Alarmist Retreat Begins: Natural Factors Causing Global Warming Hiatus
The solar variability is not negligible in comparison with the energy imbalance that drives global temperature change.
Therefore, because of the combination of the strong 2016 El Niño and the phase of the solar cycle, it is plausible, if not likely, that the next 10 years of global temperature change will leave an impression of a ‘global warming hiatus.’ —James Hansen et al, 18 January 2018
The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has lodged a new complaint with the BBC about its misleading reporting on global warming. The BBC’s News at Ten programme on the 18th of January 2018 contained two factual errors in its report of the global temperature of 2017. The newsreader, Huw Edwards, said that 2017 was “the hottest year on record,” insinuating that global temperatures have continued to rise last year. This is untrue. In his report, Roger Harrabin said, “2017 had no heating from El Niño.” This is also untrue. —Global Warming Policy Foundation, 24 January 2018
All parts of the world’s oceans are clearly cooler than at any time in the past 3 years. —Ron Clutz, Science Matters, 18 January 2018
2017 seemed like a year full of bad weather news. But a deeper look at the global data suggests that attempts to link the last year’s extreme weather to climate change are misleading. —GWPF TV, 24 January 2018
The full significance of the Treasury’s increasingly firm grip on spending to support renewables, culminating in the announcement of a moratorium on new subsidies for renewables is now becoming apparent. Applications for renewables in the UK planning system are falling away, and, in spite of a large slush pile of projects with planning consent, total operational capacity is not increasing rapidly. —GWPF Energy, 23 January 2018
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