A Test to Stop Fentanyl Deaths

What if a fast, simple, sensitive, and inexpensive test for fentanyl contamination was widely available?

For Americans age 18-45, the leading cause of death is fentanyl overdose.

This addictive drug is responsible for nearly 70 percent of the United States’ 107,000+ drug overdose deaths in the past year. Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine.

Over 400 US deaths per day on average due to Fentanyl. Probably many more than that, because there are rarely autopsies of homeless people that die of drug overdoses.

A rate of deaths per day that equals the peak of the claimed deaths from COVID during the worst days of that outbreak.

Little or nothing that government or law enforcement has been able to do seems to make a dent in the problem. Fentanyl is cheap to manufacture, and it is flooding the United States. Coming across the southern border. Being imported in small packages shipped from China.

The vast majority of those Fentanyl deaths are poisonings, not deaths due to intentional Fentanyl use. Virtually all street drugs (tablets, powders) are either cut with Fentanyl or are Fentanyl being sold as something else such as methamphetamine (meth).

Marijuana is often adulterated with fentanyl. “Gummies” can contain fentanyl. Fentanyl is ubiquitous in street drugs. But possessing 1 gram or less of Fentanyl or a Fentanyl compound is only a Level 1 drug misdemeanor in the State of Colorado.

Two milligrams of fentanyl can be lethal to an adult. That is enough Fentanyl to kill 500 people. A mere misdemeanor.

Fentanyl is incredibly potent, and incredibly toxic. The amount of fentanyl needed to cover the date on a penny is enough to kill an adult.

The other day, I was contacted by Mr. J.C. Sheppard, a young American entrepreneur, who has taken some of the capital he had accumulated while developing new information technology companies, and used that to create a new company designed to address the Fentanyl crisis.

He told me the story of what he had developed, and I was amazed. No federal funding or subsidies. No big Pharmaceutical or diagnostic company. Just a committed private party deciding to do what he could to solve a big problem.

While working on a healthcare Information technology project, J.C. had been thunderstruck by seeing health care data listing the damage being done by Fentanyl poisonings on a national basis, and decided to do something about it.

He had a simple idea. What if there were a highly sensitive, simple to use test for Fentanyl? What if this could be made widely available at low cost?

And so he set about to make it so. And he succeeded.

The idea was based on the observation that almost all Fentanyl deaths are accidental poisonings. Not intentional use of Fentanyl as a recreational drug. People buying what they thought was one thing, and getting something that was laced with Fentanyl or only contained Fentanyl.

He set aside issues of shaming and judgement, and just focused on the problem. What if those people could test their street drugs for Fentanyl contamination before use? What if they were able to know beforehand that they had unwittingly purchased something that could kill them and their friends?

So he created The Fentanyl Test. It is not a Tesla. It is not a reusable SpaceX rocket booster. He did not create an artificial intelligence platform. He just created a simple, amazingly sensitive dipcard test.

American ingenuity at its best, prompted by a desire to solve a common problem afflicting the people and families around him with a simple and inexpensive solution.

A test sort of like the SARS-CoV-2 protein tests that the US Government shipped to so many of us during COVID. Like the pregnancy dipstick test that so many are familiar with. That simple. Sensitive to as little as one nanogram of Fentanyl.

Remember that I told you that 2 milligrams of Fentanyl is enough to kill you? There are 1,000,000 nanograms in a milligram. A test so sensitive it can reliably detect one nanogram of Fentanyl.

That is some test.

The Fentanyl Test is the world’s first FDA-cleared urine dip-card test that is CLIA-waived for at-home over the counter, clinical and institutional use.

Follow this link to learn more details about the test.

J.C. knew about me, and about the social media and substack reach that I have developed over the last four years. Knew that I was a licensed physician who trained in and taught pathology to medical students for many years.

Knew that people had come to trust me because of the honesty and transparency I had brought to the COVID debate debacle. So he asked for my help to make people more aware of the test that he had developed, and to help him distribute the test all across America.

As most of those that read this substack or listen to my various broadcasts know, I do not grift, and from time to time have called out others for doing so. I do not sell medicines, nutraceuticals or supplements.

But after listening to J.C., and looking into what he had created with The Fentanyl Test, I decided that this was something that I could endorse, and that I would do what I could to help him sell as many of these test kits as possible.

Because I think that this is something that can save a lot of lives.

I hope that you will share my enthusiasm, and will share this post with other people in your life that might benefit from knowing about this, and from having access to this test.

See more here malone.news

Header image: The Guardian

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