire Universe that pops suddenly out of the head of a pin? or an entire Universe that always exists and recycles itself, and which eternally follows simple physical laws that we observe every day?


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    Charles Higley


    The Big Bang makes one huge assumption, that of assuming that all red shift of light indicates an expanding universe of receding stars and galaxies. However, gravitational fields also red shift light. Why is it that they ignore this when talking about expansion but then use it to the extreme in black hole discussions? It makes no sense. It is fairly clear now that quasars are born from galaxies and are not the metaphysical, brighter-than-should-be, extremely distant objects. When one realizes that they spawn from galaxies, they become normal objects with red shifts related to their age/mass.

    The abundances of the light elements are wrong for the Big Bang and was fixed by ignoring all cold matter and inventing Dark Matter. How weird can dark matter be? It is undetectable and has a gravitational effect that holds galaxies together but does not itself clump into objects based on this gravitational effect. It makes no sense. Then, they has to invent Dark Force and Dark Energy, a whole Dark Physics. The Steady State electric Universe has none of these huge problems and bandages that have been used to keep the Big Bang alive.


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    There is no “evidence” of a “big bang”. There is “belief” that there is evidence. The CMBR is much more likely to just be photons from stars, with so little energy they can’t be absorbed.


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      Al Shelton


      If they cannot be absorbed, how can one measure them?
      I really am serious and not being sarcastic.


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        That’s a fair question, Al.

        To have made it more understandable I should have said “…with so little energy they can’t be [easily and naturally] absorbed.”

        With engineering, there are ways to detect even low energy photons. There are a lot of “tricks” that can be used, such as magnification and amplication, along with specialized materials and circuitry. If you’re interested in more details, search on “quantum cascade detectors”.


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    Kelvin Vaughan


    The energy from the Sun reduces by one divided by the distance squared, isn’t this red shift?


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      Kelvin Vaughan

      No that would not be the red shift. That is the Inverse Square Law. The energy is reduced per area because the area is expanding. The frequency of the light does not change. You have the same proportion of UV, visible, IR near or far from the Sun. With a red shift you have a change of frequency of the light as measured by spectrum of elements of a distant star or galaxy.

      This is an image of hydrogen spectra (if the link worked). The red shift would move the emission lines toward a redder frequencies (to the left in this image).


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        Sorry the shift would be to the RIGHT of the linked image not left. If you compared the hydrogen emission of the Sun with a distant object you would see it all shifted right of the Sun’s spectrum for hydrogen. This can occur with a Doppler effect as it does take place with sound that is moving away from an observer.


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          Norman is correcting his own mistake?

          That’s something new….


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          Kelvin Vaughan


          If it’s loosing energy as it covers a bigger area doesn’t the frequency reduce? I thought the energy of a magnetic wave was relative to it’s frequency. The light from distant star that is red shifting is also spreading out with the inverse square law.


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    Glenn Borchardt


    There was no Big Bang. Note the Steady State Theory tauted here as the alternative to the BBT also assumes universal expansion, an interpretation based on Einstein’s 8 ad hocs for considering light as a massless particle with perpetual motion:

    Table 6 Einstein’s eight ad hocs (from Borchardt, 2017, p. 194).
    1 Unlike other particles, his light particle always traveled at the same velocity—it never slowed down.
    2 Unlike other particles, it attained this velocity instantaneously when emitted from a source.
    3 Unlike other particles, it would not take on the velocity of its source.
    4 Unlike other particles, it was massless.
    5 Unlike other particles, light particles did not lose motion when they collided with other light particles.
    6 Unlike other particles, any measurement indicating light speed was not constant had to be attributed to “time dilation”—another especially egregious ad hoc.
    7 Time had to be considered something other than motion, for motion cannot dilate.
    8 The claim light speed was constant flew in the face of all other measurements showing there are no constants in nature because everything is always in motion. Because the universe is infinite, every measurement of every so-called “constant” always has a plus or minus. The velocities for wave motion in any medium are dependent on the properties of that medium, which vary from place to place.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Glenn,
      You are right. There is no particle nature of light (the photoelectric effect is another version of the piezo electric effect) it is a disturbance traveling in the electric and magnetic (energy) fields that permeate the universe. Its speed is not constant but varies with the strength of these fields. The red and blue shifts are a result of the speed of light changing as it travels through varying strength fields.


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    geraint hughes


    Cosmic background radiation has been shown to be false. Telescope designs needs to be modified to avoid side inteference.


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    Tom O


    My worthless comments on the idea of the big bang runs to the concept that we look far into the reaches of space to “look back at the beginning.” That is, at the limits of the visible universe, they are saying we are looking at the conditions shortly after the big bang.

    I look at it a bit differently. We are looking from a position that is either near the point of origin of the big bang, or we are at a point some distance from the big bang, but we are looking at the universe from the center of our observational sphere. If I am looking at an object I say is 5 billion lights year from me, I am looking at something that was THERE 5 billion years ago. If the universe is 14 billion years old, then the light from the original “bang” is 14 billion light years away and the created light is still moving outward, and the universe is 28 billion light years across, and what is visible from our point in that universe, is somewhere within that space.

    But how big the universe is a bit moot because I am not looking at the reflection of the “near big bang” conditions when I am looking into the deepest observable portions of the universe, I am looking at things that were there when the light that I am observing was emitted.

    The whole concept of the big bang was created only because there are those that do not want to believe in a God of creation. When I look at the conceptualized “web of space” and the galaxies distributed through the web, I am reminded of looking at the conceptualized view of the human “mind.” I find it easy to accept that we live within the mind of God, and the Universe will last as long as God exists. As for is it eternal? To a bacteria, the lifetime of a human would seem eternal. We will wink out of existence as soon as God does, just as those people that populate our dreams wink out when we wake. The Bible says on the 7th day he rested. Perhaps that is when we will cease – when He wakes up from His nightmare of what we seem to have become.


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    More regurgitated nonsense from the bbt.


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    More regurgitated nonsense from the big nothing theory.


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