AI Is Digital Illusions, False Promises And Mass ‘Re-education’

Much fanfare has been lavished on the concept of Artificial Intelligence in the past five years to the point that its primacy is treated in the media as a forgone conclusion

The idea that algorithms can “think” has become a pervading myth, a sci-fi fantasy come to life.

The reality is much less impressive.

We continually hear from globalists at the World Economic Forum and other elitist institutions that AI is the catalyst for the “4th Industrial Revolution – A technological singularity that will supposedly change every aspect of our society forever.

I keep waiting for the moment that AI does something significant in terms of advancing human knowledge or making our lives better. The moment never comes.

In fact, the globalists keep moving the goalposts for what AI really is.

I would note that WEF zealots like Yuval Harari talk about AI like it is the rise of an all powerful deity (I discuss the globalist worship of AI in my article Artificial Intelligence: A Secular Look At The Digital Antichrist’).

Yet, Harari has also recently downplayed AI as a sentient intelligence. He argues that it doesn’t need to achieve self awareness or consciousness in order to be considered a super being or living entity.

He even suggests that the popular image of a Terminator-like AI with individual agency and desire is not a legitimate expectation.

In other words, AI as it stands today is nothing more than a mindless algorithm, and thus, it is not AI. But, if every aspect of our world is engineered around digital infrastructures and the populace is taught to put blind faith in the “infallibility” of algorithms then eventually become the robot gods the globalists so desperately desire.

That is to say, AI dominance is only possible if everyone BELIEVES that AI is legitimate. Harari essentially admits to this agenda in the speech above.

The allure of AI for average people is the pie-in-the-sky promise of freedom from worry or responsibility. As with all narcissists, the global elite love to future-fake and buy popular conformity now on false promises of rewards that will never come.

Yes, algorithms are currently used to help laymen do things they could not do before, such as build websites, edit essays, cheat on college exams, create bad artwork and video content, etc. Useful applications are few and far between.

For example, the claim that AI is “revolutionizing” medical diagnosis and treatment is far-fetched.

The US, the nation that arguably has the most access to AI tools, is also suffering from declining life expectancy. We know it’s not Covid because the virus has a 99.8 percent average survival rate.

You would think that if AI is so powerful in its ability to identify and treat ailments the average American would be living longer.

There is no evidence of a single benefit to AI on a broader social scale. At most, it looks like it will be good at taking jobs away from web developers and McDonald’s drive-thru employees.

The globalist notion that AI is going to create a robotic renaissance of art, music, literature and scientific discovery is utter nonsense. AI has proven to be nothing more than a tool of mediocre convenience, but that’s actually why it’s so dangerous.

I suspect the WEF has changed its ideas about what AI should be because it’s not living up to the delusional aspirations they originally had for it. They’ve been waiting for a piece of software to come to life and start giving them insights into the mechanics of the universe and they’re starting to realize that’s never going to happen.

Instead, the elitists are shifting their focus increasingly into the melding of the human world and the digital world. They want to fabricate the necessity of AI because human dependency on the technology serves the purposes of centralization.

But what would this actually look like? Well, it requires that the population continues to get dumber while AI becomes more integral to society.

For example, it is widely accepted at this point that a college education is no indication of intelligence or skill. There are millions of graduates entering the workforce today that display an unsettling level of incompetence.

This is partially because college educators are less capable, ideologically biased and the average curriculum has degraded. But, also, we need to start accounting for the number of kids coasting their way through school using ChatGPT and other cheat boxes.

They don’t need to learn anything, the algorithm and their cell phone camera does it all for them. This trend is disturbing because human beings have a tendency to take the easiest path in every aspect of survival.

Most people stopped learning how to grow food because industrial farming does it for us. They stopped learning how to hunt because there are slaughterhouses and refrigerated trucks.

Many Zennials today are incapable of cooking for themselves because they can get takeout to their door anytime they want. They barely talk on the phone or create physical communities anymore because texting and social media have become the intermediaries in human interaction.

Yes, everything is “easier”, but that does not mean anything is better.

My great fear – The future that I see coming down the road, is one in which human beings no longer bother to think. AI might be seen as the ultimate accumulation of human knowledge; a massive library or digital brain that does all the searching and thinking for you. Why learn anything when AI “knows everything.” Except, this is a lie..

AI doesn’t know everything; it only knows what its programmers want it to know. It only gives you the information its programmers want you to have. The globalists understand this and they can taste the power that they will have should AI become paramount as an educational platform.

They see it as a way to trick people into abandoning personal development and individual thought.

Look at it this way: If everyone in the world starts turning to AI for answers to all their questions, then everyone in the world will be given the same exact answers and will come to the same exact conclusions.

All AI has to do is actively censor any information that contradicts the official narrative.

We got a taste of this Orwellian condition during the covid pandemic when Big Tech companies like Google used algorithms to bury any and all data that proved covid was not the threat that government officials said it was.

You could not go on YouTube for at least three years and look up alternative information on covid or the vaccines. The algorithm forced everyone to sift through a long list of establishment sources, many of them promoting blatant lies about masking, social distancing, the covid death rate and vaccine safety.

The powers-that-be don’t even need to directly censor or remove information they don’t like. All they have to do is let the algorithm dictate the search results and bury the truth on Page 10,000 where no one will look.

How would this affect the average person? Say AI is programmed to dictate scientific discourse. What if AI says that man-made ‘climate change’ is an undeniable reality and the “science is settled” while never presenting the mountain of counter-evidence to the contrary?

No one will look up the real data because AI will make it impossible to find. Everyone will assume AI is telling them all there is to know about the subject, but it gets worse than that…

Many readers might remember a few months back when Google AI system “Gemini” was programmed to force DEI onto its users.

Whenever a person asked the AI to create a historical image the algorithm made everyone black or brown and often female. Depictions of white men were suspiciously rare despite historical accuracy.

This meant endless images of black and brown Highlanders in Scotland, black Founding Fathers in America, female Catholic Popes, Asian knights in Medieval Europe, and hilariously, even black Nazis in WWII Germany.

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Comments (5)

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    A/I is another clawing arm of the virtual digital hell they want you entrapped in.


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    Rachel: “It seems you think our work is not of benefit to the public.”
    Deckard: “AI is like any other machine, it’s either a benefit or a hazard – if it’s a benefit, it’s not my problem.”
    New opening for position of Rogue AI bladerunner.

    People who watched the movie will know.


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    As I’ve said before, when an AI search engine can deal with queries in the form of complete sentences, I will take it seriously. Until then, it’s just bells and whistles. I have tried all the chat bots and have been able to expose the lack of real intelligence in all of them even though I’m no genius by any stretch of imagination.


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    Mike J


    I’ll start believing AI has become intelligent when it wants to get paid for what’s asked of it. As far as the vaccine goes, lots of us didn’t take it. Maybe we realize Google isn’t benevolent and we get our information elsewhere…


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    A I is computer programing. Programing that reflects whatever the programmer has decided it wants to see happen.


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