Aerospace startup reveals designs for a bizarre lunar rover

It may bear more of a resemblance to a giant pram, but this bizarre looking lunar rover is actually a new prototype to carry astronauts across the moon’s surface in the coming decades.

The buggy, which has been designed by aerospace startup Venturi Astrolab, will also be able to crouch down and lift payloads up from the lunar soil, before carrying them under its belly and depositing the cargo at a desired location.

It will be specifically built to handle the lunar terrain and could one day be used to ferry humans around on Mars.

Venturi Astrolab plans to assemble a fleet of the rovers over the coming years in an attempt to become ‘the UPS, FedEx, and the Uber of the moon’.

It wants to help NASA and commercial companies establish a long-term presence on Earth’s only natural satellite but has not revealed how much the rover will cost.

Called FLEX, for Flexible Logistics and Exploration, the rover has a ‘modular payload concept’ which allows it to carry a variety of different objects if they are built to an agreed-upon standard of size and shape.

The buggy can be controlled remotely, manoeuvre semi-autonomously, and even be modified to include a crew interface so astronauts can ride onboard while driving it across the moon’s surface.

Venturi Astrolab, based in Hawthorne, California, was formed by a team of industry leading planetary rover and robotics experts.

Historically, planetary rovers have each been bespoke and have been put into operation on a timescale of roughly once per decade, the company said, and often at a cost of billions of pounds.

FLEX, it claims, is much more compatible with NASA’s ultimate goal of supporting a sustained presence on the moon and Mars because it is designed around a modular payload interface that supports intermodal transportation (from lander to rover and back).

‘For humanity to truly live and operate in a sustainable way off Earth, there needs to exist an efficient and economical transportation network all the way from the launch pad to the ultimate outpost,’ said Jaret Matthews, founder and CEO of Astrolab.

‘Currently, there is a gap in the last mile and Astrolab exists to fill it.’

NASA is currently aiming to put the first woman and next man on the moon later this decade. However, the mission has been plagued by delays, with the target having slipped from 2024 to 2025, and is now unlikely to happen before 2026 according to US space agency regulators.

Meanwhile, billionaire entrepreneurs Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are working to develop landers to take people to the lunar surface through their respective companies SpaceX and Blue Origin, as well as considering the feasibility of longer missions to Mars.

Other commercial firms are developing robotic craft to take cargo to the moon.

Matthews said that while SpaceX and Blue Origin work on solving the long haul transportation problem, he hopes his company Venturi Astrolab will ‘solve the local transportation problem’.

He started his career at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, working on the twin Spirit and Opportunity rovers that were launched to Mars in 2003, before moving to SpaceX.

Matthews formed his new company with his co-founders in January 2020.

It has already built a full-scale prototype of FLEX and recently completed a test drive in the California desert near Death Valley.

Retired NASA and Canadian Space Agency astronaut, engineer and author Chris Hadfield, who is on Astrolab’s board of advisers, took part in the five-day field test to give his feedback on the vehicle’s design and performance.

‘As we transition from the Apollo era, which was focused on pure exploration, to now, where people will be living for longer periods on the moon, the equipment needs to change,’ Hadfield said.

‘When we settle somewhere, we don’t just need to get people from one place to another, but we need to move hardware, cargo, life support equipment and more.

And it’s all dependent on mobility. It was not only a joy to drive FLEX but also see its size, capability and get an intuitive sense of what this rover can do.’

The aim is for FLEX to be able to carry as much cargo as possible, hence the modular design, and Matthews has likened his company’s vision of a standardised payload to how shipping containers on Earth are made to specific international standards.

‘We’ve designed a mobility platform that is payload agnostic so it can work within an ecosystem of transportation systems, vehicles and tools,’ he added.

‘FLEX achieves a wide range of utility by being able to collect, transport, and deposit any payload that conforms to what will be a standard and open interface.’

Astrolab said the final rover should weigh about 1,100 pounds (500 kilograms) and will be built specifically to handle the lunar terrain.

FLEX will also have insulation and ‘sufficient internal battery capacity’ to allow it to withstand the lunar night, a two-week period when the moon is plunged into darkness and temperatures can drop below -208° Fahrenheit (-130° Celsius).

The company said the rover will stay warm for between 100 and 300 hours of nighttime at the moon’s south pole, before using its external solar arrays to generate electricity once the sun rises again.

Last year NASA put out a call for companies to come up with designs for a ‘lunar terrain vehicle’ that could carry future Artemis astronauts across the Moon’s south pole, and Astrolab has had discussions with the US space agency.

See more here:

All images: Venturi Astrolab

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Comments (34)

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    Mark Tapley


    More MSM propaganda for the NASA money laundering program like the Apollo fake moon landings, shuttle psy op. ands Mars mission on Devon Island. Here is just a sample of where your tax money is NOT going but instead has been routed into insiders pockets. Kind of reminds me of the fake virus scam and the fake war in Ukraine:


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      Born Yesterday


      Mark what is your opinion about what is happening with the fake war in Ukraine? I am curious. I believe that something far different than the silly narrative coming from NATO countries is closer to the truth.
      Do you believe the entire event is fake and there are no Russian troops attacking any parts of Ukraine or something more along the lines of Russia is just playing their orchestrated role in transitioning the world to the great reset?


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Yesterday:
        The Ukrainian situation is an entirely contrived conflict. We know that many fake have been pulled just as was done in the Gulf War in which all the Zionist puppet actors including Bush, Cheney, Powell, and Rice all lied in public over 98 times. The Jew MSM played up the fake skud attacks and constantly reminded us of how the great Patriot missiles were knocking out Saddam’s missiles with great accuracy. It was later proven that not one skid was hit. There were no bio labs and no WMD’s. Only massive amounts of blood and treasure spent for Greater Israel and the Zionist Agenda of world hegemony.

        I am not saying that everything is faked. Since the Zionists have controlled this entire area since the Bolshevik (Zionist Jew) Revolution in 1917, they can easily coordinate the situation to pit the goyim against each other as was done in both world wars. Read “Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution” by Hoover Inst. (Stanford U) Anthony Sutton.

        Just as the fake virus was planned for decades and is a repackaging of the fake AIDS scam. AIDS is really a continuation of the germ theory fraud and blood toxin “vaccines” of 1918. My point is that the Rockefeller founded CDC and big Pharma eugenics section of the syndicate has been in operation for over a hundred years. The present situation in Ukraine is the same. In the 1950’s Khrushchev designated the Crimea which had been under Russian control for hundreds of years as part of the Ukraine. This was done to set the stage for the situation now.

        The Zionists cannot progress unless there is war, conflict and hatred. A society of contented people does nothing for the elite parasites. There must always be both an enternal and external enemy to keep the people in fear so that they will more easily forfeit their liberties and submit to more taxation and rules. The number one tool for the Zionists is war. This is done so the Zionists always control both sides and all phases of the staged struggle as in both world wars. This is called the Hegelian dialectic in which there is what is termed the thesis and the antithesis which results in the new synthesis. This will most likely be used by staging another world war with Zionist controlled China and Russia pitted against the Zionist controlled western powers. The result will be total martial law and total world government.


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    Joseph Olson


    “Perplexing Apollo Questions for NASA” with Dr James Fetzer. Lunar equator temperature ranges from 100°K (-280°F) at night to 400°K (260°F) during the 14 Earth time daylight. If you believe Apollo actors drove a rover on the Moon, you’re delusional


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Olson:
      Fetzer has done a good job on the Apollo fake but then even NASA has admitted indirectly that they faked it. We need full disclosure of all the false flags, not “Veteran’s Today” type obfuscation. We can get that from Alex. Show us the proof of those “unequivocal nukes” you and Fetzer claim dropped those towers in their own footprint. And also cut them in sections for easy and fast transport.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Joseph,
      The same conditions that occur on the moon occur in space around the Earth. Do you also believe that there are no astronauts doing space walks outside the space station, repairing the Hubble telescope , etc.? A vehicle with metal wheels could not be engineered to withstand these conditions?


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb:
        Look at the seven minute video I posted above. Are you going to tell us that this piece of NASA crap that looks like it was cobbled together by the neighborhood kids in the back yard, landed on the moon and then took off, orbited at 4000 mph and then redocked with the capsule? If you believe that then you will believe anything.

        As to the space station, if it is real why do they need to fake it. I have already posted proof of the fake shuttle crews:


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Mark,
          As I’ve stated before I have Skylab, a space shuttle, Telstar, sputnik, and other satellites in orbits passing overhead. Was in a field, not a theater with other people also seeing them. If it was a faked show it seems to be a lot of trouble for the small number of people with me.
          Have you seen pictures of the first airplane flown by the Wright brothers? How could that collection of wires, canvas, tubes with a puny engine ever fly? The same can be said for the lunar lander. You must realize it was designed for the conditions on the moon with no atmosphere or wind resistance and very little gravity so it need not have a structure that is necessary for Earth conditions.
          Your belief that the van Allen belts form an insurmountable obstical for men in space is untrue. The van Allen belts are made up of charges particle (one positive one negative) not radioactive particles. Unlike the alpha and beta particle being ejected from the nucleus of radioactive elements these charged particles do not have great velocity and momentum but are relatively stationary held in place by the magnetic and electric fields radiated by the Earth. It does not take a lot of shielding to protect from these light slow moving particles.
          Everything in our lives we now accept as commonplace were once considered to be impossible and fantasies not that long ago.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Herb:
      There comes a point in the reasoning process where we can stand back with a multitude of available evidence and make logical conclusions. When the Apollo hoax was first perpetrated I can understand how people were fooled. Now we have (and have had for decades) such a preponderance of proof that it was just another fake (among many) that there is no longer any excuse For any intelligent person to believe this utter nonsense. A few years ago NASA even posted a photo on Yahoo news showing an ass tronaut actor standing “on the moon” with a reflection of one of the stage hands standing nearby. There is a multitude of errors that can be pointed out with every facet of this phony operation. I never said they did not have stuff orbiting the earth. That is not the issue. From the two videos posted about the “space station” it is obvious these “official” NASA presentations were faked. If you believe them then you probably also believe Arabs with rug cutters drove airliners through the massive steel and concrete towers on 911 and that building 7 collapsed (15 minuets after MSM called it) from a waste basket fire.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Mark,
        We have discussed the reflected “stage hand” before. Since the reflection is on a convo visor, if the image looked like a stage hand the object did not look like a stage hand.
        You need to look st how those towers were made. They are not the typical skyscraper with a steel girder skeleton. The inner core structure was the skeleton. The exterior walls were affixed to the inner core by horizontal flooring panels. The outer wall were little more than stack panels forming a structure like a thin cardboard (not corrugated) box. The airplanes were easily able to pierce this structure into the building. With a full load of fuel the fire was more than a wastebasket fire. The fires were hot enough to remove the strength of the floor braces that were holding the external walls up. When the WW!! bomber crashed into the Empire State building its external girder structure maintained the external structure. With the Twin Towers there was no skeletal structure giving it vertical strength. The floor braces provided horizontal strength but no vertical strength. When the walls began to fall in they easily destroyed the floor braces as they fell on them causing the buildings to collapse on themselves. You may disbelieve it was not the result of religious fanatics with box cutters but since the passengers were able to call their loved ones and report what was happening I don’t think they were lying to them when they knew they were going to die. It is interesting that all the complicated scenarios concocted later did not come from people who were involved with the events.


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    Mark Tapley


    The trade centers had 210 steel beams around the periphery and a massive core in the middle. The floors were solid steel welded pans with millions of tons of concrete poured in them with rebar throughout. If you remember in the MSM cartoons these aluminum and composite planes that would have crumpled and fallen in the street, sliced through the buildings like a hot knife through butter. These are planes that the nose craters if a bird hits it and the only thing mounted on the wings is a plastic light as. They are light wt. fragile structures made for high altitude flight. The CGI animation even showed one plane’s nose going all the way through the building. There were no planes involved in the buildings, the Pentagon nor in Pennsylvania. The calls were all fake like the one where then idiot calls his mother and says “hello mom, this is you’re son ….”(I forgot idiots fake name). 14 mechanical dummies were thrown out of the buildings by the Israeli “art students.” Except for the massive shopping center in the basement area and train station that ran through it at ground level, the buildings were empty. That is why there was no office computers, desks, chairs, water coolers etc. All steel cut with thermite charges for quick disposal. There was a little collateral damage and some firefighters were reportedly killed when the charges were set off (basement areas have to be blown first in demolition) as they were in the shopping areas looting. If you check the Social Security Death list for that date you will find the normal avg. death rate for N.Y. not an extra 3000.

    I will not take space to go over the totally asinine Apollo fake (I have posted enough to show it and probably all of the NASA money laundering is as fake as covid 19. However lets look at your comment regarding the Wright Bros. Their flight at Kitty Hawk has been duplicated by many people in craft almost identical. The only difference are slight variations in the engine, but material, construction, all have been almost duplicated. Within less than 35 years after this first flight the DC 3, one of the best aircraft ever designed was in the air and incredibly, many of them are not only flying today but still in regular commercial use. In 35 years. In over fifty years we have had nothing but obfuscation, excuses (we’ve lost that technology!). and lies. They have even admitted that they cannot go through the Van Allen belt. They can’t even get people past low earth orbit. And personally I have my doubts about even getting back from LEO because we know the space station scenes are fake. We know the shuttle program was fake. Now this is a question I pose but it does not nullify my other points one way or the other. If they have space stations in orbit that means they are in the gravitational field of the earth, or else it would not remain in orbit but go out into space. How is it that personnel in these craft weighing many thousands of lbs. would experience no gravitational pull.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Mark,
      Both steel and concrete lose their strength in a fire. In Philadelphia there was a tire fire under an I95 overpass. The fire resulted in the steel and concrete road being rebuilt because it could no longer carry enough weight. Concrete is strong in compression but not expansion, requiring steel rebar to give it expansion strength. Heat destroys both these features driving the water out of the cement turning it back into lime and the crystal structure of the steel.
      The number of steel beams you quote is very small when you consider the size of the buildings and the requirement for the stairwells, elevators, and other necessary strong points (corners, entrance ways).
      All objects in a gravitational field experience the same gravitational acceleration, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of mass (exclude wind resistance). The people and objects in an orbiting shuttle, as well as the shuttle itself, are continually falling. The reason they stay in orbit is because their velocity and inertial mass (pushing them out into space) causes them to rise by the same distance they fall.
      They can go through the van Allen belts and do. The danger arises when large solar flares occur on the sun.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb:
        It is amazing to me that someone of your education and intelligence believes that aluminum and composite aircraft cut through these structures like a hot knife through butter. These buildings were designed to stand shear loads well in excess of the result of any plane impact. But if we assume that they did penetrate the steel and concrete with heavy rebar and welded construction, the idea of any fire damage is ludicrous. You may have noticed that when you set a pan on your kitchen stove (which is a much more concentrated and intense heat) even thin aluminum pans do not melt. Even on a gas stove that has the proper fuel mixture. The combustion of kerosene splashed out of a fuel tank in the alleged aircraft would be burned up instantly with no effect except perhaps burning some fabric material or smoking up a wall. I have often used oxygen-acetylene torches in fabrication. Properly regulated, they produce ap. 7000 deg. heat. Even with this much highly concentrated heat from a proper torch tip (per thickness of steel) it requires a lot of focused heat to cut thick steel. The solid several inch layer of concrete in the welded steel floor pans would naturally act as further insulation (but not be needed). This concrete ( to specifically engineered specifications) can only be removed with special abrasive saw equipment or of course with massive thermite explosions (hence the clouds of cement dust everywhere). That is why bomb shelters are made with reinforced concrete.

        I understand that the velocity of the alleged space station keeps it in orbit. To remain in orbit it must maintain this proper speed. It is still held in this orbit by the earths gravitational field. When they dive an aircraft they are accelerating past the gravity of the earth so in effect temporarily canceling it for the minute or so of the dive. This is not the case with an orbiting satellite. It would be subject to constant gravitational force all the time, as would any thing on board. If I jump up and down in my house and then go outside and jump up and down, there is no difference.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Mark,
          Aluminum pans are an aluminum alloy designed to withstand heat. Put a piece of aluminum foil on the stove and see what happens.
          In airplanes the aluminum skin is a replacement for the painted cloth originally used for the skin. It is stronger, more rigid and lighter. It is not designed for strength but for air flow. It is internal structures that give the wings enough strength to carry the weight of the plane, its cargo, and fuel. They are strong enough to withstand this load and are able to withstand hurricane force winds. They are not fragile.
          The sides of the towers were designed for vertical strength not horizontal.impact. It was the horizontal flooring that provided strength against horizontal wind force. An airplane could (and did) penetrate this external skin, just like the cloth covered , lighter, slower B-25 bomber penetrated the side of the Empire State building. The steel and concrete were not in the external skin of the building. If you recall the towers were condemned and were going to have to be manually demolished because the fasteners holding the panels on the building were deteriorating and could not be fixed.
          The tons of fuel on an aircraft can easily produce a hot enough fire to cause aluminum to burn, destroy the strength of concrete and severely weaken steel. The steel girders used today are not the masses girders of old with half inch thick steel but use shape to provide strength for directional forces. A 2 inch steel tube will have the same vertical strength as a 2 inch solid steel rod. It will not have the same horizontal (bending) bending strength. When debris landed on the floors it was a force in a direction they were not designed to withstand and they failed bringing the external walls down with them. The heat was not cutting the steel like a torch but softening it making in malleable. This is why blacksmiths need to heat steel to a high enough temperature so that they can form it into the right shape. They then hammer it to compress the steel and give it strength. When they are hardening steel they rapidly cool it (quench) to fix the crystal structure. If this fails and they have to reheat the steel there is a good chance that the internal structure will be compromised and it will fail.
          The people in a car are sitting stationary in the car but are moving at the same speed as the car. If the car suddenly stops and they are not buckled they will continue moving at the same speed and go through the windshield. The people in a space shuttle are the same as the people in a car they are moving in concert with the vehicle.


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        Born Yesterday


        Herb you just parrot all the official nonsense of NIST, NASA, and “official” USA government stories. Why exactly is it that you steadfastly believe in the official narrative? Is it because you believe that they would not lie? Why would they lie?
        I would imagine that you are OK with the official stories on JFK, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, Sandy Hook, Aurora Bat Man shooting, Vietnam, WW1, WW2, the Patriot Act, NDAA, Boston Marathon “bombing”, the Federal Reserve, the Covid hoax, Global Warming, etc.
        To many, all of the above are complete and total lies and manipulations created by the unseen powers that be. To many, just about everything seen, reported on and broadcast are simply lies.
        Take for example the situation in Ukraine. One could believe that Russia is at fault for invading the Ukraine. Or that Russia is justified in invading Ukraine, or that Russia is merely a puppet in the Cabals pocket playing their role in the great reset or even that the entire thing is fake and nothing is actually even happening in the Ukraine. How do any of us know? Answer: We don’t.
        The same can be said as to your “knowledge” of 9/11 and space travel.
        You know nothing. You just decide what you choose to believe. It appears that you believe in exactly what the system dictates that you will believe.
        Might be a good time to go back to the drawing board on EVERYTHING.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Born,
          You don’t believe anything that is accepted by most not because you have any evidence but because you think everything accepted is a lie. I was in Vietnam so why don’t you tell me what it was like. I have uncles who served during WWII on Iwo Jima, Italy campaign, France. I don’t they would accept your interpretation of events. You are ignorant but that doesn’t stop you from broadcasting your stupidity. Your position is not accepted because it is based on speculation and conjecture not reality. Why don’t you ask someone that experienced the occurrences instead of the sideline sideline experts or try to start learning how to think. Have you spoken to anybody who immigrated from the Ukraine? I have. Why would the government be giving weapons to all the male citizens if those people hate the government? Have you ever investigated anything for yourself? Go ask a Romain who lived in the country and find out what it was like when they were under Russian control. I have. Ask Latvians, Estonians, Poles, Bulgarians, Lithuanians what it was like. You believe those who agree with you. You also are an idiot but don’t be insulted, for you and your cohorts it is a compliment.


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi PSI Readers and Herb.

          I should thank Born, Mark, etc. for I have now learned more (all of it positive) about Herb during the past couple of days than during Herb and my disagreements, about our differing understandings of physical science, of several years. Which about this differing these opinions is A-okay because I accept that accepted science is uncertain science; never the TRUTH. For I accept (cannot speak for Herb) that wrong scientific ideas, can, by simple reproducible observations, be proven to be ABSOLUTELY WRONG. So there never can be any SETTLED SCIENCE.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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      Herb Rose


      You will not convince me of anything because you are an idiot whose beliefs are based on a book thousands of years old and that faith causes you to deny all evidence (You can see the curvature of the Earth when flying and different stars in the two hemispheres) and reason.


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        Wow how quickly the close minded become rude and defensive. Come on Herb no need for calling someone an idiot that does not share your created and fake world view. Stop being lazy and ignorant. For once.


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    InfidelWorshippingDog Droppings


    ” The Moon and Sun whatever they are”. Jeeze!!!


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      You only think you know what the Sun and Moon are. And those thoughts are 100% provided to you by a system that threw you and everyone else overboard 100s of years ago.


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        If you can not explain the sun and the moon then do not comment.

        They are not glow worms in the roof of the cave.


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          Whatever. At least I don’t claim to know exactly what they are. Never said they are glow worms. Never said anything about a cave.
          To believe that the Sun is a nuclear furnace 93 million miles away somehow providing energy and warmth at that distance for billions of years is pretty silly when you actually think about it. To believe that the Moon is a globular ball of rock 230,000 miles away and orbiting the earth but just always showing one side to the earth and is a rock that can be landed on is also pretty silly as well.
          Thinking. For yourself. Critically. It’s a thing. Maybe you have heard about it?
          Give it a shot. It’s OK.


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            Herb Rose


            You confuse being delusional with thinking. I shouldn’t have called you an idiot. It insulted all the other idiots out there.

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            Nice one Herb. The idea that you believe in the Moon landings and the official narrative of 9/11 tells me all I need to know. You are in abundant company because most folks “think” just like you do. If it’s on the TV or in the paper and endorsed by your trusted talking heads you believe. Done. And again with the insults or labels. I guess your frustration has to be channeled somehow. Hard to look in the mirror and accept that you are merely the product of a system that you will likely never have the interest or courage to face. You’ve been played Herb. You are programmed and indoctrinated to believe the official narrative and that is good enough for your very limited world view. Guess it’s time for a bag of Cheetohs and a Coke. Gotta be the worthless eater you’ve been trained to be Herb.

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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Herb:
    Take a pan of kerosine, throw a match in it and you will see it all burn up in a flash generating very little heat. There are many examples of how fragile airliners are. Nose cones and tail sections have come off just from running off the runway. Birds have even knocked holes in the nose. The B25 was not fabric but much heavier version of the modern composite planes in question. Thin mild steel pans put on the stove also don’t melt. The towers were condemned due the asbestos not mechanical integrity. The Tower complex was owned by Zionist Silverstein (buddy of Israeli thug Netanyahu). He collected billions in profits on insurance. Ten million dollars in put options were purchase a few days before collapse by insiders. I guess all of that was just another coincidence. None of the airliner nonsense explains building 7 that CNN announced as collapsed 15 min, ahead of time. Why did it collapse from what appeared just like the others, controlled demolition.

    Obviously whatever is in a satellite or alleged space station will travel at the same speed. My contention is that since the vehicle is in orbit and therefore constantly subject to the earth’s gravitational effect, then whatever is in the vehicle will also been under the same gravitational forces. The ass-tronuts would not be floating around as is simulated in the fake NASA CGI videos or in the case of the diving container plane that has also been used in the space station hoax.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Mark,
      Since I heat my house with fuel oil/diesel fuel/kerosene/jet fuel I can assure you it does give off heat. Your contention that when a plane loaded with fuel crashes it does not burn is ludicrous.
      Your belief that everything that has occurred from the beginning or recorded history is a Zionist plot makes it impossible for you to judge evidence objectively. There are several videos showing the plan penetration the building leaving behind a hole with the shape of the plane, yet you deny it could happen. Look at the videos. The buildings are on fire, people are jumping out to avoid the fire and the buildings do collapse. (I have been to NYC and they aren’t there.) Are all the witnesses part of the Zionist conspiracy and lying? Were the crashing of planes into the Pentagon and in the Pennsylvania field just attempts to hide the real purpose? When bin Ladin did his interview acknowledging he was behind it and was surprised by the collapse was he a Zionist plotter? Your myopic view of everything makes you look like a fool, even though it is obvious you are quite smart.
      The only reason people and objects are floating around in the shuttle is because the only thing that would keep them attached to the shuttle is the gravitational attraction between their mass and the mass of the shuttle. The difference between the distance between the passenger in the shuttle and the Earth to the distance between the shuttle and the Earth is so minuscule that it makes no difference…
      Race cars are designed to minimize weight so the energy from the engine can produce faster speed. They are also have an aerodynamic design that causes the wind to push them down. This is to maintain traction between the drive wheels and the track and to keep the front steering wheels in contact to maintain control. Without this downward force if the car were to hit a bump or other object it would become airborne even though its mass and gravity have not changed.
      The collapse of the buildings looked just like a controlled demolition because in a controlled demolition when they want the building to implode and remain in its own footprint they destroy internal supports, just as the planes destroyed the horizontal floor supports, and make the walls collapse inward instead of outward to a desired location.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi PSI Readers and Herb,

        Readers of what Herb sometimes writes with which I strongly disagree; isn’t it amazing how now we (herb and I) agree with each other about what Mark has written??? Good work, Herb!!!

        Have a good day. Jerry


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Mark,
        Heat a pail of kerosene then throw a lit match in it to see what happens to fuel oil when heated.
        Puts and calls are traded constantly. They can be straddles betting in no change of stock price, they can be a stop loss strategy. When someone bets that a stock price will drop there is someone else betting that the price will increase. Someone will win, someone will lose and to claim it as proof of prior knowledge is absurd. Insurance companies routinely buy re-insurance to limit their exposer. Was it an insurance company that the puts were placed on or the re-insurance companies and how did they know which judge would have his turn when the case came up witch declared the non-existing occurrence as two separate attacks, not one and double the award to 2 billion?
        I don’t know why bldg 7 collapsed like it did or why the media had the wrong time but do not consider them proof of a conspiracy.
        Drones were not in use to deliver explosives in 2011 and again the damage was done horizontal not by explosion.
        The field in Pennsylvania is farm land there was no “hole” and it was not the target of the plane. It was flown into the ground when the passengers tried to retake it.
        Not far from where I live in Bucks county there is a cemetary and memorial for those who worked in the twin towers. I assume someone is paying actors to pretend to be wives, children, friend, and relatives to come to this place and pretend to morn the non-existent victims. Did they calculate this expense in their planning?
        When the attack occurred everyone stopped doing things. The umber of deaths listed on that day should have decreased. Tell me do people traveling for work plan to arrive before the work day begins or after it is half over? Airplanes are not used for commuting during rush hour.
        Some of those fake television footage from the astronauts showing weightlessness last for half hour. How do you keep a plane in a dive for that long?
        You seem to be unable to comprehend that the people are falling and rising at the same time giving the appearance of weightlessness. If you calculate the weight (g times mass) for someone in orbit it is not that much different than their weight on top of a mountain. The working of gravity (acceleration towards the center of the Earth) escapes you.


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          Gravity is just a theory. Never proven to exist. It was created to convince simpletons like ole Herb that they live on a ball. An object that is heavier than the surrounding medium fluid will displace that fluid and settle downward. All that is needed to explain that observable, provable and repeatable process are density and buoyancy. Air and water are both fluids. One can observe how a balloon filled with helium rises or how that same balloon when some of the helium escapes sinks back to the earth. Same for a cork. It floats because it is less dense than the water, And a rock sinks because it is more dense than the water.
          Anyone can observe that there is clearly an up and a down.
          The whole concept of a spinning globe is nonsense. It is a package of lies that requires one to believe in the theory of gravity to substantiate it’s existence. The center of the ball earth. Absolute bullocks. Same for stars and space, planets, black holes, galaxies, satellites, space, space travel, etc.
          A massive amount of nonsense to “prove” that space is real and the earth is a spinning globe. Most kids when “taught” the lies of the solar system and a globe earth struggle with the concept. But they are “taught” this garbage in 2nd or 3rd grade. Too young to fully call BS on the whole scam. Then they turn out unable to think for themselves like my buddy Herb and just puke out the same ridiculous tripe that was crammed into their skulls by the lying curriculum and media.
          Herb a whole lot escapes you. Instead of actually looking into what I or other commenters like Mark offer, you just default back to your programming and barf out more stupid shit.
          It’s pathetic to behold. In fact it’s almost suspect. As if you are a troll or paid shill. Either that or just too far gone with the indoctrination. Don’t know and really don’t care.


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi Herb,

          Now, that you mention kerosene I can write to you about my experiences with kerosene as a fuel. Until I was about 6 our home was lighted by kerosene lamps and durning the summer my mother cooked on a two-burner kerosene stove so that the big cast iron cook stove would not further heat the already too hot kitchen.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Mr. Crabs:
      It is amazing is it not, that the parasitic Zionist elite who are now perpetrating the global fake virus, fake tests and blood toxin Eugenics injections using their in house big Pharma medial racket, remain sacrosanct from criticism as to their real origins. We are all just anti semitic bigots. As the western economies are bled dry by permanent spending for the contrived “War On Terror” and Greater Israel, the once unassailable middle class is eviscerated and their communities flooded with immigrants as the Warburgs Kelergi Plan demands. We are labeled as oppressors immersed in white privilege while our taxes fund the Zionist Yinnon Plan and pay for the worlds most expensive per capita public schools that are always on the bottom. What can be expected when the all Jew Frankfurt School curriculum has controlled education since way before Zionist Bush and his “no child’s behind left.” Now what used to be the most literate population in the world, in many areas ap. 50% of high school graduates are functionally illiterate. The new gender neutral programs such as “drag queen story time” and CRT will address these critical issues.

      As you indicated, just a quick survey of the banking cartel and its origins and destructive progress shows who runs it. And the wealth transfers since 911 have accelerated immensely. The bailout for billionaires program engineered by (((Blanfein)) and (((Geithner))) in 08 were just a warm up for the trillions of “stimulus” for cartel insiders at Black Rock – Vanguard (Rothschild) co.’s under cover of the fake virus and fake riots. We are just supposed to follow the Jew MSM just like our fake politicians follow aIPAC and the ADL (B’nai B’rith). Once the countries are thoroughly plunderd and the livestock demoralized and destabilized, they will be driven right on into the Zionist (theres that word again) operative Marx (Moses Mordecai Levy) long planned totalitarian system now referred to by the puppet actors as Agenda 2030-21.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi mark,
        You are aware, I presume, that in the early christian church and muslim faith it was forbidden to charge interest on loans.


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    Funny how lots of people can call nonsense on the Moon landings, space shuttle, Mars Landers, satellites, space travel, space stations, etc. But just cannot leave their comfort zone and dare to consider that the earth just might be of a different design than what they were told. That space might all be a ruse.
    Seems these folks have somehow been able to waken to the hoaxes and frauds of space travel, Global warming, the Plandemic, central banking, lying news media, lying science and lying governments.
    Perhaps these concepts over time gained acceptance when the individual was ready to face certain lies that they felt comfortable facing.
    I would guess that believing that the earth is flat and space does not exist as we are told goes too far out of most peoples comfort zone.
    Just remember that even the idea of a faked moon landing, faked 9/11 or faked pandemic at one point would have been out of the comfort zone for most people too.


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