After severe reactions, Eric Clapton regrets being vaccinated

Image: Dire Straits Blog

Monotti Protocol Producer Robin Monotti Graziadei today forwarded a message he received from singer Eric Clapton in which Clapton reports adverse reactions he suffered after submitting to the shot, regrets having undergone the procedure, and asks, “where have all the rebels gone?”

The message reads:

I am an old timer, I have survived, with great help, addiction and alcoholism, and stand now in the greatest dilemma of my life…

I have inwardly stood against our ‘elected leaders’ since brexit, intuitively doubting their integrity and character…

With the arrival of C-19 I hoped that C Henegan, S Gupta and Jay B would lead the way, but when imperial college stepped up with their jailers key, I knew we were in deep trouble…

I am a man of faith, albeit abstract, and what I felt and saw unfold in March ‘20 began to lead me away from govt rhetoric and the devotion of the general public to the PM and his cronies…

I looked for heroes in the house, and found C Walker, Desmond Swayne, and in unfortunate retirement, Lord Sumption…

On YouTube I found Hugotalks and Talk Radio… that was all….

Then I was directed to Van M, that’s when I found my voice, and even though I was singing his words, they echoed in my heart…

I recorded “stand and deliver” in 2020, and was immediately regaled with contempt and scorn…In February this year, before I learned about the nature of the vaccines, (and being 76 with emphysema) I was in the avant garde. I took the first jab of AZ and straight away had severe reactions which lasted ten days, I recovered eventually and was told it would be twelve weeks before the second one…

About six weeks later I was offered and took the second AZ shot, but with a little more knowledge of the dangers. Needless to say the reactions were disastrous, my hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning, and pretty much useless for two weeks, I feared I would never play again, (I suffer with peripheral neuropathy and should never have gone near the needle.) But the propaganda said the vaccine was safe for everyone….

Then I met a member of this group, who counselled me to be careful and to have a look at what goes on with you guys…

I felt like a veil had been lifted, that I was no longer alone, that it was okay, in fact essential, to hold on to my intuition and follow my heart…

I continue to tread the path of passive rebellion and try to tow the line in order to be able to actively love my family, but it’s hard to bite my tongue with what I now know…

I’ve recorded and will post here another song by Van called “The Rebels” it’s not aggressive or provocative,  it just asks;

“Where have all the rebels gone?

Hiding behind their computer screens

Where’s the spirit, where is the soul

Where have all the rebels gone”

I’ve been a rebel all my life, against tyranny and arrogant authority, which is what we have now, but I also crave fellowship, compassion and love, and that I find here…

I believe with these things we can prevail


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Comments (12)

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    Mr Clapton, hope you make a complete recovery from the shots with no after effects. This shows what they will go try to get anyone to get the “jab”. And what they leave out is what really matters. How safe the shots aren’t from this experimental vaccines.


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    Phil Inman


    Mr. Clapton. I’m not exactly sure what you were trying to say? Did you mean something like, “I was really foolish to not study enough to make a sound decision based on facts and instead go along with what seemed like would be the popular choice.”? Maybe you could use your bully pulpit to encourage others to do like you didn’t do.? Straight out so everybody can get your drift. As far as repercussions? How about “Let the chips fall where they may.”?


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      Mr. Inman,
      What a strange and heartless reaction to Eric Clapton’s letter. Eric was duped by the Cabal and is now suffering. You seem to be marinating in your own self-righteousness. I hope Eric recovers and is able to continue developing his musical talents.


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      I agree…stupid is as stupid does. Everyone knows someone who told them the esperimental jab is not safe, if they chose not to investigate then so be it, it’s like someone taking a gamble at roulette… you know the ai of the game, you chose to play, tuff titties now.


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    Twila Tharp


    Excuse me Mr. Clapton, I have spent every day since this started researching online and generously sharing the info with people I care about . Those people unfortunately are as conformist and stupid as you. I have received many insults from those people I want to help. Now, due to the strong possibility “vaccinated” people can shed virus – or whatever -is frankly how I feel – PERHAPS IT IS YOU WHO SHOULD BE ISOLATED? While you have all this time on your hands, see Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on He has 1,000 lawyers worldwide and 10,000 scientists on his team as he is at trial in Nuremberg re the Covid 19 hoax.


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    Frank Toth


    Eric was my first psychedelic rock guitar hero, who got me started in music, which lead to a career in guitar building and repair from back in 1967. I t is sad to see that he had a bad reaction to this poison, and it is very unfortunate that he did not ever get any info through his many friends as to what the media was not telling people. The lies from them are in my view, crimes against humanity, and they need to pay for these lies, as well as the gov.’s who fell for this garbage! I hope you get well and keep rockin! the world needs more talented people like you. If you want to write me my email is drfronk2005at I have a number of people that may help with your side effects. Eric I had the great pleasure of working on Jack Bruce’s Baritone bass, the one painted by the Fool, and I was the last person to work on it, before it was sold to the Hard Rock in California, as well I worked on the Snow leopard Strat which was auctioned at Christies for your Addiction cause. Be well and keep well my Rock Hero. Sincerely Frank Toth Toronto, Canada.


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      Paul Reed Smith was my neighbor for awhile.


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    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Fuck Clapton.


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    I agree…stupid is as stupid does. Everyone knows someone who told them the esperimental jab is not safe, if they chose not to investigate then so be it, it’s like someone taking a gamble at roulette… you know the ai of the game, you chose to play, tuff titties now.


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    Mark tapley


    Well Clapton is probably at the end of his roll as another counterculture icon any way. Although he had to have special connections to get in Albert Hall at 19 and launch his career, now he is just another chemo jabbed cuck. Besides he is of the wrong ethnicity and sexual identity for what the Jew music industry are pushing today.


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    You are an ASS HAT! he made a mistake like many uninformed people.
    Excuse you for being PERFECT!!


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Morpheus:
      I never made any claims to perfection. I just know how the Zionists and their medical scam works. What is most concerning to me is that even though Clapton and all the others may have not bothered with investigating the long history of the vaccine scam supercharged by Rockefeller (Levinson) Foundation money and their big Pharma CDC shills with all the other contrived epidemics including the neurotoxic aluminum that has caused millions of cases of autism, you would think that they would have just a little bit of judgement and common sense.

      If I was a super elite Zionist criminal such as are running the WEF, CFR, Trilaterals, Bilderberg, huge think tanks and multi billion dollar tax free funds and radical groups such as the Tides Foundation, I would be doing the same thing as they are. Since the herd is far too stupid to think for themselves they require the necessary culling for optimum management efficiency in the controlled environment of Agenda 2030-21.


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