ADULT stem cell treatments & Espionage

What is the Language of Stem Cells? - Stem Cell Centers ...
An interesting medical development is ADULT stem cell treatments where the cells are cultured from your own cells , either skin or bone marrow.

An acquaintance related how her aunt was a candidate for a hip replacement but she opted for such stem cell therapy and it worked marvelously. Obviously, it depends upon the specifics of the patient, but adult stem cell treatment for things like a torn rotator cuff or ligament damage seems to be a good application.

The debate over embryonic stem cells vs. converting adult stem cells from your own body was quite intense and, like the pseudo-science of man-made climate change , the proponents for adult stem cell treatment were met with open hostility. Of course, harvesting embryonic stem cells was not a small part of Planned Parenthood’s activities.
OCR 21st Century Science Unit B4a Revision - ppt download
Dr. David Prentice “became quite prominent in the debate — for which he was punished by his university’s administration. For example, despite receiving teaching awards, he was moved from graduate classes and his lab privileges were curtailed.”
Another indicator of scientific malfeasance is the case of Duke University’s faked data on work for the National Institute of Health (NIH). Duke will have to pay back $112 million in NIH grant funding.
Now NIH federal grants are subject to oversight by the Office for Research Integrity (ORI) so there’s more reporting costs to ferret out immoral pseudo-scientists.
It seems a disturbing practice in the U.S. is the presence of “non-teaching researchers” who only survive on grant funding. The university takes a cut so these charlatans are little profit centers if they can con a government agency into funding them. It can’t be that hard to con a government employee whose job it is to hand out your money to flim-flam artists.
We all know the big con job on man-made climate change.
From what I’ve studied, legitimate scientific rigor seems to be practiced only in Russia and the Ukraine. There, the norm for academia is that it is just expected for a teaching professor to conduct independent research and he is given the time to do so. “Peer Review” (aka the Buddy System) is not worshipped as it is here. Show me the data.
Another interesting development in the Ukraine is that they are making efforts at teaching school children to detect fake news and propaganda. What a novel idea. Teaching kids to have critical thinking skills.
Of course, the Chinese are all directed by political interests and their “research” is thinly veiled industrial espionage.

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    jerry krause


    Hi Richard,

    Interesting article. What you did not tell us what the stem cells did relative to the need of hip replacement. I am familiar with the issue of bone on bone which seems to be a common cause which leads to hip replacement. So did the stem cells cause the ‘cartilage’ (maybe not right term) to regrow on the surfaces of the joint bones so there was not longer bone on bone?

    When a finger nail was totally torn from my finger, I was amazed to learn that a nail would (might) grow back from the ‘fleshy’ tissue at the base of the previous finger nail. And it did. Of course, I never thought to observe (actually notice) that a fingernail continuously grows from its base.

    So, might those of us who do not seem to have to have this hip bone on hip bone problem naturally have the protective cartilage continuously growing like our fingernails?

    The reason I ask is for more than 25 years I have run (not jogged) 30 minutes or so, on an average of three, or four, times a week at a constant pace which produces the greatest distance in the least amount of time. And yes, after 65, or so, my ‘speed’ has dramatically decreased but there has been no bone on bone joint problem.

    Of course, we also know broken bones grow back together. So, why should we be surprised that the body is capable of healing itself with a little bit of assistance?

    Have a good day, Jerry . .

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