“All claims about viruses as pathogens are false”

My thesis is not complex: all claims about viruses as pathogens are false and are based on easily recognized, understandable, and verifiably false interpretations.

The true causes of the diseases and phenomena attributed to viruses now have a different explanation, and note one that is much clearer than the current pseudo-explanations.

This is because while scientists in laboratories think they are working with viruses, in fact they are only working with certain components of dying tissues or cells acquired under very special circumstances. Their basic belief is that these tissues and cells die because they are infected with a virus.

In reality, these laboratory tissues and cells die because they are starved and poisoned as a result of the methodology of testing per se. Virologists mainly believe in the existence of viruses because they administer to the tissues and cells supposedly “infected” blood, saliva, or other presumably “infected” body fluids, and this, it must be emphasized, then on top of the cessation of nutrient solution and after the initiation of poisoning by toxic antibiotics.

The great insight, however, is that the tissue and those cells would also die, and do so completely on their own – even without the addition of the supposedly ‘infected’ materials.

The situation today

The virologists don’t get this! By the most basic scientific standards, they should have at least conducted control tests to be sure that it was really ‘viruses’ that led to cell and tissue death. In order to effectively establish the alleged ‘multiplication’ of viruses in cells, they should have conducted additional tests in a control group administering sterile substances from core healthy people. This was to check that, of course, it was not the method itself that produced or falsified the results.

These control experiments have not been carried out in ‘science’ to date. In the light of the measles-virus process, I did have these control experiments performed, and in an independent lab, with the result that the tissue and the cells indeed die just as well as if they had come into contact with so-called ‘infected’ material.

This seems to me to be an important finding, but on the other hand it is also trivial, since it is precisely the task of control experiments to rule out the possibility that the method or technique used is not responsible for the result rather than the reality itself.

Control experiments are thus of the highest priority and are even a basic condition for a result to be considered ‘scientific’. As we shall see, the court-appointed expert on the measles virus trial – Dr. Podbielski, see further in this article – found that some basic publications of fundamental importance to virology as a whole (notably John Franklin Enders’ June 1954 paper, and six more articles thereafter) contained no control experiments.

From this we can draw the conclusion that since then, and without really realizing it, scientists have been acting extremely unscientifically. The explanation for this unscientific action, which is incompatible with scientific reasoning, is historical: in June 1954 an unscientific and contradictory hypothesis was published, concluding from the death of tissue in a test tube the presence of a virus.

Six months later, on December 10, 1954, the first author of this hypothesis received the Nobel Prize in medicine. This turned a speculative hypothesis into virtually scientific fact in the eyes of many, and one that is not questioned to this day (1). Since then, the death of tissues and cells in a test tube is consistently but erroneously viewed as evidence of the existence of viruses.

Viruses as conceptual illusion

So it is really quite simple: the death of tissues and cells is mistakenly considered to be the isolation of the virus. Thus, whatever else one may claim: the fact remains that a virus was never isolated in the true sense of the word – that is: shown as a whole or characterized biochemically.

The electron microscopic photographs of the alleged viruses, for example, in reality show just regular particles of dying tissues and cells, usually at most in model form. However, since those involved BELIEVE that these dying tissues and cells are viruses, this dying of cells and tissues in the form of all kinds of cellular parts is also called the “multiplication” of viruses.

The parties involved believe this to this day, and, to repeat, especially because the inventor of this method, by winning the Nobel Prize, is still considered an authority. Questioning that authority is not even considered.

It is important to note, by the way, that this same mixture, which is thus made up of dying tissues and cells from monkeys, fetuses from cattle and toxic antibiotics, is no different in any way from what is called a “living vaccine. It is used without purging it of everything non-virus (of everything, that is, since viruses do not exist) as a supposedly healing injection, on the assumption that it would consist of ‘attenuated’ viruses. However, it consists mainly of foreign proteins, nucleic acids (DNA / RNA), cytotoxic antibiotics, microbes and spores of all kinds.

Thus, a vaccine is nothing more than a mixture of cellular waste and bacteria. In other words, components that a normal body would immediately excrete. This mixture is therefore toxic. It is what the body secretes as waste. But it is mainly injected into the muscles of children during the vaccination process, in an amount that, if injected into the vein, would lead immediately to certain death.

Only with total ignorance and blind faith in the state authorities who “test” and approve vaccines can this be described as “a little harmless prick. These verifiable facts demonstrate the danger and negligence of the scientists and politicians who claim that vaccines are safe, have little to no side effects, and protect against disease. None of this is true and provable; on the contrary, if you look at it scientifically, you will find no benefits of vaccines, and can only admit that there is simply no evidence whatsoever for the claim that they protect you (2).

It should be emphasized, by the way, that an actual, completely described virus does not exist in the entire “scientific” literature. This is because the process of arriving at such a description is by consensus, with the parties involved traditionally arguing over what does and does not belong to the virus. This has taken decades with the measles virus, for example.

A global misdirection

In the case of the so-called new Chinese Coronavirus 2019 (now renamed 2019-nCoV), this consensus process strangely took only a few mouse clicks. However, this is not surprising when you know that constituents are indeed extracted from dead tissues that then end up in a database. However, it is these components, which can come from many different organisms, that are finally assembled into an artificial virus model.

The process is as follows: from a database containing the molecular structures of nucleic acid components – again, it should be emphasized that these components already come from dead tissues and cells that have themselves been biochemically manipulated – a number of these components are selected and these components are used to construct a much longer, so-called ‘complete’ DNA strand of a new virus.

Much can be said about this ‘technique’, but the basic insight is that these manipulations, called ‘alignments’, simply do not correspond to any ‘complete’ or known genetic material of a virus. Yet this is then referred to in the literature as its ‘genome’.

For the sake of convenience they ignore the fact that during the construction of a ‘viral DNA strand’ – I mean this completely conceptually, by the way, in the facts nothing is ‘constructed’ – certain sequences that are considered ‘unsuitable’ are smoothed out and missing sequences (at least: missing from the conceptual model that one maintains) are added.

Thus, in this way, a genetic DNA sequence is actually ‘invented’ that does not exist and has never even been discovered as a whole. These ‘smoothings’ and additions form, with short pieces that do fit the conceptual model, a larger whole that is then called “a viral DNA strand”. Again: in reality this does not even exist. Only in the minds of the ‘scientists’.

An example? If you study the conceptual composition of the DNA strand of the measles ‘virus’ and compare it to the actually available short fragments of the cells’ own molecules, more than half of molecule particles that should make up this virus are missing! Some of these were even artificially added biochemically while the rest are just… made up (3).

I am not inventing this. This is reality, but because no one even dares to suspect that they are working so amateurishly, no one even thinks to check this out properly, and so the illusion persists.

The Chinese scientists who thus claim that the majority of the nucleic acids from which the genome of the new China Corona Virus 2019 has been ‘sequenced’ (4) are largely derived from the DNA of venomous snakes are, like all of us, victims of a by now global misdirection. The more ‘viral’ DNA strands are invented in the way previously described, the more similar a new ‘virus’ is to everything that has been ‘established’ before.

That’s right. So there is ironically method in error. But just because you come up with a theory within which everything is consistent doesn’t mean that theory is true. All you are doing is fooling yourself: you may be moving yourself comfortably within this theory – you even call it science and claim that it represents reality – but in reality the impression of consistency springs only from the congruence of your thinking with that of your predecessors. (5) At the root, illusion continues to reign, and it springs from an invalid experiment.

The invalidity of virus tests

The models required for the purported detection of ‘viruses’ do not derive from ‘viruses’, but from the tissues, cells and fetal serum (blood without solid components) of animals, mainly monkeys and cattle. Because these animals are biochemically very similar to humans, their components, which are mistakenly interpreted as components of ‘viruses’, can also be detected in humans using the ‘virus’ testing method. Some ‘viruses’ and their vaccines – edoch: certainly not the measles ‘virus’, see below – are even descended from aborted human fetuses!

It is also striking that the test methods – such as the PCR test – detect molecules that occur in all humans. With all testing methods for ‘viruses’, a certain number of people will always test ‘positive’, and this is purely dependent on how sensitive the testing method is tuned – the number of cycles one goes through.

But the illusion is greater. The particularly dangerous allergic reactions that vaccines based on these toxic mixtures sometimes cause are then defined as ”autoimmune diseases.”

Especially the fetal serum, which by the way is extracted in an extremely cruel way from unanaesthetized (!) fetuses in unanaesthetized (!) mothers, without which the tissues and cells in the laboratory do not grow or do not grow fast enough, is highly body-unique for those who are not pregnant themselves. It contains every conceivable known and unknown bacteria, their respective spores (see below) and a large number of unknown proteins.

Kidney tissue is also very popular – this comes mainly from the kidneys of monkeys – because from it are obtained components that are simply assumed, without proof, to belong to a certain virus model that, and I must keep repeating it, does not even exist in reality. In the entire ‘scientific’ literature, no ”virus” has ever been identified as such.

Since vaccines are also obtained exclusively from these substances, it is understandable why vaccinated people in particular test ”positive” for all ”viruses”: they come from the same mixture. The testing methods thus detect the components of the putative ‘viruses’, the animal proteins and nucleic acids, which are often identical or very similar to human proteins and nucleic acids.

The virus testing methods therefore do not detect anything specific, certainly nothing ‘viral’, and therefore have no telling power. What they do accomplish, when diagnosed with Ebola, HIV, influenza & Co. for example, is a crippling, sometimes lethal psychological shock, which after resolving that psychological conflict – “I’m dying” – triggers healing signals that are then also interpreted as symptoms of disease, which are then treated with ‘anti-viral’ drugs that are sometimes so toxic that the treatment ends with death. Irony trumps all.

Finally, I would like to note that all so-called virus testing procedures never qualitatively say ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but are designed in such a way that they are judged to be ‘positive’ only after a certain quantitative concentration threshold. So in this way you can test some, many, none, or all humans and animals positive, depending on how you have set up the test method.

The extent of this deception becomes clear when you realize that on the other hand normal ‘symptoms’ (i.e. healing signals) are suddenly interpreted as AIDS, BSE, flu, SARS or measles symptoms from the moment one tests ‘positive’.

The death and resurrection of virus theory

Until 1952, virologists believed that a virus was a toxic protein or enzyme that was somehow propagated by the body and spread in a human or animal body. Medicine and real science abandoned this idea in 1951 because the alleged viruses could not be found under the electron microscope and control experiments were never performed.

It was gradually recognized that the death of cells in healthy animals, organs, and tissues produced waste products that had previously been labeled “viruses. In other words, virology had disproved itself and disbanded as a science (6).

However, when the wife of the later Nobel laureate Crick drew a double helix in 1953 and it was published in the famous scientific journal Nature, as a supposedly scientifically developed model of presumed genetic material, an entirely new and far-reaching hype was born: so-called molecular genetics. From now on, the cause of diseases was sought in the genes.

The idea of viruses – in fact already refuted – thus changed overnight. People apparently could not let go of the materialistic idea of an external agent of disease. A virus was now no longer a toxin, but was henceforth explained as a dangerous genetic structure, understood as a hereditary substance, a dangerous viral genome.

It was mostly young and inexperienced chemists who founded the new version of virology – gene virology. However, these chemists had no clue about biology and medicine, but in the meantime had obtained unlimited funding for their research. And they most likely did not know that the old virology had disbanded itself a year earlier.

We are thus witnessing a tragic development, which caused an already refuted and especially dangerous paradigm to be revived. For over 2,000 years it has been taught, “Lord, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” However, since 1995 – since I openly posed the question of evidence for the existence of viruses – a clear addition has been added: “For they cannot admit that what they have been taught is wrong, more so: that it is dangerous to life-threatening.”

Because until now no one had the overview and courage to speak the truth, we see more and more “evil spirits” – free from Goethe – and auxiliary hypotheses such as there are the concepts of the “immune system” or “epigenetics. All this in order to be able to maintain the theories invented at the time, unworldly and already refuted.

The history of virology is one sad sequence of wishful thinking and thus blatant unscientificity. First the theory of the virus (Latin for: disease poison) was elevated to dogma in 1858. This was followed by the idea of pathogenic bacteria, especially promoted by Pasteur. Then came the theory of bacterial toxins (essentially just the excrements of these creatures) and then also viruses, until this idea was explicitly abandoned in 1952.

But with the revival of 1953, they put the idea of Virchow’s disease poisons in a new guise, this time of so-called “genetic viruses,” and from there even promoted the idea of cancer genes and the “war on cancer,” which was founded in the Nixon era. The latest offspring of this shameful lineage is the idea that genes, because they carried all traits, must therefore also carry all diseases.

In the year 2000, however, with the unveiling of the contradictory data of the so-called Human Genome Project (the shameful and grotesque claim that the entire human heritage was almost uncovered), it became clear that this was not possible, and that more than half of that genome had to be invented by the researchers themselves to give it some face. All ideas about genes as “carriers” of all info – and thus also info about disease – were thus totally and comprehensively refuted.

Until now, however, the common man is unaware of this. The academics involved find it very hard to admit the dubious role they themselves played in the process, given the impact of the seriously misleading developments that followed.(7) But facts are facts: the entire human genome is not sequenced, no matter what anyone might claim.

See more, and the list of references, here: greatreject.org

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Comments (22)

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    Incredibly excellent.


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    Stop making sense


    Most of the world is under a mass delusion. Even today for example in Oregon I see roughly half the people in the grocery store wearing masks. Cutting down their oxygen supply, re-breathing CO2, needlessly exposing themselves to mold, mildew and bacteria. No such thing as viruses as a transmissible disease. Yet these folks wear them no questions asked. Good chance they all took the jabs too.
    It’s just so wrong and evil.
    Now that you know viruses are nonsense, free yourselves from any prescription drugs. Seek out proper nutrition and natural remedies.
    If you ever get diagnosed with”cancer”, go online and study natural cures. If you can get and keep your body alkaline, all the so called “cancer” will die. Then reboot your lifestyle. Eat more alkaline and get healthy.


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    Ed D


    How does one explain the eradication of smallpox, the decline of measles and chicken pox?


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      Zoe Phin


      They weren’t eradicated. Vagrants and people living in filth are harldy tested.

      We improved our environment. That’s how.


      • Avatar

        Ed D


        Back in the day before vaccines, people in clean environments were getting measles and chicken pox. Hardly anyone today gets smallpox,


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      Here: http://www.vaclib.org/sites/debate/Vaccines.html you can enjoy various graphs and references about illnesses and vaccines showing drastic decrease in illness deaths in the many decades before vaxes were introduced, except small pox which showed no correlation to vaccines which caused just as much death as small pox itself. Decrease use of pesticides and better nutrition that fixed vitamin deficiencies decreased various illnesses that were blamed on never-purified found viruses.


    • Avatar



      Over 100 years of improved nutrition…now degrading due to industrial food processing.

      Over 100 years of knowledge, teaching & practice of Hygiene. No longer living with our…or animal wastes. Piping them away to be processed elsewhere.

      Finally cleaning up our water supplies, starting in the 1970s.


  • Avatar



    A very good explanation, thank the author of the article!

    “A person is most afraid of what he does not see, does not know and does not understand.”

    A Long Time Ago I read on the page of the German new medicine about the shock caused by the diagnosis of the disease,

    The source of all such problems is biological conflict, an extremely dramatic shocking experience in the >subjective universe known as DHS.
    (search, German new medicine)

    And the Nobel Prize was awarded for the lie called “HIV”



    The symbol of modern pharmacology and pharmacists is a snake wrapped around the path of the goddess of Hygie
    (the daughters and wives of the god Dr. Asklepi, who also carries a snake around his stick-and this is a symbol
    of modern medicine and doctors, who cover the entire planet in the emblem of the World Health Organization).


  • Avatar

    M. Eiford


    My question then is: What are people dying of? I realize intubation is one cause, and then for the old folks, co-morbidities.
    If you deny an explanation of observed manifestations, then you need to profess an alternative. I did not see that.


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      “All Claims About Viruses As Pathogens In this article Are False”
      Amazing how week minded half wits buy into this garbage.


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        Crimson and Clover


        Are you saying that you believe that viruses exist as pathogens that cause disease? And if so, based on what evidence?
        Could you show evidence of any so called virus that has actually been isolated, purified and identified? Could you explain how the PCR and antigen tests actually work?
        Just wondering.


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          If you have a healthy isolated population and a couple of “contaminated” people are introduced to that healthy isolated population then some, many, or all that healthy isolated population acquire the same or similar symptoms to those symptoms shown by the newly introduced contaminated people.

          Measles are a convenient example. How about the 2019 Samoan measles outbreak which killed 83 mostly bubbas and young children.
          The initial outbreak started in South Auckland, New Zealand. This pattern has been repeated throughout history, immemorial.

          I am happy to consider other explanations but not the senile drawling of fools.




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            Crimson and Clover



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            Wow! Compelling! But it fails to address the observed and observable fact of transmission which in my part of the world started with venereal diseases distributed by sailors and whalers throughout the Pacific Islands.

            With the 2019 Samoan measles outbreak the transmission carrier from South Auckland to Samoa and the airplane flight was identified.

            People are welcome to their belief systems.

    • Avatar



      I think people today suffer most from ignorance, lack of information and fear caused by marketing.
      As a consequence, one day death occurs.

      Currently, modern chemistry sits on the throne as the causative agent of death No. 1.
      Modern chemistry has gone so far that even the most dangerous poison will remind us of the best medicine and will have the taste and smell of heavenly fruits.

      Chemistry in vaccines, in food, cosmetics, clothes..
      in air and water… Land, bathroom and bed linen while we sleep.
      Mmmm, we smell chemicals everywhere.

      But (for now) let’s forget about everything except vaccines,
      how many times have young children been beaten with a needle before the first year of life? With what success does her immune system fight the poison that gets directly into her blood? Can we say with confidence, based on scientific evidence, that the development and life of this child, and then of a person, will take place in health and joy?


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      Check out this venue P~S…for eye popping articles to answer your quarsion.
      In England, por ejemplo, the medics kill the elderly positive c19 tested, in their nursing homes with a drug to assistthem on their way out of the pension & medical indigent roles. A long practice in many western Euro countries. too. But they ALL died of the c19 Flu/ colds. Same in the USA…except there’s complexity. Intubation, Ventilation, starvation, dehydration unto death. Goals are the same…population reduction & relief of welfare, Medicare/caid & Pension roles…etc..which are being back filled illegally by…illegals. Globalists spiritually love Pain & Suffering…a single reason for the complexity, when a piison like Ricin can be used.

      I’ve read that, in fact…is next up. As a fake vax for Marburgs. Which will create the symptoms & messy death of Marburgs.

      These monsters masquerading as humans have a long standing plan…& they’re Not done with us yet.

      Isn’t it amazing how there’s no counteraction by now?

      Current distraction by them is a 2 front war… fomenting a planned ww3.

      Remember…if the Chicoms invade Formosa… it’s a feint. The primary target Has always been the mystery Babylon.


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    Apologias for my spelling.

    I did forget some Dr Fauci mandated additional chemicals for those falsely positively PCR tested. Then given the standard death treatment above. Remdesivir kills the kidneys & Liver. But not enough, so 2 other chemicals are given to ventilated patients to insure a c19 death certificate. This process results in fluid backup in the victims lungs that is then diagnosed bas c19 pneumonia. Nope. But drowning is final…or death from dehydration or starvation.

    The hospitals across the land are paid a cool $100,000 per c19 death certificate…maybe more…ny Medicare.

    Months ago, in the Fall 2021, a FOIA release revealed over c19 58,000 deaths in their data base. This number is WAY low.

    There Is No Truth in any organization involved in private public partnerships…or any assumed authority. Another name for Fascism…btw. Introduced to we all by the mysterious Barry Soetoro … Its Lies 24/7/365.

    Our .mil has been rendered combat unavailable…& Ineffective, via “Illegal” mandatory Experimental c19 mRNA Poison Injections, by Sotoroes appointees…all Maoist Communists Generals.

    The level and depth of Sedition & Traitorous actions by so many holding multiple passports boggles the mind. How in the hell can our Republic survive?

    Did you know there’s a strong CHICOM presence in Canada & Mexico? It’s why the Canadians kept their borders locked so long….


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    Apologias for my spelling.

    I did forget some Dr Fauci mandated additional chemicals for those falsely positively PCR tested. Then given the standard death treatment above. Remdesivir kills the kidneys & Liver. But not enough, so 2 other chemicals are given to ventilated patients to insure a c19 death certificate. This process results in fluid backup in the victims lungs that is then diagnosed as c19 pneumonia. Nope. But drowning is final…or death from dehydration or starvation. Of course no one can live with dead kidneys or livers.

    The hospitals across the land are paid a cool $100,000 per c19 death certificate…maybe more…by Medicare.

    Months ago, in the Fall 2021, a FOIA release revealed over 58,000 c19 deaths in their data base. This number is WAY low.

    There Is No Truth in any organization involved in private public partnerships…or any assumed authority. Another name for Fascism…btw. Introduced to we all by the mysterious Barry Soetoro … Its Lies 24/7/365.

    Our .mil has been rendered combat unavailable…& Ineffective, via “Illegal” mandatory Experimental c19 mRNA Poison Injections, by Soetoros appointees…all Maoist Communists Generals.

    The level and depth of Sedition & Traitorous actions by so many holding multiple passports boggles the mind. How in the hell can our Republic survive?

    Did you know there’s a strong CHICOM presence in Canada & Mexico? It’s why the Canadians kept their borders locked so long….

    The Chicoms wish to colonize…in our depleted absence. What will they do with the 50-60 million illegals Barry & Joe have imported???

    Their Lebenstraum. Now where did we hear that before???


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