About Those About Strange, Massive Blobs Inside Planet Earth

thea earth impact

A new video explores the strange phenomenon of LLSVPs, the strange blobs inside our planet. LLSVPs, or Large Low-Shear-Velocity Provinces, are massive structures of the lowermost mantle.

Within the mantle, there are two massive blob-like structures, roughly on opposite sides of the planet. The blobs, referred to as Large Low-Shear-Velocity Provinces (LLSVPs), are each the size of a continent and 100 times taller than Mt. Everest. One is under the African continent, while the other is under the Pacific Ocean. (See the video after the jump)

Arizona State University scientists set out to learn more about these two blobs using geodynamic modeling and analyses of published seismic studies.

Through their research, they were able to determine the maximum heights that the blobs reach and how the volume and density of the blobs, as well as the surrounding viscosity in the mantle, might control their height. Their research was recently published in Nature Geoscience.

The results of their seismic analysis led to a surprising discovery that the blob under the African continent is about 621 miles (1,000 km) higher than the blob under the Pacific Ocean.

According to Yuan and Li, the best explanation for the vast height difference between the two is that the blob under the African continent is less dense (and therefore less stable) than the one under the Pacific Ocean.

They exhaustively tested the effects of key factors that may affect the height of the blobs, including the volume of the blobs and the contrasts of density and viscosity of the blobs compared with their surroundings. 

They found that to explain the large differences of height between the two blobs, the one under the African continent must be of a lower density than that of the blob under the Pacific Ocean, indicating that the two may have different compositions and evolution.

“Our calculations found that the initial volume of the blobs does not affect their height,” lead author Yuan said. “The height of the blobs is mostly controlled by how dense they are and the viscosity of the surrounding mantle.”

“The Africa LLSVP may have been rising in recent geological time,” coauthor Li added. “This may explain the elevating surface topography and intense volcanism in eastern Africa.”

The other theory is that a Mars-sized planet known as Thea collided with Earth 4.5 million years ago, creating the modern Earth and our moon.

It’s believed that leftovers from Thea might have sunk to the bottom of the planet, staying somewhere above the core, forming at least one of these LLSVPs under the Pacific ocean.

These findings may change the way scientists think about deep-mantle processes and how they can affect the surface of the Earth.

The unstable nature of the blob under the African continent, for example, may be related to continental changes in topography, gravity, surface volcanism, and plate tectonics, and formed after the supercontinent Thea caused massive subduction of the oceanic plates.





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Comments (7)

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    Mark Tapley


    You don’t think theres some brainwashed cucks running around, just watch this. I think there is a big nut house In Denton. Here’s a new membership candidate.


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    Charles Higley


    This makes no sense, as a collision just 4.5 million years ago would have drastically altered the planet and the 250 million year old patterns of the spreading sea floors. These sea floors obviate the entire suggestion above, particularly considering the size of the purported collision.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Higley:
      Scientists are always using the collision myth to explain away things they have no explanation for. Not only this anomaly but the dinosaur extinction, drastic changes in the earth’s climate, and glaciers, among others. With this current hypothesis they still fail to account for the fact that if the earth were 45 million years old (much less 4.5 billion as claimed) the much more intense sun would have burned it up at the beginning. The second problem is that there is very little sediment in the oceans. Not near enough for a planet to have weathered for 4.5 billion or even 45 million years. In fact at the farthest reaches away from the continents there is almost no sediment, indicating Earth’s age to be only a few thousand years old, as would also be indicated by the predicted life span of the comets that are in orbit and only have a projected life of ap. ten thousand years. At their current rate of dispersion that would also account for a young earth which would have been created at the same time. Unless we were to believe in the hypothetical and mythical Ort Cloud. Kind of like the fake virus.


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        Phil Inman


        Mr. Tapley, You stole some of my thunder. I been curious if these 2 blobs did, in fact, exist. I saw a creationist theory that proposed that the blobs resulted from I think it was the crust where the oceans are. I’ma guess you’ve run across that. I’m sure the less of this talk is posted, the better for the PSI people. Who I appreciate except they got the age of the earth off by billions of years. Ha.


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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Phil:
          The evolutionists come up with all kinds of nutty theories in order to maintain the presentation of “science.” Similar to the way the allopathic medicine establishment use lots fake pathogenic history and phony virology to preserve the sacred myth of the fake virus. They have been caught in many fakes along the way including Lucy, the Pilt Down man, Java man, Nebraska man (hog tooth), the Coelacanth and the peppered moth hoax among others.

          The idea of survival of the fittest (and most of the other things attributed to him) originated not with British aristocrat Darwin but with the explorer and superstitious Wallace that lived for years with the natives of Borneo. He was not a suitable figure to promote the theory. Darwin stated that his theory depended on every animal showing signs of step by step evolution and that there would many examples of a change in kind. There are instead multiple organisms that are irreducibly complex (could not have evolved in incremental steps and there is no change in kind. Evolution really originated with the ancient Hinus who believed that if you were a good donkey you might be reincarnated as a baboon. Modern evolution makes about as much sense with one additional requirement; “just give me enough time.”


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    Doug Harrison


    I think he actually said 4.5 billion years ago.


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